April - June 2015
As Compiled by JT Smith
Ken Alnwick provides this under the title On the road with Ralph Lalime : " After traveling military Space A to Misawa, Japan, for a months visit with my son, Chris, daughter-in-law, Robyn, and our two grandchildren. Robyn is a research scientist with the Center of Naval Analysis, currently on loan as the CNA Field Analyst to Naval Task Force 72 and Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing ONE. I very much enjoyed our interactions with some of Chris's Japanese neighbors.
Following that trip, Darlene and I spent Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year with son, Jay, daughter-in- law Aimee and four grandkids in Hancock, MA. They live 20 minutes from the Jiminy Peak ski resort, so the nine-year-old granddaughter and I got to go skiing several times! Of course we earned our keep chopping wood, cooking and helping to create the ice rink in the yard. Remember it was about 10 degrees last winter!
"In January, Howie Bronson, Jerry de la Cruz, Al Johnson, and I used a time share at Massanutten, VA for a few days of skiing. Al is one funny guy!
"I spent a February week in Salt Lake City with the mini-ski folks (great group). Got back to Virginia for our RV trip to Sanibel, FL for a month (warm water, warm sun). Jay and family joined us there for a couple of weeks. Four adults and four little ones in one 30 ft RV was fun.and quite cozy! Darlene and I had a three-day turn-around when we got back from Sanibel to download the RV and pack for a church group trip to Israel.
"It was a fantastic trip-- thirty Christians ( I was the oldest by a fair margin), one Pastor who could read Hebrew & Greek, and one Jewish Israeli tour guide with a Masters degree in History. Both Tony Burshnick and Ron Yates had told me beforehand that it would be a marvelous adventure and indeed it was. While we were sipping latte outside on the Golan Heights we could hear the sounds of to the artillery exploding near Damascus. The weather was perfect and we were able to celebrate communion in the garden next to the Garden Tomb.

"Future trips planned (Lord willing) include a week in July in our RV at Peters Pond on Cape Cod with about 35 nieces and nephews; a commercial flight to Utah in August for Chriss Masters Degree graduation; a 525th TFS reunion in Colorado Springs in August; followed by another military Space A trip to Hawaii (Maui, Kona, Oahu) in September for four weeks. And then on to the second star to the right ... .
Nulli Secundi,
Sed Domini,
The message on the 21st concerning the reunion group photos is now OBE. Access to those photos is no longer in the Photo Archives section; instead, they can now be accessed via a revised and enhanced version of the Reunions section. Check it out HERE.
Ken Alnwick got a message from Pete King with the following news: " After dating a beautiful lady (just slightly younger than I am) for over a year, I finally married Myke Atwater in a sunset ceremony on the bayou on June 27 in front of my house in Valparaiso, FL [not far from Eglin AFB]. . . ."

Congratulations to Pete and Myke.
Happy Father's Day, Gents!
A special version of the group photo from our 30th reunion has been added to those from our 25th, 35th, 40th, 45th, and 50th on the web site.. For those who haven't seen these identification-enabled photos, go to the Photo Archives section and try your hand at identifying faces from the past. If you get stumped, just click on the face to see who it is. Have fun!

