Checkpoints Class News
214 Poppy St
Golden, CO 80401-554
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
If you have access to any of the orginal images, please contact the webmaster
"The Boys from Iowa"--seven wrinkle-free guys with crew cuts who munched on Wheaties, flexed their dishy deltoids and built those buns of steel. Last issue it was Doug Rekenthaler from Sioux City. So let's once again sashay back to that rectangle of flatland surrounding Des Moines with some short-and-only-slightly-less-than-hagiographical parables of the life and times of Jerry Stack, Gary Crew, and Don Wolfswinkel. Top of the second inning ...
Gerald Thomas Stack, Jr., 66, resigned from active duty as Captain in 1967 and retired from the ANG as LC. Jerry received a Congressional appointment from Iowa City-he was on the Bridge Club 3,2, 1, Vice President 1, Forensic Society 2, 1, Forum 4,3,2, 1, Tennis 4,3,2,1 and Captain 1. Now living in Sanford, FL. with wife, Hildegard, Jerry got his MBA from SMU in 1967, flew for Braniff from 1981-1996 and then Northwest. "Here's my take on Iowa: It's something in the corn--'Iowa, Iowa, that's where the tall corn grows.' Secondly, it's the fact that Iowa is a good place to be FROM. I mean, look at how many people are at the annual California picnic for displaced Iowans--more than the Rose Bowl holds. I'm sure the thought of spending the rest of one's life back home, as an Academy dropout, was equally terrifying to my fellow Iowans. By the way, Jock Schwank is from my hometown, Iowa City, where he lived six months before arriving at Lowry to be harassed by those nasty ATOs," writes Jerry. "Lt. Ortiz had me evaluating a return to Iowa from day one. The little b________was intimidating, but I hung in there. RG Head and I were roommates our last year. He was a lacrosse intramural coach and I agreed to be his goalie. Now this is where it gets a little kinky I remember giving RG jitterbug lessons in the room, since he lacked that social skill. (We could have been the first two cadets busted for 'you-know-what!' Thank God no one walked into the room.) And, the Silver Star RG received was for the bravest piece of flying by anyone in the Class of 1960. For myself, I found a home in the National Guard, which was more to my liking than active duty; flying those KC-97s was like kissing your sister--felt nice, but nothing to write home about. I completed 44 years of flying and retired 30 June 2004. From here on out, we'll be spending nine months each year in Florida and the remaining three months in Europe with my 'German Dictionary (Hildegard)."
Gary Francis Crew was appointed to USAFA while at West High in Waterloo, one of 12 classmates awarded a Presidential appointment. Gary entered Pilot Training at Bainbridge AB, then to Williams. A Command Pilot, his assignments included Biggs AFB, 310th Air Commandos in Vietnam, HQ of TAC at Langley, Advisor to the Chinese AF Academy, and HQ of MAG inTaiwan, Special Missions Office/Presidential Flight Support at Robins, and Chief of Readiness at Randolph. He earned an MBA from Golden Gate University in 1979. "Immediately upon retirement as LC, in 1981, Gary joined Martin-Marietta. Following involvement with the MX Peacekeeper, he became Plans and Programs Leader, then Special Projects Team Leader, ultimately working on the Titan 4 until retiring in 1993. In 1994, he started Ultimate Golf in Littleton, CO to create custom golf clubs, becoming one of only four Class A certified golf club makers in Colorado. Not only was he an excellent golfer, but his ability to transfer knowledge to students and their equipment was remarkable," wrote roommate Gerry Gammill. Gary died July 28, 1998 of complications from heart surgery, and he was interred at the Academy cemetery.
Donald Lee Wolfswinkel, 67, retired as Colonel in 1989. A Command Pilot, his final duty station was Andrews AFB, prior to which he was Professor of Aerospace Studies at VMI. He received an MS in Business Management from Central Michigan University in 1980. Don was Assistant Basketball Coach at the Academy from 1966-70; while a Cadet, he was Captain of the basketball team, and received the AFA Athletic Association Award for contributing the most to intercollegiate athletics. Don writes: "I had no idea that everyone in our Class from Iowa graduated. Since I was from a small town--Hull, in the northwest--, I didn't know any classmates before the Academy. Since retiring, I've lived an enjoyable life with my wife in Mt. Pleasant, SC; Ronnie and I recently celebrated our 28th anniversary. She worked in hospital administration, and retired last year. Her oldest son lives in Fremont, CA; and my daughter, Wendy, lives in Colorado Springs. I also had a son who was killed in a motorcycle accident near Canon City, CO, in 1976 when he was 12. We've traveled twice to Europe--flying over and renting a car. We've also gone on an Alaskan cruise and spent a week in San Jose del Cabo. Before Ronnie retired, she bought a 26' travel trailer; so, last summer we went on a seven-week trip to Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Washington, Oregon, and California. We also went on a cruise to Scandinavia last August. Living near the 10th green (30 steps) of Snee Farm Country Club, I get my share of golfing in, along with some tennis, and we use our 20' boat for tubing and crabbing." Bottom of the fifth inning, next issue ...
Les Querry finished his mountain home in Reston, VA, and held a "Falcon Roosting" May 1st for classmates and spouses in the D.C. area. Other guests included Libby Evans (Hardy Lebel's fianceé), Dr. Kurt Fox (ME-262 pilot in W WII), Kathy Burger and Glen Gerada. "Before dinner," wrote Les, "several went for a hike on the Appalachian Trail; upon returning, they enjoyed a cool Coors or Coke stashed in our mountain stream, while Tony Burshnick sat on the porch with cigars and vodka." (R: nice digs, has Lester).

Andi Biancur married longtime companion, the lovely Ms. Carol Kramer, on May 20th, with a public ceremony scheduled for Colorado Springs on October 16, 2004

Gary Sheets' daughter Rachel married Chad Visser in a ceremony under an arbor in Gary and Sylvia Sheets' backyard performed by their son, Nathan, an ordained Minister. The wedding was near dusk April 4 '11, in Plano, TX. Gary, Sylvia, their four children, and 11 grandchildren were in the wedding.

Astronomers now have evidence that "New Energy" is causing our universe to expand ever more rapidly, portending cosmological doomsday in ten billion years, maybe a billion or so less. With that catastrophe looming, I'd urge--nay, implore--you to sign up NOW for the AFA-Navy Football Game Foofaraw: September29-October 1st 2004 E-mail or call ME, for a reservation form.