Checkpoints Class News
11181 West 17th Ave. (208)
Lakewood, CO 80215-2759
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
If you have access to any of the orginal images, please contact the webmaster
I regret reporting that Bill KORNITZER's wife, Jane, died from cancer last August (call him at 715-878-4213). In a recent letter, Korny said: "After leaving McDonnell Douglas in '89 I settled in Fall Creek, WI. My daughter's a major in the Medical Corps at Tinker and my son's flying C-141s at McChord. She's out this June, so I'm looking forward to that. I have six grandkids (five girls) and I'm looking for some good men for them. Just got back from visiting some of them and went to McChord in February. My brother-in-law General Mike LOH and I get together periodically, and I did visit him at King's Mill in Virginia last fall. Al JOHNSON and his company are using my brother John to provide financial management for their five-star mutual funds.
George and Diana PUPICH held their first-ever annual Serbian Christmas Party January 10th (that's several weeks after most Christmases--ever note that George was always late getting off his punts?), with those present being Barbara and Killer KENDALL, Chris and Pat WARACK, Mary and Duck WADDLE, Ron and Connie YATES, Jim GLAZA and friend Nancy Steinkirchner (CLERs and SCHWANKs had colds, or maybe just a "headache tonight, honey"). Also attending was Commandant of Cadets Brig Gen Steve LORENZ ('73) who was overheard to proclaim that "It would take all of the 1960 grads to equal just one in my class," which precipitated an immediate wreaking unsheathement of at least one silver saber by those proud '60s-inebriates whilst Diana quickly hid all her knives, sharp objects, and two brands of garlic. Food was quickly served after George shouted to lovely Diana: "Bring me some over-fried Serbian fatty-fried and truly-greasy foods, lotsa refried grease-laden Serbian fried lard, and be quick about it!" Guests knew that food was being served when all of the smoke detectors went off, and those delectable’s provided included Serbian Buffalo Wings, Serbian Boiled Shrimp, Serbian Meatballs, Serbian Coors Beer, Serbian Jack Daniels Sour Mash, and Serbian Slivovitz. Lowlight of the evening was the sweeping-up of glass resultant from a knocked-down picture. (R: at this point, counsel advises me not to state the exact names of those culpable--or, "spill-the-beans," as we say in literary jargon--; however, their occupations are most likely those of Doctor and four-star General.) Deke JOHNSON called from Boise, ID midway through the evening-whining, sniveling, and begging to become a "born-again Serbian." The party would have lasted well into the next day should not George have had to crawl back into his casket before the sun came up. THOSE CRAZY SERBS!

Books on the back wall? (George can't read!)
There were three finalists for this quarter's What I Am Famous For Award, so I've selected that classmate who (quite) understandably gets very little favorable press and respect--Charles Andrew HOLMAN! Ace (formerly of Kannapolis, NC) submitted a written statement to Dr. William A. GILLIS (Ed.D.) in September '95 at our 35th reunion: "I am famous for being a 'computer guru.' I'm faster than either George (?) or Miles (?) ... and, I'm the only '60s member still in shape. I'm also famous for spending my entire senior year on restriction." (R: I've submitted Ace's handwriting and blood samples to various specialists, and his award will be withheld pending outcome of the final DNA samples.)

