Checkpoints Class News
9180 Coors Blvd. NW #1003
Albuquerque, NM 87120
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
If you have access to any of the orginal images, please contact the webmaster
Buckle your seatbelts for another riveting tale, this one about our recent reunion ... for some (those who dissed us by not attending to our celebrity company at this colossal cocktail of class camaraderie); this story just might spike a little 'Reunion-Envy' ... Also, please check my new address above
Our 45th Reunion was held June 14-19, 2005 at the Academy Inn in Colorado Springs, CO. Practice golf on Tuesday, followed by a reception at the Pine Creek Country Club; then Wednesday it was the Gary Crew Memorial Tournament - ¬rain caused the tourney to be aborted after 6-1/2 hours by Tournament Director Jim Glaza, who thence repaired all of the drenched to his hillside bar for libations. Later, Earl van Inwegen declared himself the winner and Dave Sweigart runner-up (Note: a final decision is still pending PGA review). Wednesday evening it was cocktails at the Academy Hotel, followed by dinner and show at the Flying W Ranch. Thursday night's live music and dancing was at the VFW Hall after a Mexican Buffet. Friday evening a Western Style Buffet at the Academy Hotel, and the Class Banquet on Saturday night at the USAFA Officers Club

At the Pine Creek Country Club: Sweigarts, Bob Weinaug, Mary Waddle, Haneys, Farquhars and Duck Waddle.
The Memorial Ceremony for our deceased classmates was held at the Cadet Chapel Friday morning followed by the Class Photo, then to the Cadet Field House for a tour of the new Hall of Excellence and State of the Wing Briefing from Brig Gen Weida ('78), Commandant of Cadets, visit to the cemetery (where 23 of our classmates are buried), tour of Jack's Valley, and walking tour of the Heritage Trail outside Doolittle Hall.

After the Memorial Service in the Chapel.
Attending the reunion: Ken and Judy Alnwick, Bob and Lilliane Badger, Andi and Carole Biancur, Ken and Carol Biehle, Tony and Carol Bilello, Steve and Kathy Bishop, Greg Boyington and June Colgan, Howie and Judy Bronson, Jack and Elaine Brush, Jim and Judy Bujalski<<<, Bill Carnegie, Jim Clark and Jean Waldbridge, Mike J. Clarke, Rosie and Karen Cler, Barbara Crew and Bob Dunn, Bill and Irma Currier, Jerry and Betty de la Cruz, Nels and Sue Ann Delisanti, George Elsea, Jerry and Dotty Farquhar, Bob and Lutzi Fischer, Gordy Flygare, Ben Furuta, Bill and Kath Gillis and children Cecelia and Sebastian,
Jim and Jeannette Glaza and Linda Glaza, Sid and Ann Gurley, Denis and Liz Haney, Charlie Hart, Joe and Susanne Higgins, Les Hobgood, Bill Hodson, Nick Holly, Charlie and Weezee Holman, Deke and Sally Johnson, Al and Gale Johnson, Roy and Barbara Jolly, Brian and Carol Kaley, Miles and Charlotte Kaspar, Wayne and Barbara Kendall, Pete and Linda King.
Also, Johnnie and Mimi Kuenzel and their two grand¬ daughters, Ralph and Darlene Lalime, Bill Leninger, George Luck, Mike McCall and Debbie Streiber, Jon McClure, Deanne McCullough, Phil Meinhardt and Veronica Cocca, Dick Meyer, Bruce Mosier, Ed Nogar, Jim O'Rourke, Fred and Mary Lou Porter, George and Diana Pupich, Dave and Pat Reed, Dick and Sharon Schehr, Jock and Hope Schwank, Tom and Carole Seebode and Edward and Elizabeth and Sarah and Taylor Waldrop, Dick and Sally Sexton and daughter Ann Sagle, Gary and Sylvia Sheets, JT Smith, Ted Stumm, Harry and Annette Swainston, Dave and Camille Sweigart, Bill and Kitty Taylor, Charlie and Mercedes Thompson, Dale and Ina Thompson, Aaron Thrush, Paul and Kay Vallerie, Van and Pat van Inwegen, Jim and Mary Waddle, Denis Walsh, Bob Weinaug, Howie Whitfield, Ron and Connie Yates, Vic Yoakum and Suzanne Forselius, Bill Zersen, Alex and Pam Zimmerman. Others included Maryann Powers, widow of Sam Waters; Jon Lachelt, son of Dave; Linda Sheppard, wife of Val Bourque, and their grand¬son, Jonathan Snider; Libby Evans, partner of Hardy Lebel, and Libby's son.

