Checkpoints Class News
2403 Arrow Park Drive
Alexandria, VA 22306
Email: kjalnwick1@gmail.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
Toward the end of our 55th reunion, a few of us were contemplating the impact of actuarial tables on potential attendance at a notional 60th reunion. Since there were no plans at that time for such an event, we thought that perhaps smaller regional mini-reunions, held in the not-so-distant future, would be a viable option.
Hence, thanks to the combined efforts of Bill Zersen, Nels Delisanti, Ben Furuta and a host of other west-coast denizens, the USAFA Class of 1960 Reno Mini-reunion was a smashing success for the 28 people who attended. The gathering was held on June 6, 2017, and the theme for the event was quite simple: no tours or special briefings, just good food, lots of stories and heart-felt companionship. The capstone event was a dinner at ZOZO's Restaurante'. The Pledge of Allegiance led by Miles Kaspar and a prayer for the Class by Jim Kerr kicked off the evening, which was punctuated by toasts and comments and the awarding of prizes. In closing, RG Head and Carol offered to host another mini-reunion for '60 in the Coronado/San Diego area in 2018. You can access the complete narrative and photos on our class web site.

From left to right: Charlie Thompson, Bill Zersen, Charlie Diver, Miles Kaspar, Dick Doyle, Jim Kerr, Alex Zimmerman, Vic Yoakum,
Ben Furuta, Greg Boyington, RG Head, DK Johnson, Howie Whitfield, Paul Vallerie, Harry Swainston, and Nels Delisanti
Coincidentally, on the same day in Colorado, George Luck's wish to have a bronze plaque, dedicated to those graduates who flew A-26, B-26 and RB-26 Invaders in SEA installed on the Wall of Heroes at the SEA Memorial Pavilion, was fulfilled. The ceremony began in the pavilion proper with brief comments by Andi Biancur, Roger Graham '63, and your humble scribe and then moved outside for the Calling of the Role, Taps and the formal unveiling of the plaque by Carolyn Luck and her son Mike. Classmates named on the plaque are: Kenneth Alnwick, Andrew Biancur, Robert Davis (KIA), George Luck and Patrick Smith. Other classmates and wives attending the ceremony were Dick Sexton, Wayne and Barbara Kendall, Jim Waddle, Ron Yates and Judy Alnwick. The wall also memorializes the dozens upon dozens of graduates who also flew and fought in that God-forsaken war.

Carolyn and Mike Luck, Jim Nance '71 (sculptor)
Frank Mayberry has taken up residence in Mesquite, Nevada. He is currently battling a type of fibrosis which inhibits the growth of red blood cells and requires that he get blood infusions on a recurring basis. He is in good spirits and enjoys living in Mesquite which is half way between his sons in Colorado and Southern California, has a great climate, and no state income tax.. He is hoping to attend another class reunion and would be delighted to hear from some of our classmates. Perhaps the 2018 Coronado mini-reunion might be a good fit.
Nuptial News: Phil Meinhardt and Roy Jolly have recently exchanged vows with their new life partners. Phil and Nancy Macy took their vows on 22 April at the Air Force Academy Chapel. This was the first wedding for Phil at the Chapel, and he and Nancy took full advantage of the opportunity, including an arch of swords held six cadets. Given the pending Chapel renovation, the odds are good that Phil's wedding is the last Class of '60 wedding to be held there. Roy and Barbara Ann Vessels joined in a " Commitment and Covenant Ceremony" in Edmond, OK on 6 May. Their "non-wedding" ceremony was conducted as a joint statement of their abiding love for each other and their dissatisfaction with what they perceive to be our government's unfair treatment of senior rights. Some 150 guests attended, most affiliated in some way with the 507th TFG. Gordy and Ann Flygare represented the Class ... .
Jerry Stack has checked in from Sanford, FL. "I must confess", he says, "not much has changed since our 50th reunion--except I did give up the cigars, but not the cognac. My lovely German-born wife--married my dictionary--and I have enjoyed cruising and extended vacations in Germany--this year, we were in Antarctica in January and February, cruised for two weeks in Alaska in June, and will spend a month in Munich in August--those trips pretty much represent our yearly lifestyle. We would happily join anyone else who has similar interests. Our home in Central Florida--Sanford--is open to all who want to reminisce about the "good old days"--when everyone could march in a straight line."
Paul Sullivan currently lives in Phoenix, AZ and plays the banjo. Previously, his career path can best be described as "other." After a stint as a UPT instructor, he became a Brigade FAC, and travelled by boat to SVN. His reward was an AFIT Astronautical Engineering MS, which landed him in Cheyenne Mountain and eventually Shemya Island in support of the Cobra Dane installation. He rounded out his career with increasingly more responsible positions in flying training and radar systems development and support assignments, including, after retirement, as a support contractor with Applied Research and Engineering. Paul has found his calling as a consummate bluegrass musician and singer, playing gigs with the First Arizona Banjo Band and the Cimarron Sidekicks--and loving the audience reactions.
In a quaint bistro in Fort Walton Beach, the Red Neck Riviera Mini-reunion convened again this summer attended by Aaron Thrush, Mike and Emma Clarke, Frank and Faye Gorham, Bill Gillis, and your scribe and Judy. Aaron continues to be active in local politics. Frank is still giving flying lessons as a Certified Flight Instructor. Mike (former YF17/YF-16 test pilot) and Emma still fly almost daily from their back-yard airstrip. Bill has deferred his move to Arizona until his daughter graduates from med school.. Pete King was awarded 10 demerits for failing to attend a scheduled formation. Jerry Farquhar was planning to drive over from Lake Okeechobee, but decided to break in his new 42' pleasure/dive boat instead (another 10 demerits)..

Courtesy of Tom Burke, the DC contingent convened at the Springfield Golf Club on 10 July to commemorate our first day at the Zoo. In addition to Tony "Two Canes" Burshnick, other attendees were Mike Loh, Ralph Lalime, Les Querry, Bob Badger, Jerry de la Cruz, Bill Hockenberry, Bill Carnegie, and Howie Bronson. Les reminded all that 21 October will be the date for the next Roosting
During this reporting period, Don Paye and Dean Phelps took their final flights. Don graduated with the Class of '61. After leaving active duty he went on to serve in various positions in the federal government, retiring as an LTC from the USAF Reserve in 1996. Dean was medically discharged from the Academy as a result of a detached retina occurring during a T-33 orientation ride. He was a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and a member of MENSA. His career focused on radio management and sales. He was an avid patron of the arts and made several important donations to USAFA's Special Collections Branch of the Academy Library.
This just in: The Class leadership has formed a committee to explore options for a 60th Reunion.