Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
"We toured Normandy, starting in London with Churchill's War Room," wrote Bob and Lutzi Fischer. "Bletchley Park--where Enigma was deciphered and Germany's code broken, mostly by young women mathematicians; visited war museums and Southwick where Ike launched Overlord. We ferried the English Channel to Utah Beach, spent one day on Omaha Beach, twelve days touring France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, and saw battlefields, cemeteries and museums."
"I work for the Circuit Public Defender, Southern Judicial Circuit, in their Thomasville (GA) office; I'm working on appealing a gang-related murder, armed robbery and aggravated assault case. At the trial, my client was found not guilty on murder and armed robbery, but guilty on murder and three armed robberies. I'm preparing to try a rape, child molestation case in October. True Confessions, and Merry Christmas," signed Jon Wilton McClure.
Another great luncheon July 7th; probably our smallest group of nine made it," wrote Tony Burshnick. "Leon Goodson will spend the summer at home with grandkids; one granddaughter works as Intern for DC HILL. Bill Hockenberry is busy with unions, corporate gents and employees. Les Querry cares for Marty's mom, and will host the get-together 25 October. Jerry de la Cruz is busy with teen age grandkids, while wife Betty had a shoulder operation recently, but was still able to win the "PICKLE BALL" TOURNAMENT. Jack Schira lives in Pasadena, MD; his wife still works, but, is getting ready for retirement. Jack bought a 20-foot boat, and he and the grandkids enjoy time on the river. Bill Carnegie's son and daughter are home for the month. Mike (A) Clarke enjoys his house with the daughter and her family; Mike has listened to 900 books, since his eyesight precludes reading, and he has a bad knee and shoulder. Tom Burke sill works, spent Fourth of July weekend on the Jersey shore with family: He has 13 grandkids! He and Mary celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary a few weeks ago.
Odenweller was in Belgium, Rekenthaler at USAFA visiting his 17-year old at the Academy Prep School, Loh was in Texas visiting Cadet Loh on his summer training trip, Alnwick was in Florida, Lalime was in MA, Johnson was home in Maine, Haller and Badger were with family, Fischer had back problems, while Hales, Higgins and Taylor were down South."
Les Querry and wife Marty Hiatt held their annual Roosting--photo, L to R: Tom Burke, Anne & Bill Carnegie, Diane Smith, Jerry de la Cruz, Bob Odenweller, Cathe & Bill Hockenberry, Pat Warack, Bob Fischer, Ken Alnwick, Judy & Howie Bronson, Karen & Tony Burshnick, Leon Goodson. Middle: Les Querry, Marty Hiatt, Liliane Badger, Lutzi Fischer, Betty de la Cruz, Maryn Goodson, Judy Alnwick. Floor: Bob Badger, JT Smith, Ralph & Darlene Lalime.

Frank Gorham wrote: "I looked at my pictures, and can't locate those from recent our Mini-'60 lunch in Ft Walton. I have a beautiful prairie sunset picture from our trip to Saskatchewan, standing between two of our training planes--the better to conceal my expanding waist line!"
"At the end of May, I retired from my job as Executive Director, Naval Helicopter Association," wrote Howie Whitfield. "I served 14 years, and it was time for a new director. NHA is a non-profit fraternal association, primarily of U.S. Navy helicopter pilots. There are 3,000 members, 75% active duty. We have two events a year, an annual three day symposium in May with meetings, corporate exhibits, sports events and a fly-in October of fleet helicopters at NAS Whiting in Milton, FL, where Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard helicopter pilots train. The job was a lot of fun, particularly working with junior pilots. Since retirement, I have been getting rid of excess stuff at my house and working in the yard (2.9 acres). This is my third retirement, following 25 years in the Marine Corps and 13 years at Sikorsky Aircraft. The photo shows me receiving the Lifetime Service Award from NHA at the symposium in Norfolk, VA, in May. The award is a replica of Leonardo da Vinci's concept of a vertical lift machine."

William Allen Gillis and Kenneth John Alnwick have the same birthdates: October 18, 1937! Celebrating this day at Alf's Bistro in the Panhandle of Northwest Florida on October 18th, 2014 were Ken and Judy Alnwick, Pete King, Bill and Kathleen Gillis, Aaron Thrush, Emma and Mike J. Clarke, Bo Frandson and Cecelia Gillis.

"While in Fort Walton Beach, Judy and I attended three reunions in three days: Air Commando, B-26, and the Class of '60 Red Neck Riviera mini-reunion," wrote Ken Alnwick. "Attending the '60 affair were Bill and Kathy Gillis, Bill's daughter Cecelia and friend Seaman Bo Frandsen (currently at Eglin EOD School), Mike J. and Emma Clarke, Aaron Thrush and Pete King. Absent were Jon McClure and Frank and Faye Gorham. Bill Gillis and Ken celebrated their joint 77th birthday. Bill is busy divesting himself of the nine boats in his private fleet--including a 38' sport fishing boat and a 14' glass bottom kayak. Ken's major activities still include coaching HS Lacrosse, stained glass arts, and joining Tony and the guys at Starbucks each Friday. Mike J had recently returned from USAFA, where he participated in a plaque dedication in the SEA Pavilion commemorating the 40 USAFA pilots who flew the A-1 in SEA. Mike had transitioned to the A-1 from the Ranch Hand spray birds and has been participating in a 21 year-long study of the alleged impact of Agent Orange exposure. The conclusion thusfar: "There is no direct casual effect of Agent Orange exposure to anyone potentially exposed to this herbicide." Aaron is active in local politics, teaches a Great Decisions course for the non-profit Center for Life Long Learning, and consults on local home remodeling projects. Pete King is a volunteer at the AF Armament Museum and is working on his docent certification."
December birthdays: Querry--35/12/04 ... Folkart--35/12/15 ... Long--37/12/02 ... Mrosla--37/12/12 ... Weinaug--37/12/20 ... Kaley--37/12/21 ... Hart 37/12/27 ... Sands 38/12/04 ... Haller 38/12/05 ... Bronson 38/12/08 ... Browning 38/12/14 ... Lester 38/12/11 ... Price 38/12/19 ... Kingman 38/12/31.
Leslie Alden Hobgood and daughter Rani Hobgood competed in the Big Bend Open Road Race for five years, using a 2007 Corvette Convertible; but without an approved roll bar they're restricted to 10 [sic] MPH Class. Rani tasted faster speeds two years ago and decided to purchase a "race car"--2003 Corvette Coupe with an integrated roll bar. "We're entering the 130 MPH class with a top speed of 168 MPH to average 30 in the coming year," wrote Les. "We've never won a trophy, though we came in 6th with a 0.6 seconds differential; that's over a 118 mile course in 64 minutes and 20.12 seconds. It will be quicker in the 130 class. This event supports retirement goals of fast cars, golf, beer and beautiful women... even they are older now," wrote Mr. Hobgood, in a flash of Texan honesty.
This column contains 43 classmate-mentions. Visit www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html for additions by Messrs Smith and Querry.. "March 2015 Column" will be written by George Luck and his Northwest Falcons' news from Northwestern states.
55th Reunion Andi Biancur has secured Embassy Suites for our 55th reunion the first week of October, 2015. /S/ Rosie.