Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
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This is going to be a short report much to the glee of the editor who is always bemoaning the fact that the Checkpoints gets to be longer and longer with each new class. I was wondering what I might use for material for this edition when I realized that the next issue is due out at about the same time that we convene here in the shadows of Pikes Peak. Therefore the old news would be overcome by visiting with the real people and finding out for yourself what is happening in each of our worlds.
Thanks to George PUPICH, I do have some news. George attended Dale THOMPSON's retirement and sent a report on the event. In addition to George those from '60 in attendance were Mike LOH, Ron YATES, Hal BROST, Andi BIANCUR, and Dean VIKAN as you can see from the photo. I'll quote George, "The first activity was a golf tournament in honor of Dale. The foursome that included Dale and Ron won the prize over my foursome by just ONE stroke! YATES swears that he didn't exercise his four-star prerogative in any way, shape or form. If you believe that I'll sell you some swamp land in Florida.

"After the golfing we reported to the O'Club for a huge dinner and the retirement party. There was a 'This is your life' presentation for Dale which included his parents, other family members, and Air Force friends. This was followed by a wonderful full-scale performance of Camelot. We ended the night with dancing into the wee hours of the morning.
"The next day was the retirement ceremony with marching band and an F-111 fly-by. That evening Dale and Cheri had a bunch of us over to their home for a casual, enjoyable evening of food and drink.
"We had a wonderful time and are looking forward to visiting Dale and Cheri in the beautiful home they built in Austin, TX. We also came home with a valuable lesson. We now know that YATES rose to prominence in spite of a marginal grasp of counting!"
George continued, "In February a group of us from the Cotton Bowl team got together in Aspen. It was all set up by Dave PHILLIPS and he did a masterful job. The only shortcoming was that Diana and I had to leave before Bear and Judy BRONSON arrived. Bear is the head ski instructor at Big Bear, CA and couldn't get there until we had gone. Deke and Bell JOHNSON, the magic cow, along with Sally attended. He is the same lovable self, happily entrenched in Boise, ID. Both of their children, Derry and Megan, are living in the state of Washington." Thanks George!
On June 10th your faithful Scribe had a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Pat and I married off our baby. After months of preparation by Pat, I had the honor of accompanying my only daughter down the aisle. Karin is a nurse in Fayetteville, NC where she and her husband, Dennis, both work in the V.A. hospital. The wedding was here in Monument with the reception at the AFA O'Club. Pat would say it was a beautiful wedding and grand way to finish our child-raising days. I said to the groom, "I've given you something very precious and you had better take good care of her." They returned from their honeymoon, a cruise and Disney World, and departed for Fayetteville this morning. Now we may be able to get our lives back to normal.
Tony BURSHNICK was here early May for an AOG board meeting and we took the opportunity to have a meeting to do some last-minute planning for the reunion. Those who may be held responsible for the good and the bad of our September gathering in addition to Tony were Jock SCHWANK, Andi BIANCUR, George PUPICH, Roy JOLLY, Dick SCHEHR, Denny WALSH, Jim GLAZA, Jack BRUSH, Wayne KENDALL, and myself. I think we did a good job, and so our ladies joined us at the club for dinner after, and we continued to celebrate the coming reunion.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Charles DIVER, 9511 49th Ave. West, Mukilteo, WA 98275-3761; William GOODYEAR, 747 Via de La Paz, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-4367.