Ron leading us on the Heritage Trail.
Comments made during the reunion: Les Hobgood gave me his will (this, in my capacity as Class Secretary), stating that "the Corvette `baby' will be sold and the proceeds given to the Class of 1960 Fund."[R: I think we have to wait until he dies] ... Dick Schehr said that "I was rehired by Lockheed-Martin in February '05, and now work the N2A2S project for NORTHERNCOM"... Wild Bill Gillis fantasized: "What I would like to do before being parked in the USAFA Cemetery is to sail around the world with a bevy of beautiful ... " (when Kath heard this, she quickly whisked him off to Gitmo for intensive interrogation) ... "In 2002, I established two residences--one in Laguna Woods, CA, the other in Bellingham, WA. I travel from one place to the other," writes Bill Zersen. "I have two children and two grandkids in the northern state of Washington, and one son in Southern California. I still want to go trout fishing in New Zealand!"
Nels Delisanti: "Finally gave up some productive (paid) activity in June '05. Spend a lot of time with my 20-year-old sailboat and my two parrots. Plan on sailing south of Washington State for the winter; staying there the rest of the year. My goal is to stay in good enough shape to make it to our 50th ... "Finally gave up the desert life imposed on me by USAF and post-retirement job re¬quirements," says Dick Meyer. "I found a nice house on a river in Baldwin County, L.A. ('Lower Alabama'). I'm back in the hot, steamy swampland I was born and raised in, and as happy as I have ever been. Lots of kayaking, fishing, crab boils and oysters--no more tumbleweeds!" ... Jim Clark and Jean Walbridge: "We've been to Italy for two weeks looking at early Christian art. Jean hopes to go to China. This fall we'll go to upstate New York leaf-peeping, where my son has a weekend home we can use as a base. In July we'll go to Ghost Ranch, NM, where I'll do a refresher course in silver smithing and Jean will do some weav¬ing on a Navajo loom."

Former Cadets Mcclure, Lalime, de la Cruz, Meyer, Weinaug and JT Smith.
Harry and Annette Swainston: "We live on the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada. I still maintain my law license mostly pro bono--stopping the Feds in siting a high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, NV Our daughter, Valerie will be married at the end of August, and our son lives in Yerington, NV, with his wife and three children.' ... "Liliane and I are being FORCED to go to Hawaii on 28 June to visit our newly born grandson," writes Bob Badger. "We look forward, with some dread, to riding with Ralph Lalime in his motor home to the Navy-AFA game. Our wills are in order!" ... “Darlene and I came to the 45th 'Space A' military--the best way to travel--coming early to visit with the Gallos and Montgomerys ('59). The '50s/'60s Mexican Buffet was great! Expecting our first grandchild 17 October 2005," write Ralph and Darlene Lalime. ... Deke Johnson writes, "Sally and I took a river cruise to Eastern Europe." ... "Debbie (Streiber) and I are on our way to see the Midwest for a month--new country for Debbie, old home week for me,"" writes Mike McCall. "Plan to travel as long as $$ hold out. Great Reunion!" ... "Betty and I were in Pittsburgh for the Senior Olympic Games immediately before the reunion," says Jerry de la Cruz. "Betty's softball team, the, Golden Girls of Northern Virginia, won the gold medal!" ... "We now travel north and south to minimize time changes. So, the east coast, Caribbean, and Mexico are about it. Went to Bermuda last year on a cruise and spent some time on Amelia Island this winter. Enjoyed the re¬union immensely," write Joe and Sue Higgins.
Bruce Mosier: "We plan a three-day visit to Prague and seven-day cruise on the Danube in August (Nuremberg to Budapest). Our daughter Caryn had our first grandchild March 1st--she and her husband are Texas Highway Patrol. Daughter Debra is planning a five-day trip to Iceland, and we get to baby-and-dog sit." ... "I recently assumed the Chair, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, for the University of North Florida," says Ted Stumm. "I contract-fly for private individuals who own a 737 and need a spare pilot, work part-time flying, part-time simulator instructing for Boeing. Bev is busy helping our daughter with our 10-month old grandson. Am I the last in the class who's still flying big iron birds?," writes Jim O'Rourke. ... "Travel seems to be our thing: Mediterranean cruise in 2003 and two weeks in China in 2005 just before our 45th reunion," writes Ben Furuta. "Still part-time consulting, and my wife, Hideka, refuses to even think about retiring. The reunion revitalized and re¬freshed my feelings about USAFA--especially the bonds between us all" ... "At times, it is easy to forget the debt I owe to each of you, my classmates," writes Aaron Thrush. "The lessons of life we have learned together and separately, along with the good times we've shared together, have and will continue to sustain me. It all serves to remind me how very lucky I have been, Thanks to you all."

