Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4624
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
The Earl of Van Inwegen with Lady Pat at The Classic Crew. The photo was "taken at the San Diego (US) Crew Classic on Mission Bay, CA," wrote Van. "USAFA didn't have a team, Navy and Colorado did, and the University of Washington was the overall winner. Note my protest by wearing a golf tie!"

"Just finished Fiesta herein San Antonio," writes Les Hobgood. "It's a 10-day affair for real party animals, and I started with the Corvette Sock Hop on Friday, Corvette Car Show Saturday and Corvette Bluebonnet Run Sunday. Monday is the River Parade, Tuesday through Friday is 'Night in Old San Antonio,' where 10,000 of my very closest friends hold forth in a four-square block downtown and consume food and beer. The food is Mexican, French, German and Cowboy; the beer is good and cheap, since I work next to the beer booth. We bribe them with German Fiesta Medals to get free beer. I am cochairman of the booth, and although this responsibility weighs heavily on these shoulders, I deal with these pressures by consuming lots of beer. I got out of rehab one week after the Fiesta ended!"
Norm Haller and Mike (A) Clarke visited Tampa for a meeting of the National Academies' Standing Committee in support of the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) that Mike directs--I drove up from Sarasota in April and met them at their Hyatt. Mike is director of the Air Force Studies Board of the National Academies and Director of two Standing Committees for the Intelligence Community and US Special Operations, while Norm's a consultant to both of those august bodies [R: The better story might be about Mike's wife, Nancy, who's worked in the White House since '78 as Chief Florist, and plans to write three books after she retires. Stay tuned.]. During an afternoon over a wide-ranging span of topics, the discussion ascended to those in our Class who went to MIT for their Masters' Degrees Mike Buchen, Norm Haller, Frank Mayberry and Jack Schira, who all attended MIT following graduation, and Mike Loh, who went 13 years later.
"I'm running for State Representative in the Ohio 69th District. At 70, the prostate is gone, radiation is completed and I may have eight years of robust health left--would just like to make a difference in schools, jobs and Ohio's energy situation," wrote Jack Schira. "My wife Susan, 52, has reached a nice level in Scientific Applications International Corporation as Assistant VP in the oil information systems business. My oldest two kids, Robin and Jay, are well established and have families of their own. Daughter Robin is in her 26th year teaching in Yorktown, VA, and son Jay must be one of the best software engineers in the US because they pay him big bucks in DC working on software for US Defense. Children from my current marriage, Sam (18) is attending Kettering Institute, and Christine is 15 and in the 9th grade at Brunswick High School--she wants to go to USAFA--if she enters in 2011, I'll be 77 when she graduates!"
Fourteen DC-60 stalwarts met on Founder's Day, April 1st, 2008. At Johnson and Jerry de la Cruz brought everyone up to date on MiniSki XVIII, and Al said his new home in Camden, Maine is almost finished. Bill Taylor still helps the AF solve Tactical Air problems. Bill Carnegie contemplates leaving New Jersey and living just outside Front Royal, VA; Bill now has two 300 games in his favorite pastime of bowling; and, his daughter will become the new Director of Simpson's TV show. After four years, Bob

The Seattle Group met Apri1 16, 2008. George Luck was out of town, but Vic Yoakum, Dennis O'Keefe, Jim O'Rourke, Chuck Diver and Nels Delisanti lunched in Kirkland, WA. Senior biker O'Keefe gave O'Rourke tips on staying healthy while biking. Vic Yoakum talked of his cruises this year, with Hawaii his next port of call in June '08; Diver was leaving for Michigan, and O'Keefe had just returned from somewhere.
Friendly Fire. Brian and Carol Kaley's winter condo is in Naples, FL, where Brian works four days a week at Habitat for Humanity pounding nails into affordable homes ... "I have to attend the Air Force Association state meeting in Orlando which coincides with the Air & Space Symposium at Disney." wrote Ted Stumm. "I wasn't paying attention and got appointed as the state VP for membership--guess I need to get my hearing aids tuned up" ... Ron and Connie Yates, Andi and Carole Biancur, George and Diana Pupich, John and Deane McCullough and Jim and Jenny Glaza went to Hawaii in early February--Mac rented a house on the "Big Island" ... CT and Brenda Douglass' 16-year-old, autistic son Dax is now "a busboy at Outback Steakhouse, after completing a three-day, after-school training program. And, he's just begun driver training ground school". Bill and Kath Gillis also have teenage children: "Sebastian (15) was in Georgia mid-April with the Order of the Arrow (Boy Scouts), and later that month inducted into the Latin Honor Society! Cecelia (12) was in Orlando, FL with the Middle School Chorus Group, also enjoyed Universal Studio & Adventure Island" ... Serious pain and stiff neck caused Phil Meinhardt to have surgery at Scripps Hospital in La Jolla to fuse discs 4, 5 and 6 together ... Visiting Barb and Bill Hales in Greer, SC were Les and Marty Querry and Bill Goodyear in March.
John Paul ("JP") Browning and wife, Carole, "visited the Academy in October ('07), when we attended a 356th Tactical Fighter Squadron reunion and then went to the AFA-Army football game," wrote JP. In the Naval Reserve for 20 years, JP is a retired Captain (USNR). They moved to Westfield, IN from Weatherford, TX, where JP retired from Lockheed-Martin/Ft. Worth. "The move to Indiana was based on kids and grandkids. Our oldest son, Kirk, lives in Tulsa with his two boys, and number two son, Craig, lived in Novi, MI, when we moved here. Our daughter Kerrie and her family moved from Oklahoma to Indiana where her husband took a position with Riley Children's Hospital. We thought we were 'splitting the difference' with our move, but our son Craig then moved his family to Austin, TX to get out of the extreme cold weather. Each of our kids has two boys and they range from five to 17 years of age (that makes six grandchildren). Carole and I maintain the lake house in Oklahoma"

Dave and Camille Sweigart visited Italy in April "Both sets of Camille's grandparents came through Ellis Island from Italy. We had an audience with the Pope inside the Vatican, visited Rome, Capri, Florence, Naples, Venice, Pompeii, Pisa, Milan and Switzerland. Even saw a poster of apolitical candidate with Camille's maiden name of Scrafone."
"We landed north of Tucson for our winter home in San Manuel, giving us access to wife, Peggy's, folks," wrote Charlie Sands (with his Porsche 356). "We've been in Lexington, MO 16 years working on historic preservation, so I have numerous opportunities to use my MA in archaeology and museum studies."

Final Roll Call. Mary Ann Holt, wife of Steve Holt, died Jan. 6, 2008 of lung cancer. She was interred at the National Cemetery in Culpepper, VA.