Checkpoints Class News
Littleton, CO 80127
Home: (303) 979-2228
It is fairly evident that, as I mentioned last issue, the time has come for the baton to pass to my hand to write this column. When I talked to Dale the other day about the change, I am not sure, but I think I did detect a note of glee in his voice. Of course there are two sides to every story; so, if the editor of Checkpoints can be believed, the reason I have gained this responsibility reflects directly on my last effort--something about needing a lot more practice. Anyway, it is mandatory that each designated scribe begin his tour with the standard plea for information from you. I know you have heard all the words and probably all of the excuses; so, I'll try something a little different. If I am to win the Pulitzer Prize for "Most Informative Column," I will need your help. In return, I am willing to share the prize money equally with all contributors.
Since for this issue you have left me to my own devices to fill this space with meaty, thought-provoking tidbits of trivial bull, let me explore the world of hearsay and rumor. Thumbing through such scholarly works as the Air Force Times, The Police Gazette, The Daedalian Flyer, etc., I have determined that Ken ALNWICK has chosen to pursue his fortunes elsewhere and left the faculty of the National Defense University and the Air Force as of 1 November. Ken can now be found in Vienna, VA toiling for a services company named East Inc. Likewise, Ron DEEP departed the Long Blue Line from Wright-Patterson AFB and director of the Air Force Research Business Center for his second career as a mainstay in a hi-tech outfit called The Analytic Science Corporation (TSAC) which is closer to home than his previous job. Bill TAYLOR has relocated to the Dayton area, where he has taken on the task of interim head of the Math Department at AFIT. I hope I translated that right from Ron. From a recent conversation I had with Tom BURKE, compliments of Ma Bell, I learned that Ralph LALIME swapped his brass for serge and remains in the D.C. area trying very hard to be productive for his new boss, Doug REKENTHALER, who hired him at RTA (Rekenthaler Technical Associates). Some guys will do anything for a tax break. Supposedly, D.D. STEVENS moved from Alabama to Georgia, but, to date, I don't know why. Hey Double D, does the name Chuck Korus mean anything to you?
On 6 March, at a concert of the combined USAFA, USMA, and USNA Glee Clubs here in Denver, Joan and I bumped into Dave REED during intermission. Talk about your basic overachiever, as a practicing anesthesiologist here in Denver, with a yacht cached in the South Pacific, Dave is now talking about attending law school and wedging into anesthesiological law. Is that specialization or what?
I plan to augment the usual "Who is where and why" format somewhat by asking you to tell me a little about yourselves. What I have in mind is to periodically send out a short letter and questionnaire to a few of you asking for a sketch of your life, family, successes, etc. Using the responses, each quarter, one or two biographies would be added to this column to let the rest of us share a small piece of your last 25 years.
There is another thought I would like to pass on to you and hopefully get a reaction about the concept. Many of the incidents/antecdotes that occurred in the first few years of USAFA existence are fading away. Such things as the selection of the mascot, in my opinion, deserve to be recorded. They will not be unless we do something about it. I am sure each one of us in the first several classes has a recollection of something which fits the bill. I am prepared to undertake an effort to ensure early trivia, or whatever, is recorded; so, if you would like to contact me with your thoughts, I will follow up with an attempt to research and record the real story, which should probably reside somewhere at the Academy. I mentioned this thought to Joe DeSANTIS ('59) who agrees.
Joe called me the other night with updated information on the Joint Reunion Cruise plans. When I told him I didn't care, he hung up, spent two days getting his act together, then called back. More details can be found in a separate article in this issue, but essentially these are the facts: The M/S Noordam, a 1,200-passenger ship operated by the Holland/American Lines, will depart Ft. Lauderdale, FL on 23 April 1988 for a seven-day cruise of the Eastern Caribbean, with stops at San Juan, St. Thomas, and Nassau. The first stop at San Juan will follow the first two days at sea. For planning purposes, accommodations will be: inside cabin $1,109/person, outside cabin $1,193/person, and suite $1,510/person. Round-trip air fare to and from Ft. Lauderdale from anywhere in the continental U.S. is included. Joe cautions that if you are west of the Mississippi, you may have to fly the day before; so, add approximately $75 for a room on the eve of departure. That is more or less the story, but as more info becomes available we will get it out.
Several of you remember Jim Conboy as the gentleman who soothed the bruises and pains produced by our athletic efforts. Well, a tribute is being planned on 16-17 Oct. 1988 for this fine gentleman. There will be a golf tournament Friday and the USAFA vs Notre Dame football game on Saturday followed by a banquet. Space will be limited. If you are interested in attending, send $10 per person to: Capt Mason Goodhand, USFA/AHPAR, USAFA CO 80840.
You know, there is an alternative to reading all these fabrications. If you guys will touch base with me every once in a while, I will assure you that I will embellish each story to make it overshadow the latest Rambo. Otherwise the fabrications will continue and be structured so that you may have difficulty explaining them to those who care: wives, bosses, contemporaries. Would you believe: Jim ALEXANDER with a war wound, Daddy Warbucks PUPICH on skis, Chuck Norris look-alike--Clem DOUGLASS, Russ MACDONALD commanding an ROTC Angel Flight, or Walt SWEENEY portraying Elmer Gantry? Hell, and I've just begun to lie; so, get in touch and preserve your reputation.