Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
'Tis the season to be jolly! Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. The time flies when you are busy and reaching middle age, ahem. Good people, I am short on material and can't seem to even pry out things.
Did receive a letter and magazine from Tom SCHLECHTE's mother touting Tom's two-year project of converting a Piper Tri-Pacer to better-than-new condition. Seems Tom had a heart attack a few years ago and spent time reading back issues of Short Wing Piper Club News where he learned about converting the Tri-Pacer. It was also the first big plane he had flown: a four-place airplane. He had begun in a J-3 Cub and furthered his flying experience in a PA-12. However, the Tri-Pacer became his favorite, and so the sentimental attachment and the restoration project. He started with a wreck consisting of a fuselage and attached landing gear plus one wing. With a friend, Cal Hanks, a retired A&P, Tom was able to find enough pieces of airplanes and with FAA approval the two of them began to create what they thought to be the best equipped Tri-Pacer still flying. The story appeared in the Nov '90 issue of U.S. Aviation. The cover is of the aircraft, and under the wing the words: "Is this the World's Greatest Tri-Pacer?" Happy Landings Tom!
Tony and Karen BURSHNICK were here in June for son Joe's graduation and are enjoying retirement (or unemployment as Twan put it). After a successful launching of Joe's career they returned to the Scott AFB environs to participate in the wedding of their daughter Kris. After the wedding they made their way to Destin, FL where they spent the summer melting in the sun. As I write, Tony and Karen are busy remodeling their home in Springfield, VA, and you guys back there need to find Tony a job so he can pay for Karen's efforts to provide for him in the manner he has grown accustomed. Tom and Mary Ellen BURKE have been taking care of the Burshnicks while the contractors are tearing up the yard, basement, kitchen and putting in new carpet. Tom, I appreciate the note and the promise to provide fodder for future Checkpoints. Tom has been with Defense System Analysis since its inception. I understand you and Mary Ellen are nearing the empty nest syndrome with most of the girls gone. Only two to go! And son John, a high school sophmore, is reported to be taking after his dad. A golfer and soccer player, however ... John is good!
Burke also passed on that he ran into Gary SHEETS in Houston, TX while on a business trip to Johnson Space Center. Gary and son have started an import business, Calladium Corporation, which features top-of-the-line writing instruments at a price you can't refuse. What's a Calladium, Gary?
Got a letter from George and Becke FRIES. George is slaving away on the Island of Oahu. George retired out of Korea in July of '88. He said he worked for Contel Federal Systems in Honolulu until June of '89 and took a cut in pay to learn the landscaping, landscaping maintenance, and irrigation business. He writes, "Have learned an awful lot about people in this multi-ethnic environment we live in on these islands ... (Those of us who spent time in Hawaii know what you mean Bro.) I really feel I'm in better shape now, thanks to working outside than I was when pushing a pencil in an office. Even my calluses have calluses." George, that's called earning an honest living. The four of them, George, Becke and two daughters, four and seven, returned to the mainland for #1 son's wedding in Arkansas and a visit with oldest daughter and first grandson.
Doug and Leanne MILLER are taking advantage of Doug's second retirement. They have a trailer which they used to travel back to their hometown, Bedford, PA, to visit mom, dad, family and friends. They are both staunch supporters of the Falcons, and I see them at all the home games. And finally, yours truly has made a career change and can be found in the local Better Homes and Gardens Realty office.
Changes of Address: Tony BURSHNICK, 7715 Carrleigh Parkway, Springfield, VA 22152; Steve HOLT, P.O. Box 244, Milford, VA 22512; Cres SHIELDS, 14 Pourtales Rd, Colo. Spgs., CO 80906; Dale MAYO, 6839 E. Longbow Bend, Davie, FL 33331; and Bill GOODYEAR, 3302 Saul Rd, Kensington, MD 20895. Just in time for late Christmas cards.
Jock SCHWANK informs me that there are the following class-unique items still available for gifts:
- Set of four Sports Mugs with etched class crest ($40).
- Set of four Pilsner Glasses with etched class crest ($40).
- Set of four Wine Glasses with etched class crest ($40)
- Two-deck set of bridge cards with class crest ($13).
- Set of six leather coasters with class crest ($13).
- Gray Sweater with embroidered class crest: 1 L & 2 M only ($38).
- Blue Sweater with embroidered class crest: 1 L & I M only ($38).
- Blue Golf Shirt with embroidered class crest: 1 M only ($28).
- 25th Reunion Blue Jackets: 2 L & 3 M only ($45).
- 20th Reunion Gray T-shirts with blue trim and class crest: S & M sizes only available ($6).
Quantities are limited on all items; so, get your order in fast. Each classmate placing an order will also receive a free tie-tack/lapel pin as a reward for helping to clear out Jock's closet. Prices shown above include shipping and handling, so make your check out to "AOG-Class of '60" and send it to Jock at the AOG offices. (If you want that unique item in a hurry, just call Jock or Linda Glaza at the AOG with your MasterCard or Visa information.)