Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
"The '60 Northwest Falcons gathered in Seattle 25 May 2011. Many missions were rehashed as we dined on four-star Thai dishes," wrote George Luck. (Photo, Top Left: Vic Yoakum, Nels Delisanti, Linda and Dennis O'Keefe. Top Right: Chuck and Edie Diver, Suzanne Yoakum, Jim O'Rourke, George Luck - Carolyn Luck was photographer)

"On Saturday, 26 Jun 2011, George Luck, Dennis O'Keefe and Nels Delisanti flew to Astoria, OR and met with Ed Leonard for a luncheon and three hours of stories at the Bridge Restaurant in Astoria (Bottom photo: Ed, Dennis, Nels, George). Then, on June 28th, George, Vic Yoakum, Dennis and Nels met at South Center Seattle for a two hour luncheon and stories," wrote George.
"The DC-'60 Luncheon on July 11th commemorating the 55th anniversary of our entry into the USAFA was outstanding, and special since our wives came," wrote Tony Burshnick. "We missed those who could not attend: Bill Goodyear was tied-up down South, Bob Odenweller was busy with stamp work, Doug Rekenthaler was just plain busy, Ken Alnwick and Judy left for a vacation in Florida, Bill Taylor--how is Texas, besides hot and dry? Ralph and Darlene Lalime were in Massachusetts getting the new grand baby settled in the new house. Al and Gale Johnson were on vacation in Maine getting their house fixed up. Mike Loh was absent. Mike (A) Clarke and Nancy were getting ready to move south, and the movers were there and they could not break away.
"Bill Carnegie will soon visit the VA for a review of health conditions, from the lymphoma and perhaps the effects of Agent Orange from his war days. He will have another scan in August. Other than a bout with pink eye he is doing great. Norm Haller pulled off a coup when he finally got the Falcon Foundation to partner with Randolph-Macon Academy to help get candidates for the USAFA; Norm has worked that for a number of years. Well done, Norm. Norm's grandson just finished his first year at the Naval Academy in fine style. Norm: ask him if his Academy girlfriend has met my cadet, Ben Christ? Joe and Sue Higgins drove up from Greenville, SC, where they recently moved to be a bit closer to his son and family. Bob Badger is still waiting for his book to be published. Meanwhile, he is playing trumpet at his local church. That guy has real talent. Lil has a few problems with her hearing but looks great. Leon Goodson is still riding the motor cycle, but has decided to drive a car to the West Coast this summer to visit family. Good decision, Leon!!! Les Querry encouraged us all to visit a wonderful D-Day Memorial in Bedford, VA. He also told us that his Doolie roommate, 'Beatle' Bailey just recently passed away. Do any of you remember him? He was with us for only the Doolie year. Les will also open up his house on 1 October 2011 for those who want to go up and watch the AF/Navy game on TV. Then on the 2nd (of October) he will host the Falcon Roost at his mountain home. Bob Fischer tells us that Lutzi just had a very successful cataract operation and the new vision is great. Bob also told us about the demise of Willow Grove Air Station. The government may try to tear it all down, but Bob and his neighbors are trying to keep the runway open and keep the government from tearing down the buildings and hangers. They would use it as a museum and a place to teach young people about airplanes, since there are still a bunch of WWII planes there. Good luck, Bob, we hope you and your friends can save the place. Bill Hockenberry is busy as ever traveling and advising the workers' unions. His granddaughter will soon enter ELON University, in North Carolina. GJC Fries has a new grandson. George's shoulder is getting better but still needs work. Jerry de la Cruz was in a great mood, since Betty is doing really well after her double knee operation, and is now back to cooking the meals and taking care of the house. Jerry gets a break! Tom Burke did another great job setting up the luncheon. You may have seen him working the US Open in Maryland last week. This week he sponsors the Grandma Bessie Tournament at the Springfield Golf Course. He named that after his Mom! Finally, I get no better with the back, but with my two canes or Jock Schwank's sticks I am mobile. I've got some minor arthritic problems, but the ER at Ft. Belvoir is taking care of them. I might also brag that today my granddaughter entered the University of Indiana on a volley ball scholarship--maybe some day you will see her playing beach volley ball in the Olympics--HURRAH!

"In the photo, L to R, front row: Liliane Badger, Betty de la Cruz, Karen Burshnick; Tony Burshnick; second row: Mary Ellen Burke, Maryn Goodson, Liz Haller, Cathe Hockenberry, Sue Higgins. Classmates, L to R: Les Querry, Tom Burke, Leon Goodson, Bill Carnegie, Norm Haller, George Fries, Bill Hockenberry, Jerry de la Cruz, Joe Higgins, Bob Badger, Bob Fischer. In closing, we would all like to congratulate Jock Schwank on getting the Academy Distinguished Service Award."
"Attached is a photo from our monthly get-together at Champs Restaurant," wrote Dick Sexton. "In the photo, bottom L-R: Duck Waddle, Dick Schehr, Fred Porter, Andi Biancur, George Pupich, Bill Hodson; Top Row: Ron Yates, Wayne Kendall, Pete Roe, Dick Sexton, Jim Glaza, Jock Schwank, Denis Walsh. (Bruce Mosier arrived after the 'shoot,' and, therefore, didn't get 'shot'). We met July 13, 2011, with Andi & Jock jointly giving us an update on Class finances, and, a list of present & future activities for our Class. Ron Yates recalled his experiences as the F-16 Program Manager. I (Dick) gave an update on the Class Advisory Senate and its recent activities. Regarding the format for these monthly gatherings the '60-Colorado Springs' group, Wayne Kendall went over the ground rules, declaring that every month one attendee would be giving a presentation, and one attendee would relate a 'War Story.' The August, September, and October meeting subjects have already been spoken for. As for the war stories, if there are no volunteers each month, Wayne will resort to Air Force type volunteerism."

JT and Diane Smith's recent travel, from their home in Clarksville, Tennessee: "Just finished a week at Lake Martin in Alabama--we did a lot of relaxing and played a bit on our Sea Doo watercraft. We will be making a 10-day trip to Italy in early October; then, we'll be gone from the end of October through 12 December on our BIG trip to Southeast Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam)."
"I have great news," wrote Bill Kornitzer. My son Stephen just came out on the promotion list to Colonel. I am very proud, because he went thru aviation cadets and has worked hard to get there. It looks like his next assignment will be on the PACOM staff in Hawaii. I am looking forward to visit."