"Kay and I remain in Boise and love every day there. We plan on attending every class function and thoroughly enjoyed the 'Mini-Reunions' and the 45th," Paul Vallerie wrote. "Kay continues teaching, and I am deeply involved in the American Legion, Meridian Anti-Drug Coalition and President of the Ada County United Veteran's Council." ... George Luck said he's "Volunteering for the Coast Guard Auxiliary." ... "It's amazing the camaraderie that still exists af¬ter all these years. It seems there has been no time that has existed between reunions. We owe a great deal of thanks and appreciation to Rosie, Andi and the others who provide us the opportunity to continue Our many friendships by bringing the clan together at these functions. We look forward to the 50th, and the many MiniSkis and football game Mini-Reunions that will fill the gap until 2010," say Van and Pat van Inwegen.
Les Querry accumulated 650 pictures of our 1956-1959 cadet years and some from later years. He prepared a CD, which was shown at the reunion. (If you did not get a CD, contact Les at: Lesquerry@ starpower.net)

Mike Loh couldn't travel to the reunion because of a blood clot in his left leg. ... Tony Burshnick was back at Walter Reed Army Medical Center for operations on his back for Spinal Stenosis: "It's hard for me to walk."[On 27 June, the surgeons opened up Tony's back, scraped away the bone inside the spinal column and along the backbone, and inserted screws and metal rods. ABURSH@AOL.com.] ... Andi had both knees replaced ... Jerry Mason was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) last November. Wife, Bobbi, reports that Jerry "can still walk, drive and use his computer. His speech, swallowing and respiration are his main problems" (jerbob@ncplus.net) ... Tony Bilello was diagnosed with Chronic Mylageal Leukemia and is function¬ing well ... Bill Taylor recently had his third hip replacement; has had a total of four hip operations ... Sid Newcomb had 17 stitches in his head after being thrown from his horse (twice), and required surgery ... Gary Sheets left the reunion after two days--his heart attack in '85 killed 35% of his heart, and four recent bouts of bronchitis prior to the reunion plus the altitude at the Springs gave him some problems ... Ted Stumm recently had (successful) surgery for a malignancy in his right lung, with no complications, and has "survived four heart bypasses and cancer surgery!"
We're not all "empty-nesters," and some still have children young enough to cause a conflict with the reunion: CT Douglass and wife, Brenda's, 13-year¬old son, Dax, has autism and requires too much attention to leave him ... Jack Schira has a 15-year-old son and 12-year-old daughter, and "their schedules tend to dominate."
In the WorId According to Dave, Mr. Sweigart of Marble Falls, TX proclaimed that, "The reunion was great--our 1960 friendships are strong and growing stronger. We enjoyed this one more than ANY of the others--there was just something about it!"
Now, leap forward to our future--the Class of 1960's 50th Reunion in the summer of 2010 ... It Is Written!
Final Roll Call. William Robert Currier died in an aircraft accident, 23 June 2005