Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
"This has been a year of travel. We started in February with a 20-day cruise on the Queen Victoria from San Francisco to Sydney," wrote Frank and Eve Mayberry. "Our friends Gill and Peter flew from Sydney to join us at a time-share in Point Arena, CA, then we left on the cruise, making stops in Maui, Hawaii, Apia, Samoa, and Sydney. In Australia we spent a nostalgic week at Bateman's Bay to rest for our return to Hawaii near Hilo for a week, and then took a night cruise to see the red hot lava flowing into the sea. After returning to Mesquite, it was to Panama City (FL) for a week, then Biloxi for another week. All the beautiful antebellum homes along the seafront were gone, victims of Katrina. We then went to Long Beach, CA to see our son and grandson and pick up his dog, Kayla, to take to our daughter's home in Colorado; then back to Mesquite (NV) for a trip to Moab, Utah, then to Pagosa Springs for a week with our daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren Raechel and Merritt. Besides enjoying the hot springs, we took a trip on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad. Our grandson, Merritt, took the opportunity to make a film for YouTube: 'My Summer Vacation 2013 TRAIN RIDE.' My brother, Ted, and sister-in-law, Darlene, also joined us in Pagosa Springs.
"We then went to our daughter's place near Denver, where Kayla was introduced to her animals and became one of the clan. In September we headed to Europe. First we stopped in England for a few days to see Eve's brother's family and some friends. From there we flew to Budapest for a week. We saw all the sights and a few shows. It is a lovely city. Then we flew to Kiev for a week, seeing the sights and taking in a show. This was followed by a cruise down the Dnieper River to the Black Sea, terminating in Odessa. On the way we visited several towns, including Yalta where 'The Conference of Betrayal' took place. We saw a Cossack show at one stop, where great horse-riding skills were shown. We also went to Balaklava where the 'Charge of the Light Brigade' took place. We spent a week in Odessa, and taking in opera and ballet at the opera house, which must be the most beautiful in the world. Tickets were inexpensive, costing $20 for a box seat. We stopped in England on the way back and saw the stage version of 'War Horse.' Now, all we have left to do are two trips to California for Thanksgiving and Christmas with our son."
"The weather at our home in Scotland last summer was storybook-delightful--70s for highs, blue skies, rain as required, only between 2 and 4 a.m. (a welcome change from the past several years in which winter continued year round)," wrote George and Evey Elsea."Our kids and grand-kids are thriving. We had a houseful for the Thanksgiving week here in Texas, with both our son and daughter, three of four grandkids aged 13, 14,15, plus two cats and a dog. I was able to fly our daughter and the three boys in the Tiger Moth one fine afternoon."
"We stayed in Connecticut for the holidays, and returned to Florida (Naples) early on January 14. Carol had a double knee replacement in March. We spent Thanksgiving with Carol's mom in Texas, she's in mediocre health at 94 years," wrote Brian and Carol Kaley
"I'm still flying my airplane--three more years and I can join the UFOs (United Flying Octogenarians)," wrote Tony Bilello."All's well here in Denver. I have a cousin in Palm Harbor (FL) and a nephew in Jacksonville; if I get down your way, we can get together for a snort and bite of food. Carol and I just returned from a 42-day cruise of the Mediterranean with Jim and Judy Bujalski. It was a fun trip, but, we couldn't make it to my ancestors' home in the heart of Sicily."
"We've done little travel this year except to visit family and the Thud pilots' reunion in Fort Worth," wrote Dale and Ina Thompson. "We fighter pilots may look a little older and may have slowed down some; but when we get together we take up where we left off, tell lots of war stories, and feel young again. We still spend much time at our ranch. We've had visits this year from our daughter Karen, son Dale and his wife, Amanda, and son Brent, and daughter Stacey and her daughter Emma. Our oldest grandson, Dr. Kyle Walker, spent one of his rare weeks off with us--he's in his third year of residency in psychiatry at Harvard. Brett graduates from Texas A&M this spring with a degree in Computer Engineering, and has accepted a job with USAA in San Antonio. Matthew is in his 3rd year of college in Austin, Jared is a senior in high school in Houston, Caitlin works as a realtor with her mother, Chad is a junior at U. of Texas and Brent is in high school in Austin. Dale's mother is doing O.K. in Lawton, OK at the age of 94, and is still in her home of 63 years. And, good friends Ron and Connie Yatesand Andi Blancur have visited us at our ranch."
"George Fries wrote: "Becke and I are now in a two bedroom home (AKA "apartment") at a local retirement community. We spent the holidays with our nurse/daughter Stefanie and her USMC husband. We're going to visit Niagara Falls and Nashville soon."
"We're still busy with our church Chancel Choir," said Mary and Jim Waddle, discussing their work at United Methodist Church in Colorado Springs. "We sang a patriotic concert in February ('13) featuring Randall Thompson's Testament of Freedom. In May, we sang Mendelssohn's Elijah. On December 8th, 2013, we sang Handel's Messiah." (Also: they now have a GREAT granddaughter!)
"Howie Whitfield writes from Jamul, CA: "This summer I spent a few days with my two daughters Dawn and Lynn in the Olympic Peninsula, WA, hiking and enjoying the area. Later, my companion Jutta and I went to Oahu, HI, for a week to visit her son David, SSgt in the Marine Corps, his wife and their newborn baby girl. David left in September for Afghanistan. Thanksgiving this year was hosted by my daughter Lynn and her husband Eric, at their house in Moses Lake, WA. My other daughter Dawn and husband Dean drove over from Orting near Tacoma. All three granddaughters are in college and doing well. The oldest, Lauren, graduates in May with a teaching degree from Whitworth University in Spokane. I have decided to retire from being Executive Director at the Naval Helicopter Association in May after the 2014 symposium in Norfolk, VA. I feel fine, except for a little arthritis in my hands and wrists."
Final Roll Call: James Clinton O'Rourke died 3 February 2014 of pneumonia following a long illness. (There are currently 60 deceased and 167 living classmates).