1960-model Jeanne, 1938-model Jack, and 1975-model Aerostar
And now from Jack BRUSH (Hunting Club 3, 2, 1): "Jeanne and I are still together going on 38 years; two kids and two grandkids. Never expected to have grandchildren, but they're kinda neat. If they do anything right, you can take credit for it; if not--it must have been their genetic freight. After a career as nursing administrator, thence manager of a small aircraft parts wholesaler, Jeanne now devotes her time to playing records and making heavy-duty custom quilts and jackets. I started Columbine Capital in 1980 after leaving the AF where I was teaching Aero at the Academy, and my company provides quantitative decision-making tools to professional money managers. Requires substantial R&D. We have a number of money-management ventures running as well as a 'market neutral' hedge fund and an international fund. Columbine has an Aerostar, which I get to fly on business all over the country. Since I don't get enough time to be truly proficient (100+ hrs/yr), I get simulator training at Flight Safety International in Wichita." Jack's pressurized ship churns at 250 knots, goes 1,000 nautical miles without refueling, two 350HP engines, three attitude indicators, and a silver/black head with purple leather interior. Jack and Jeanne spent last fall on a four-week tour of Australia which included Sydney, Alice Springs, Melbourne, Tasmania (Jack showed me a picture of him with the so-called "Tasmanian Devil," although you'd be hard pressed to determine which-is-which or whom-are-whom), and then on to Bali. And, in some future issue, I threaten to tell you about Jack's overnight adventure with a (quite attractive) white sheep up in Eastern Alaska. Yeah!
Frank (Wimberly) GORHAM just moved from Pleasantville, NY to 211D Evans Street, Niceville, FL 32578, Phone/FAX (850) 678-7028: "Trying to unload our 26-year abode in the burbs of Westchester just north of NYC. Number-two son Curtis (18) and I have been down in the Florida Panhandle scouting the area. In the interim, we've suffered one death (my 84-year-old mother from lung cancer) and another illness (wife, Faye, of malignant lung tumor surgically removed along with one lobe of her right lung back in mid-January). Meanwhile, number-one son Kevin (21) is enjoying his AF enlisted status as an F- 15 crew chief at Tyndall and anticipates attending the USAFA prep school this summer to fill in an academic requirement or two before full-blown doolie status next year--in spite of my cautions about 'Is that really your idea?'" (Scribe: I swear I didn't make that up about Frank's move ... he actually is moving from Pleasantville to Niceville.)
Karen and I visited the Colorado Rockies' spring baseball training camp in Arizona during early March (Karen's a krazy baseball nut) and met Dr. Bill GILLIS (Ed.D.) and wife, Kathy, son Glenn, and grandchildren Sebastian (5) and Cecelia (2) in Phoenix for one game in Peoria, Ariz. and a magnificent Sunday brunch and their local Buttes' bistro. "Dr. Bill" is well bearded, and someday I'll give you the FULL story on precisely what he's most famous for ... trust me!

Sebastian, Glenn, Rosie, Kath, Karen, Cecelia, and Bill
Going from Phoenix to Tucson, I visited Johnnie Floyd TOWNSEND--listed in our yearbook as being from Salome, AZ but his current story is that he's (really) a native of Tombstone, AZ--who got his MBA from some school called Stanford, and now works for Hughes/Raytheon and has a new address: 1001 East Mitchell Street, Tucson AZ 85719, (520) 628-9358. "Reb" (with a name like Athos, wouldn't YOU like a nickname?) GUILLOT is a skeet-shooter who joined John and me for TV watching of the Arizona Wildcats' NCAA basketball playoff match against UCLA on a Saturday afternoon at one of Tucson's more desultory sports bars. Reb's son Gregory MITCHELL was a distinguished graduate of the Class of 1989, Reb works for Hughes and is totally involved with something called AMRAAM (that's an acronym for something which goes fast and costs a lot of money), and wife Susan's selling more real estate than Jefferson ever brought thru the Louisiana Purchase.
Potpourri. Are Greg BOYINGTON and Phil MEINHARDT drawing Social Security? (Say it ain't so, Joe) ... Barb and Roy JOLLY's cruise included a Christmas Eve navigating thru the Panama Canal ... Roy's utilizing new therapies on his arthritic knees to avoid the necessity of replacements with which he is being threatened ... Vic THOMAS' prostate is in remission (R to Vic: our Rockies gwine "smother" your Dodgers this year, Sir) ... George Joseph Charles (NMN) FRIES--who continues to be one of your most extremely-alert column readers-wrote me to remind you that our 40th class reunion is a mere two years away, and that it'd be awfully nice if we could get those who've not attended to come. George's high school daughter is in Naval Junior ROTC ... the dates for next year's MiniSki Nine (how do you say NINE in Roman, Andi?) will be March 1-7, 1999, which is the final practice session for that Millennium MiniSki to be held the first week of March in the year 2000 ... Frank and Eve MAYBERRY are still traveling, now from Kaneohe to Christchurch to Sydney to Victoria to England and thence to France. Will they EVER stop?
By the time you read this, Karen and I will be in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island and on to Cape Breton, eating lobster, and you won't. Bye from the Rose.