The COS group's monthly meeting took place on the 17th. Check out Andi Biancur's report posted to the local groups section of the website.
Les Querry passes along this follow-up regarding George Luck from Samantha 'Sami' Edge, a staff reporter for The Seattle Times who has written a story/obituary about George: "Hi Les, I wanted to pass along the link to the story: http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/obituaries/george-luck-accomplished-pilot-instructor-dies-in-crash-at-80/
Thanks for your help, Sami"
Les Querry provides the following notification regarding George Luck: "A second funeral service will be held on 8 July 2015 at 1000 hours at the USAFA Cadet Protestant Chapel. Interment will be in the USAFA Cemetery immediately following the service.
Andi Biancur adds this update: " ... . The class will provide a donation in George's name and, of course, announce and attend any ceremony here in Colorado as soon as we know. Chuck mentioned that he had drafted an obituary and was awaiting Carolyn's approval to release it. I'll keep you in the loop. Andi "
[Update: HERE is a link to George's obituary on the funeral establishment's web site There is also a guest book should you wish to add a message to Carolyn.]
Chuck Diver sends the following update regarding George Luck: " No contact with Carolyn on Sat, 13Jun. She called this morning with news son Mike will arrive at noon today-Sunday-picked up by neighbor friend.
"Visited her this afternoon.
"Service for George will be at the Purdy and Walters at Floral Hill Funeral home at 1100 on Monday the 22 of June 2015. Mapquest it.
"I selected about 15 addressees for this, but only three are showing up. So, Andi, if it does not go to more than three addressees, please sent to Michele Cowan for her info. I'll work at getting the rest notified from here. New e-mail-shouldn't be difficult.
"Carolyn and Mike are at home: 5709 147th Street SE, Everett, WA 98208-9376
Here are a few stories that somehow got sidetracked while I was away (see story immediately below) and, sadly, focused on the current spate of bad news:
This year's gathering of Los Guajolotes took place at the historic Hotel Seville in Harrison, Arkansas. This 1929-vintage hotel--on the national registry of historic places--has been recently restored to much of its former glory. It sits just off the central square of this picturesque town in the heart of the Ozarks. Harrison has become the hub for several closed-loop routes cherished by motorcycle riders for their beautiful scenery and marvelously twisting character. Names like Ozark Moonshine Run, Peel Ferry (yes, it involves a ferry crossing), Jasper Disaster, Mountain View, and Eureka Springs Backroads foretell the general character of these 100-to-200-mile adventures.
For the past several years, Gordon Flygare has come along as my guest on these annual outings by a group of my friends and colleagues from the rider-education community, but this year he was unable to attend due to pressing matters that posed a conflict. This was disappointing, of course, but prioritization has its place. Diane was especially disappointed, because she was looking forward to spending time with Ann while Gordon and I were off enjoying our riding activities. Fortunately, there were several other ladies in attendance with whom she could enjoy other pursuits.
The weather was nearly perfect, and we didn't miss a day of riding. This had been a concern given the weeks of unrelenting rain storms that had plagued the area from Texas and Oklahoma through Arkansas and Missouri. And, as luck would have it, the local constabulary seemed to take the most of the week off after a grueling weekend of raising funds for the local governments by lying in wait for hapless motorists. Consequently, we were able to make the already interesting roads a proper delight by wicking things up a bit.
All-in-all, it was a great week, and I'm already looking forward to next year's gathering which will be somewhere out in the western part of the country. Hopefully, Gordon will be able to join in on the fun.

J.T.--Blue Bike, White Hat, Red Sleeves
[Ken Alnwick has added the following anecdote to this story: "FYI, Harrison, Arkansas is the birthplace and hometown of Wayne F. Kendall, Jr. He had an aunt who lived at the Seville until she died at the age of 93."]
"Here is a picture of my 78th birthday," writes Charlie Liggett, which we celebrated with a few friends this past January 11. Kathy has been sitting beside me for 55 years which we celebrate on June 8."

