Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
Here it is almost football season again! Of course, I am writing this in June to meet the deadline. Speaking of football, just last month (May), Jim GLAZA, Roy and Barb JOLLY, and I spent a enjoyable spring Saturday watching the Blue-Silver game. It was vastly different from those we have seen in the past. The football was in the air most of the first half! AIR POWER! Anyway they ran up over 60 points between the two teams. Just maybe we'll see more of that type of offense this season. Let's all cheer on the Falcons.
One of the regulars of our football crowd has moved. Doug and Leeanna MILLER have moved back to Pennsylvania where both originated. I haven't received any word but fully expect Doug will provide news for the next issue. Another move which is rumored is that Bill HODSON has gone to the D.C. area. Would someone please prod Bill into reporting in.
Congratulations to Dale and Cherie THOMPSON on Dale's promotion to Lt Gen! Here's Andi BIANCUR's report on the event. "The reason to write is mainly concerned with the 'Major Media Event' that occurred here in Utah on 26 and 27 May. It surrounded the promotion of Dale THOMPSON to Lt Gen. It was a class act all the way. On Wednesday evening Joan and I, along with Stu and Marnie BOYD ('61) joined Dale and Cherie at the farewell dinner that the ALC gave them. It was made special by the fact that Dale Thompson senior and Dale's mother could be there and enjoy all of the ceremonies. On 27 May, Ron and Connie YATES flew in to officiate at the promotion and the change of command. George PUPICH and son Alex (an incoming doolie) arrived from Colorado Springs where they had to leave Diana, as her father's health is not good. In all, Dale was surrounded by his three roommates at the Zoo.

During the ceremony, Cheri graciously asked Dale senior to take her place in pinning the third star on Dale; a gesture that met with instant approval from everyone present. We did not have much time to chat but did manage a war story or two. On Friday morning, after seeing Ron and Connie off to McClellan, Dale and Cherie departed for the long, two-car caravan to Wright-Pat. The big hurdle facing them was to get past Indianapolis on Sunday without running into the "500" crowd. (Just a couple weeks later Dale was in Europe investigating the MGen. Campbell flap! Hang tough guys!)

I ran into the "Garboon," Jerry GIRARD, at a series of briefings in D.C. in April. He is currently working with Hughes Missile Systems Co. in Pomona, CA. They are in the process of moving the operation to Arizona, and Jerry is not sure of his next move. It is the same Jerry we all knew in school. A ton of enthusiasm and an idea or vision for each pound in that ton. His older daughter is graduating from law school in Ohio this year." Thanks Andi!
Rich CARTER reports he has sold his stock transfer company and is working to get a mortgage service company going. He also has been drafted to become the CEO of a Russian/American company that is working to cure soft-tissue cancer. He was chosen for his size and percieved ability to take names and kick butt. The impending greed is apparently bad enough that pure physical size was deemed to be the greatest attribute of the new CEO! The Garters report that their daughter has recently married after graduating from Regis College with summa cum laude honors. Rich and Kathryn are settled in a Frank Lloyd Wright designed home in suburban Denver. It has a pool, sauna, hot tub, bar and lots of room for overnighters.
Paul and Kay VALLERIE are still content living in the Northwest. Paul is busy working on keeping the cost down on the 777 avionics electronics. Tonya, their daughter, has just graduated from U of Wash with a degree in law and society and hopes to get on with the FBI. Paul saw Ralph MILLER in L.A. recently. Ralph had been with GE, but they were bought out by Martin. Anyone in the Seattle area is welcome. Call Paul at 747-3726. Great telephone prefix for a Boeing employee!
Ralph LALIME's voluntary contribution to the column follows: "Chris, I received a threatening phone call from Tony BURSHNICK at your behest last night! Apparently you have not received an appropriate trip report yet on the Alaskan Cruise. Yes, Darlene and I along with Gordon FLYGARE, his attractive wife, Ann; Doug REKENTHALER and his charming wife, Vicki; RTA (Doug's company) chief scientist Doug Currie, RTA's accountant Bill Miller, '59er's Ed and Lucia MONTGOMERY, Joe and Jo DESANTIS, Lee and Cealie HUNT, and Pete and Wendy TODD, all under the able leadership of ATO Charlie Emmons and his bride, Sylvia. We enjoyed a truly magnificent cruise. We sailed out of Vancouver eh? (humor) Stopped at Ketchikan, Juneau, and Sitka; went up the inland passage into Glacier Bay and had glorious sunshine and balmy temperatures the entire trip! The food was absolutely fantastic; we were gaining two lbs per day even though we were all trying to exercise it off. I ended up jogging 15 miles in the six days and still gained eight lbs. They awarded 'heart' points for group exercise participation and many of our group earned T-shirts, etc. Darlene had just come out of her Utah ski cast but even with a leg brace she earned a visor. Over-achiever, my friend Ed MONTGOMERY, earned enough points in the first two days to receive a T-shirt! In Sitka we saw six eagles chasing a seventh eagle with a freshly caught fish in its mouth and I couldn't help but remember how much fun it used to be to swoop and soar and grunt and sweat and be blinded by the sun ... how did it go? '...and danced the skies on laughter silvered wings.'"
Ralph also passed on an extraordinary response by Doug REKENTHALER to Mike LOVE's children as a result of my plea in the previous issue. Doug has a business which takes him to faraway places. He had some time on his hands in Budapest, Hungary, where he was attending a conference on "Remote Sensing," Doug wrote eight pages about time he shared with Mike. I hope there are others of you who responded or will soon. Doug also went to Prague, Moscow, Kiev, and Rome on this trip. Doug if you have another moment free in that busy schedule of yours; perhaps an open letter to all of us would bring us up to date.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Lt Gen Dale W. THOMPSON, 419 Johnson Dr, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433; Brian KALEY, 853 Vanderbilt Beach Rd, Naples, FL 33963.
I'm always in need of news. Thanks to you who have written. Please continue. And you guys who haven't, I'd sure like to hear from you. If you don't write; you'll read about my two-week vacation at a family reunion in Michigan and visit with grandchildren in North Carolina. Keep in touch!