Checkpoints Class News
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Here it is, the last day of winter, and I have no idea where the time between the holidays and now has gone. It has been a busy time in our family life as we watched our eldest, Christopher, finish his master's at the U of Mich and become firmly entrenched on the faculty of the USAFA. Chris, the younger, has his bachelor's from MIT. They were with us for about five weeks (while they waited to get into their home which is about a mile up the road). We spent that time spoiling 2 1/2-year-old Kristie. Mark ('87) has just completed transition to C-130s and reported to Pope where he will soon leave wife, Karen, and sons Adam (2yrs) and Nicholas (9 months) to go on a rotation to Europe. Last, but not least, daughter Karin is completing her bachelor's in nursing at Washburn U in Topeka, KS, about the time you are reading this. She is our baby and will be taking up nursing in Fayetteville, NC at the VA hospital there.
Tom and Mary BURKE still haunt the scene. If you watched the Kemper Open and thought the marshall on the l5th fairway looked familiar, then you probably guessed it was none other than "Kurtz" himself. He was reported to have hobnobbed with the big boys to get a few tips so that he could take some of your money when you're in town..
Now into the real news. An envelope, a photo and a business card from an obviously excited father. That's it! Well there was an explanation on the back of the photo stating: Dax Douglas born 12-30-91 to C.T. DOUGLAS, age 55 (doesn't look it), and Brenda Douglas! Their adopted son Sandi is in F-16 RTU at MacDill. He is a UCLA DG and EURONATO UPT grad. 13-year-old C.T. is a high schooler. They have no difficulty keeping their children's activities separated.

Had a letter from Tony BURSHNICK who has been retired in the shadows of the Capital now for almost a year. Seems Karen grew tired of having him underfoot; so, Tony gave the MAC Space A system a "No Notice Check." He went to Del Rio, TX, to visit son Joe who is in pilot training there, and during that visit noted an article in the Austin American Statesman about Ed LEONARD. Seems Ed has been a staff lawyer on the Texas State Board of Insurance and was fired two days after being awarded a merit raise. "They asked for my employee's badge and told me I didn't work there anymore ... and requested I be out of the building in an hour", Leonard said. The article went on to say that he had no inkling he would be dismissed. He was fired after 92 other employees had been terminated and told the reporter, "Be kind to the department. They're going through tremendous change, and the industry's in turmoil." Ed we wish you luck and know after what you have been through that you'll land on your feet and be moving on to something even better.
Now for a guest writer! Greg "Pappy" BOYINGTON sends this report from the '60 ski week in Salt Lake City. "Dear Chris, I assume that everyone who attended the second annual '60 ski weekend will also pass along some tidbits (wrong), so I'll be brief.
"The weather was ideal with temperatures in the mid 50s in town and 30s and 40s on the slopes. We received a light dusting on several evenings to add to the many inches of pack. The four resorts where we skied: Alta, Brighton, Snowbird and Solitude, are all within 18 miles; thus, a departure at 0845 had us at the most distant resort by 0915. This was definitely the most civilized skiing I have ever experienced. We enjoyed all the creature comforts at moderate expense while enjoying some of the world’s best skiing.
"Andi is mum on the subject, but it's rumored he has some very revealing pictures of the manager of the University Park Hotel. Several of the resorts have half-day tickets for both a.m. and p.m. for those aging bodies which need to be eased into this. On the days we chose not to ski, the city offered ample opportunity to sightsee, shop or whatever.
"The group skiing officially began on Wed; however, Bev and Jim O'ROURKE arrived the previous Sat to get a head start and visit family and friends in SLC. Jim GLAZA and business partner Jenny Howes also arrived early after spending several days skiing and conducting business (?) enroute. Everyone who is fortunate enough to pay taxes shared in providing Jim and Jenny a fully-paid, tax-free ski vacation.
"On Wed the early arrivals were joined by Kathy and Bill GILLIS and son Mont, our leader and organizer Andi BIANCUR (who flew in from Singapore at 1400 on Tues), Brian KALEY, and yours truly, Greg BOYINGTON. Wednesday evening the entire group went to Squatters, a very successful brew pub owned by June Perlman's daughter, where we helped Mont Gillis celebrate his 21st birthday. Mont has endured two very long years battling leukemia; first through chemo and most recently a bone marrow transplant. What a wonderful occasion to eat, drink and be merry while helping Mont celebrate.
"June Perlman (Jim O'ROURKE's sister), who lives in SLC, opened her home to us and threw whopper parties on Thurs and Sat nights. June, a long-time flight scheduler for Eastern Air Lines, knew exactly how to entertain an old Zoomie crowd. June gets the highest rating for her contributions to our ski week. Fay Shaffer, June's assistant party coordinator, joined us from Annapolis and was a most welcome and contributing member to the party. Fay had such a lousy time she is already saving for the 3rd annual ski week, 2-7 March, 1993.
"On Sat Cherie and Dale THOMPSON accompanied by Diana and George PUPICH joined the festivities. Dale and Cherie appear to be caught in some sort of time warp where aging stopped many years ago. George, on the other hand, looks all of his 39 years. He informed me he has an 18-year-old son who is 6'5" and weights 200 lbs, plays tight end, runs high hurdles and may be attending the Academy Prep School this fall. Hopefully we will be enjoying watching another Pupich play for the Falcons.
"In addition to the 16 skiers, we were joined by Jan and Bob BRICKEY, '61, and Debbie O'Rourke, Jim's daughter, for the after-ski activities.
"Our only disappointments were the 11th hour cancellations. Al JOHNSON, who is president of Armed Forces Benefit Financial Service, was forced to cancel when his house of cards began to crumble. D.K. JOHNSON, on the other hand, has some scheme to help the Emir of Kuwait spend his hard-earned oil dollars and had to return to Kuwait City just prior to the ski week. Howie BRONSON, who is a ski instructor at Big Bear, was damaged when an out-of-control skier plowed through the class he was instructing and wiped Howie out. He would have been with us except he couldn't put a boot on over his cast. Nels DELISANTI teaches small business practice at Tacoma Community College and has been drafted to teach capitalism to the Rumanians. Watch for news of the next revolution after his return this summer. The mysterious George LESTER canceled the Thurs before. George, if you are out there and read this, please come to the '93 gathering so that we can catch up on 33 years of good stories! Vic YOAKUM, an engineer with Hughes, was called to Denver on urgent business and was required to ski with the Martin Marietta engineers. Vic promises to be with us next year. Dick SHEPARD skied with us last year and is looking forward to returning next year after the medics finish patching him up. Dick is a great skier, a very fast skier, and makes very long divots followed by some of the most spectacular wipe-outs. His skiing is only exceeded by his line of evening wear which includes a full-length leather coat.
"For those who have toyed with the idea of giving up skiing, it is time to rethink the problem. Like Denny's, many of the ski resorts give discounts at 60 and reduce the price to zero by age 70. Since we cannot do anything about growing older, we may as well enjoy the perks that come with age. Let me assure you that there were many skiers who looked like they could use a good ironing. Check Six." (Signed, Greg.)
Thanks for the news. I think all of us enjoyed your epistle. Take note out there, especially you Tom BURKE, with all those Beltway Bandits you associate with. You too could have your moment in Checkpoints '60.
Just one change of address: Phil MEINHARDT, 2105 lst Ave, Seattle, WA 98121. Help keep the column newsy. WRITE!