Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
This is a report from the Colorado Springs Luncheon Group (presently 21 members). These monthly luncheons--organized and conducted by Wayne Kendall--provide a wonderful opportunity to exchange information. There are no ground rules, but there is a program or agenda.
The May luncheon at Colorado Mountain Brewery was at 1230 hours, 21 May 2014. Attendees were Jim Glaza, Dick Schehr, Fred Porter, Gordy Savage, Jim Waddle, Bruce Mosier, Wayne Kendall, Tony Bilello, Pete Roe, Dave Reed, and Denis Walsh. Fred Porter discussed his teaching activities at Colorado Tech, which include College Algebra and Statistics, and stated that he "recently shared a special evening with friend, Clark Lovrien '59, who was in town for '59's Reunion. Mary Lou and I went to dinner with him, and relived many memories. We were in Third Squadron together, and later at Edwards AFB, where we both flew the U-2 and P-1127 Kestrel (XV-6A, prototype for the Harrier Jet)."
Dick Schehr continued the topic of College Algebra by relating his experience tutoring his granddaughter-- understanding modern Algebra--then translating his methods to suit her impending test. He also covered the difficulties encountered investigating second-generation effects of exposure to Agent Orange.
Jim Waddle told us about his recent trip to Hickory, NC to visit a grandson. He is planning a summer trip to Alaska. Jim Glaza is planning a fishing trip with John McCullough in South Dakota. Gordy Savage is going to Oregon in July for a biannual family reunion, and looks forward to gathering with his kids in Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Long Beach, CA. Wayne Kendall has been trimming trees around his home to mitigate possible problems with another wildfire, and also plans a trip in September to Oregon. Bruce Mosier had a sad month, as his younger brother died from cancer; this is just the latest in a series of illness in his family, of which Bruce is the oldest.
Dave Reed offered this about his life: "Here's a photo of Pat and I, plus the Bujalskis and Bilellos. We got together in May for dinner at a local Boulder restaurant. Pat and I sold our home in New Zealand and now live aboard our wooden sail boat--usually from November through April. Invitations are open to visit, as long as you are not prone to 'mal de mer.' Better hurry, as this may be our last year in NZ!
"We plan to go diving at San Salvador Island in the Bahamas sometime in September, and perhaps driving to Apulia on the heel of Italy for a few weeks in October. We visited several Colorado and Utah National Parks in May. An especially lovely one (Colorado National Monument) is south of Grand Junction, and the 60-mile drive northwest from Moab along the Colorado is spectacular. I am still trying to get the 300 diamond soaring XC in this summer, but the WX is not cooperating."

Jack Brush wrote that "I finally sold my company in 2013, so while I don't have an office to go to anymore, I did keep the Aero Star. I have been using it to visit kids and grandkids. We recently visited Maryland and upstate NY and saw a tornado hook on Nexrad about 50 miles away. We spent two weeks in the Windward Islands this spring on our favorite Dutch Clipper ship Stad Amsterdam. We will spend a week in San Marino and on the cliffs of Galway, Ireland, next month. In the picture below is Elaine and I, on our travels; and, Clem Douglass and me with our 6th Squadron Intramural Lacrosse equipment, probably around 1959."

The June luncheon was superseded by the funeral for Jim O'Rourke at the USAFA cemetery on June 19th, with 15 classmates present. In the photo, back row, are: Jim Glaza, Dick Schehr, Bruce Mosier, Wayne Kendall, Pete Roe, Dick Sexton, George Pupich, Dave Reed, Andi Biancur, and Tony Bilello; in the front row are Jim Waddle, Gordy Savage, Jim Bujalski, and Denis Walsh; not shown is George Luck. It was a beautiful day and a fine send-off for Jim. His family was well represented, with Bev leading the group. Chaplain Bob Browning '59 presided over the ceremony, and a gathering at the Golf Course followed the interment. Jim's daughter delivered a very moving tribute to kick off the luncheon

George Luck said that Ed Leonard just returned from the Portland, Oregon VA Hospital, where he spent three weeks getting treatments for his "back problems." Suzanne said that his back was broken three times during captivity and that he is plagued with arthritis.
Pete King wrote that he had broken his hip (femoral-neck fracture), which resulted in hip replacement. After four weeks in rehab, Pete is getting around with a cane, which he hopes to get rid of soon.
Class President Andi Biancur had this announcement: "1. I urge all our classmates to write their personal biographies--for their grand children--and supply a copy for the Class. 2. Please either write your own obituary or contact a classmate to help. It will take a huge load off the bereaved family, and those of us tasked with that duty when it becomes necessary. 3. Write any thoughts of early class trivia, pranks, etc., for a semi-formal collection of items that led to some of the practices of today's Academy life. Much of the early history and events surrounding the Academy are in danger of being lost if we do not record them now.
"55th Class Reunion. Comments, suggestions, recommendations, gripes, and/or ideas, are gladly accepted; i.e., send me your thoughts ... . The present thinking is to have a Class of 1960 Reunion on the 2nd or 3rd weekend in September, 2015. A simplified version of our past get-togethers is proposed, with no merchandise offered, no registration gift, and conducted at the Academy with far less movement required. A typical schedule might look like this: Thursday--arrive Embassy Suites (ES); Friday--Arnold Hall--briefings and lunch, Cadet Chapel--Memorial Service; Saturday--Class meeting (ES), Football Game* Class Dinner (ES); Sunday--Social Events** & Departure. "See 'ya there--next year--at our 55th Reunion!"
DC Addendum: Leon Goodson is spending time with grandkids; one is an intern for DC HILL magazine. Bill Hockenberry continues to work. Les Querry is preparing for the next 'Roosting' and caring for Marty's mom. Jerry de la Cruz is busy with teen-age grandkids, and Betty, despite recent shoulder surgery, won the "PICKLE BALL" TOURNAMENT. Jack Schira's wife is getting ready for retirement. He and the grandkids are enjoying his new 20-ft boat. Bill Carnegie's kids are home for the month. Mike A. Clarke, who has a bad knee and shoulder, and whose eyesight precludes reading, reckons he has listened to 900 books. Tom Burke, still working, spent the July 4th weekend with family on the Jersey shore. He and Mary recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
This column was written by Denis Walsh, and contains some interesting tales involving 32 of our classmates. Now, go to www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html and take some time to peruse those recent additions to the site made by Les Querry and JT Smith--you'll be glad you did!