Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
"I'll be at the Forward Air Controller (FAC) Association Reunion 27-31 October in Fort Worth," writes Paul Sullivan. "The next reunion (every two years) will be in Tucson, AZ, and preparations are underway (www.fac-assoc.org for info). Any FACs not involved in local groups--get in touch with me for details on rejoining buddies for what many consider the best tours of their lives. I'll be at the 50th!"
"As for flying in old, slow aircraft (DC-3 article, May 2010 Web Column), I flew 900 hours in both the C-47 and C-46 while an Air Commando in the 1960s," writes Jim Alexander. "I still work as Economic Developer for Oconee County SC (near Clemson) and enjoy the job. I was also selected as 2009 SC Economic Developer of the Year!"

For lovers of 'oldfangled' weaponry: "My latest 'toy' is a 98K Mauser rifle," says Jerry Farquhar. "I paid $200 for it, and it checks out as Nazi-produced in '41 and has never been 'arsenal serviced,' as serial numbers are all over it (with Nazi proof stamps). Sighted it, and it makes a good addition to my M-1 Carbine and M-1 Garland (all Springfield). Trivia: Did you know that Springfield Armory paid royalties to Mauser for copying its receiver system in the '03? And, that those royalties continued after we entered WWI? Now all I need is a '03 Springfield. Did you know that U.S. Army diehards would not embrace the new Garand to replace the '03? Claimed it could NEVER match the '03 for accuracy. Many remained prejudiced even after a Marine Major took a Garand to the '39 Camp Perry matches and WON! Then the Army woke up and got first dibs on Garands. That's why thousands of Marines went ashore in the Pacific carrying '03 Springfields! The 5.56 is the same as Winchester 223. It's a .22! My loading manuals list it as 'adequate' to hunt animals up to 37 POUNDS! It worked on 100 pound Viet Cong in pajamas, but Afghans are BIG and wear heavy clothing. I'd rather trust the old .30 cal. M-1 Carbine. New doctrine: carry lots of 'small stuff,' then spray-and-pray. No marksmanship is taught anymore (except Marines). I showed a local bench rest competitor a target I shot a few months back, and it shows 10 rounds in a four-inch circle. He said he could do a lot better and asked what brand of 'scope' I used. He didn't want to believe me when I told him I shot at 100 yards with a 118 year old Winchester Model '85 with only a tang-mounted peep sight. He had not responded to my challenge to remove the scope from his $4,000 bench-rest rifle and bet me $100 on five shots against my 'antique rifle.' He knows that the Model '85 'Low Wall' was designed for Winchester by John Browning and is scared to prove that it is more accurate than his expensive custom rifle. I paid a whopping $150 for it!"
It's family that counts: "What's been going on in my world is that I recently had two unannounced house guests, both nephews (sons of both my brothers) who were touring the U.S. on their BMW motorcycles," writes Denis Walsh. "They departed after several days from my home in Denver. I had my hands full running my 'B&B', and entertaining these guests. On Sunday after their departure, I had my entire local tribe over for supper (they live in Golden and Denver). We were 13 at table with a total of 15 counting the visiting dogs: Me, daughter#1--Margaret Walsh, granddaughter Regina, Daughter #2-Elaine Walsh and Spouse Mike Shea, granddaughter Kathleen, Son #2 Tom Walsh and Spouse--Marnie, grandchildren Joseph, Peter, Susanna, and my two nephews--Lloyd Walsh and Thomas David Walsh (two grand dogs were unnamed poodles)."
More on Family: From Panama City, FL, Kath and Bill Gillis said that "Son Glen was here for a week (4th of July), and son Thor visited with three teenagers July 31-August 9th. So far, our waters are great--oystermen are not working, as they make more money collecting from BP; so, the restaurants are hurting. Our daughter Cecelia had her 15th birthday mid-July for a full day with ten best friends; son Sebastian fulfilled Eagle Scout requirements, and he'll be a HS Senior this Fall."
Potpourri: "Bill Carnegie and wife Anne were in Southern California, and we had a nice lunch May 13th--I saw Bill in Washington with the DC-'60 Group," said Ben Furuta of South Pasadena, CA, adding this about Class Rings: "Josten's has a life time warranty on our class ring. I needed my ring resized, since my original was stolen and it came back too big. Josten Rep said: 'Your Warranty is Lifetime, as long as you have the ring and no jeweler has worked on it. ... "We relocated to a dynamite project (1850's historic house, 302 West Mill Street) in Independence, MO 64050, close to the President Truman Library," wrote Charlie Sands II. ... Ron Giblin: "Can I get a copy of the 7th Squadron roster from Lowry days?" Could someone help Ron at n85foxtrot@gmail.com? (Ron left USAFA 22 Feb 1957, 7th Squadron Doolie Summer) ... "I went to the change in command of Commander Naval Air Forces at NAS North Island aboard USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70). I was surprised to learn that the new CNAF is VADM Allen Myers, NFO and 1978 graduate of USAFA!" (Col. Howie Whitfield, USMCR, Jamul, CA).
For stamp lovers: "The photo shows three who judged the international philatelic London 2010 Festival of Stamps May 4-16, 2010, and we all got our international qualifications in Basel, Switzerland in 1974," wrote Bob Odenweller. "We are the most 'senior' of international judges still judging. At left is Dr. Alan Huggins, for many years President of the Postal Stationery Commission of the International Federation of Philately (FIP). At right is Kurt Kimmel, Swiss banker who is FIP President (I served 18 years as President of the FIP Traditional Philately Commission). All three signed the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists (RDP), and will be going to this year's signing in July."

Jerry and Hildburg Stack, Sanford, FL, spent two months in Park City, UT starting the 1st of July. "Our trip began with my privileges on Delta via Northwest, nonstop Orlando to SLC," wrote Jerry. "My daughter and two teenage grandsons (I have 11), flew in from San Diego on 'buddy passes.' The townhouse we stayed in costs the same for two months in summer as one week during ski season. We took daily hikes and drowned a few flies on some of the trout streams. Park City is the summer home for the Utah Symphony, and one evening was joined by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Sundance is around the corner, and had similar events. We went to Bryce and Zion Parks in Southern Utah, making this a cool getaway during the heat/humidity/hurricanes of Florida's summer."
Our 50th Reunion starts September 29, 2010--you may reserve your room by calling Embassy Suites @719-599-9100, and then register with Tiffani at the AOG at (719) 472-0300, extension #136. You'll Be Glad You Did!