Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4624
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
"Rosie, put out a NOTAM warning everyone that an old pilot is back in the skies! I finally got my FAA Medical reinstated in September 2007, and I am back in the cockpit of a Cessna Citation Excel," writes Jim Thomasson. "It took almost seventeen months after I had a stent implanted in my left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) to get the FAA in Oklahoma City to approve everything. I had to undergo an echo stress test, a nuclear stress test and second cardiac catheterization. After all those tests and a multitude of letters, we finally got a First Class Medical. It's great to be back flying-this Citation Excel is a great airplane to fly. I hope to keep flying for two or three more years."
"After my Houston checkup for prostate cancer, I flew to Washington, DC, to see my son Greg for three days," writes Phil Meinhardt. "Al Johnson, Greg and I had lunch and Greg took this picture.

Background: Greg is a Special Agent, GS-14 with Homeland Security's Policy Division in D.C., and he essentially keeps an Assistant Director informed-she's Julie Myers, niece of the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff). It was a fun lunch.
"When Greg and I were in Santiago, Chile in June and July of 2002, we had a private" guide and car. On the last day, Greg coerced our guide into taking us by El Presidente de Chile Augusto Pinochet's house. We were dressed in black, stopped and got out of the car and took pictures of Pinochet's compound. Greg had dutifully checked in with his counterparts at the Embassy and got some feedback later. Seems Pinochet wanted to know who we were; his guys didn't know, so they called the CIA. The CIA didn't know, and Pinochet got paranoid; he thought the CIA was abandoning him. The next morning, two men, also dressed in black, showed up at the Intercontinental Hotel demanding to know who we were. Three days later Pinochet resigned his lifetime appointment to the Chilean Senate. On the other hand, it may have been a coincidence.
"Al had a great story about Charlie Wilson (book, movie: `Charlie Wilson's War'). Don't want to blow your cover, Al; you'll have to tell Rosie! Greg and I had both just read the book, 'Charlie Wilson's War,' so we found Al's story very interesting. Charlie was an unabashed womanizer and boozer, and it's a fascinating book from a historical 'Big Picture' of the Afghanistan War period and real workings of the CIA and Congress. The rich socialite, Joanne Herring from Houston (played by Julia Roberts), is still 'on stage.' Later, I heard a NPR session where they interviewed the author of the book and Charlie Wilson."
This note from Tony Burshnick regarding Chris Warack's widow: "Pat moved to Virginia several years ago to live with son Christopher (Jr.) and his family." Pat has spinal stenosis and had surgery in June '07, and she writes that "I am doing very well, just tired and sore, but can get back to any activity that I want, like walking, swimming, etc. Tony and I can compare notes about whose back hurts the most!" Chris built her a nice apartment upstairs in his beautiful home. (Chris, recently promoted to full colonel, has a great job in the AF space and intelligence program, and he had a promotion party at his home). Tony said that "Karen and I and the Burkes enjoyed a wonderful evening with Pat and the boys. The younger son, Mark, is an LC stationed at Langley. Pat's address: 911 Falls Bridge Lane, Great Falls, VA 22066, e-mail: patwarack@cox.net."
Driving from Colorado Springs to Fort Worth for the Cal-USAFA Armed Forces Bowl December 31st were Jim and Jenny Glaza, John and Deanne McCullough, Tom and Jan Kroboth. There was a Pre-Game Tailgate, PostGame Tailgate and then a New Year's Day Bash at Denny and Liz Honey's house. Also attending the game were George and Diana Pupich, Andi and Carole Biancur, Dale and Ina Thompson, Deke Johnson, Randy and Jan Cubero ('61), Bob and Jan Brickey ('61), Dave and Phyllis Phillips ('59), Ed and Lucia Montgomery ('59), Max and Trix Miller ('59) plus son Scott and wife, and Eddie and Sharon Rosane ('59). "Liz Honey did yeoman's work on all the chow-it was outstanding-and, everyone stayed up 'til one minute past midnight (what stamina!)," wrote Jim Glaza. "We all felt the team played well except for the monster defensive pass giveaways (shades of yesteryear!), but were doomed when Shaun Carney went down with a torn MCL and ACL and meniscus, that's everything in the knee, which is a very ugly injury." Cal won 42-36.
Gary Karshnick said that, "My wife, Diane, and I just returned from a 3-week cruise-tour in Asia, visiting China, Japan, Taiwan, Okinawa, Viet Nam, Singapore and Thailand. One morning at breakfast on the ship, we were joined by a couple. He looked strangely familiar. After some quick interrogation, I found it was John Goodley ('61) and his wife, Casey!"

Howie Whitfield and wife, Linda, assembled their family at the beautiful Ruby Beach on the Pacific shore of the Olympic National Park in Washington State. Howie's description of those in the photo: "On the left, that's our son-in-law Dean Nicosia, next to his wife/our daughter Dawn, with their daughter Sarah (13); our son-in-law Eric Frey next to his wife/our daughter Lynn, with their daughter Erin (14); my wife, Linda; Eric and Lynn's oldest daughter Lauren (15); and that’s me on the far right with hat."

Friendly Fire. The sprightly and rapid-talking George Fries had his (right) hip replaced Nov 8th ('07) at Portsmouth Naval Hospital by some Navy Lieutenant Commander, and he was so excited about his progress he telephoned two days before Christmas: "My last marathon was Hawaii in 1993, and I'll run the Boston Marathon this 2008!"(In a later e-mail, George said "no" to Boston) ...Les Hobgood, who devotes an inordinate amount of time to matters of merely minor pith, one day posed this question to himself: "Self, how many Corvettes could we get on an aircraft carrier?" Joining 30 other Corvettes from San Antonio to support the Corpus Christi Corvette Club, they all went charging up the ramp to the USS Lexington and finished with 304 Corvettes on the Lex's flight deck: "Focus on Vettes and Jets on the Lex'"...Eve and Frank Mayberry travelled a little this last year (what's new?), and in '07 it was to Australia in February, July to Steamboat Springs, CO, September to Portugal and Spain, November to Italy and then, at Savona, boarding the Costa Fortuna cruise liner for their tripping back to Ft. Lauderdale (w/ stops in Tenerife, St. Maarten, Guadaloupe, Dominican Republic and Nassau-photo below: Eve and Frank at Manarola, Cinque Terre, Italy).

"Our Colorado contingent gathered 8 December 2007 at the Waddle's community club house," wrote Andi Biancur. "Once again, Carole Biancur and Jeanette Glaza performed miracles by creating a very festive atmosphere. We were fortunate to have 12 classmates and their 'significant others' attend, along with three couples from the Class of '59. The great food and ample bar finally gave way to an entertaining session of `Combat White Elephant,' making for an overall successful preview to the holidays. We were fortunate to have RG Head and Carol Hoover join us, as they were in town for another occasion. Those attending: Duck & Mary Waddle, John & Deanne McCullough, Barb & Wayne Kendall, Fran & Bill Hodson, Ron & Connie Yates, Jim & Jeanette Glaza, Andi & Carole Biancur, George & Diana Pupich, Jim & Judy Bujalski, Fred Porter, Steve Bishop & Kathy Toucher (Norm Holler's sister-in-law), while present from the Class of 1959 to provide adult leadership were Brock & Claire Strom, Ed & Lucia Montgomery and Max & Trix Miller." [superflous magazine text removed]

Final Roll Call. Hoyt Leroy Prindle, ]r., died of cancer at his home in Tallahassee, FL on July 28, 2007.