Congratulations to Charlie and Kathy.
This from Howie Whitfield via Ken Alnwick:
"Hi Ken, Thanks for the cell phone call and my partially confused response--good to hear your voice. I reported in an earlier class news column that I retired from my job as the executive director of the Naval Helicopter Association in May 2014. This year I have started to work on my 'bucket list'. The end of April I took a Sierra Club Kayak Trip to Charleston, SC. There were 12 in the group. We spent a week and stayed at a seashore beach house. The two leaders rented our one person kayaks. Each day we drove to a different creek or stream launch site and spent 4-5 hours paddling with a break. We learned about the history of rice farming there and the civil war, Forts Moultrie and Sumter, and visited an impressive Audubon Society nature center with a two-mile elevated boardwalk trail in a swamp. There were snakes and alligators but the bugs weren't bad in April.
"The end of June I am going on a week-long Sierra Club whitewater trip on the Middle Fork of the Salmon Fiver, in Idaho. I will report on that later, if I survive. I look forward to seeing you in October at our class reunion, God willing. Thanks for 'volunteering' to be our class scribe.
Best wishes,
John Gonsky sends this via Rosie:
"Hello Rosie, Wanted you to know that we were bursting with pride last Thursday as our granddaughter Alison Weiss graduated 12th in her class from the US Air Force academy. She was awarded a trophy for the Outstanding Cadet in Political Science, and she will attend the University of Chicago in September, working for her Masters Degree in International Relations. See attached 4 photos. Alison is the daughter of our youngest daughter, Karen, and her husband, US Air Force Colonel Geoffrey Weiss, who will be taking command of the 505th Test and Evaluation Group at Nellis AFB on June 29th.
"All of our other nine grandchildren are either successfully in their respective careers after graduating with Masters Degrees, or still in college pursuing their dreams. We have just one grandchild still in High School.
"We are still hanging in there and enjoying life to the fullest after downsizing to a smaller home last year.
"We hope that you and Karen are doing well.
"Take good care of each other. John"
This from Norm Haller via Ken Alnwick:
"Hi Ken and Les. Glad to hear you are helping with Rosie's prior duties. See http://dougcollins.house.gov/press-releases/collins-announces-academy-nominees/ and look for Cassandra Haller. She got two nominations ... Navy and AF. USAFA and U.S. Naval Academy both offered appointments to Cassie; she chose to go where her brother and sister went ... also, she was impressed with prior Navy Summer orientation program. Her Navy choice makes the third USNA appointee from son Richard's family (daughter Lauren, now a senior, and son Jeff, now at Pensacola for pilot training ... both of them received early appointments from Navy, but AF only offered ROTC and Falcon, not USAFA). Richard is married to Julie (Northgraves ... her family has relatives who graduated from USAFA); both Richard and Julie are USAFA grads from 1988.
"Tony and Jockwere at USAFA when Richard began atprep school. Jock took me on a tour when Richard entered. I chuckled as we walked by the formation to see Richard standing at attention. Later, when Richard was flying, he once took Ron Yates on a trip to D.C. area. Liz and I were waiting at Andrews for Richard, and Ron was driven by in his staff car--he stopped the car at the fence andtalked with us for a while before leaving (think he gave us a report on how well Richard did).
Recent photo of Cassie and me at an awards ceremony is below. Hope this and prior message give you enough stuff.
Bye for now, Norm
"Oh yes, ... Ken, Liz reminded me that she saw your daughter on Fox News Channel the other day ... early a.m. report.Forgot the subject, but glad to see her on national network. "

Andi Biancur reports more bad news: "Guys, I have some very bad news. George Luck died in an aircraft accident yesterday, Wednesday 10 June, at 9:16 am. We don't know much yet, but we believe he was checking another pilot in a Bonanza that the other pilot had just purchased. ... I will forward any further information as soon as I receive it. Hold Carolyn in your prayers. Andi"
Rosie has resigned as Class Secretary and Scribe, and Ken Alnwick has taken up the challenge. As one of his first tasks Ken must, in less than a month, prepare and submit the Class column for the next Checkpoints. If you are reading this, then you know that the 'News' of late has been anything but uplifting and not really the sort of thing that Ken would want to put into the magazine. So, this is a call to everyone who has done anything at all fun and/or interesting in the past few months to write it down and send it to Ken ASAP. Include a picture if you have one. Come on guys; help a Classmate out. We don't want to see a blank hole in the magazine where the stories of Nulli Secundus should be. Oh yes, and keep those cards and letters flowing our way so that both Ken and I can keep everyone up to speed on what's happening with those about whom we care a great deal.-- J.T.
This from Les Querry:
" Paul was proud of his association with the Class. In 2012 he wrote to me, "I really enjoyed our 35th reunion and my wife, Sheila, is still mad at me for not attending the 50th. I have been having some health issues and I just didn't feel up to the trip. I could have handled the reunion, it was the doggone trip out and back that is the toughest part for me these days. "

And yet another piece of sad news, this time via Jock Schwank:
"Dear Jock, I am writing to letyou know that my husband, Paul Sones, passed away on May 3rd. He was always greatly touched by the continued friendship and kindness of his classmates there at the Academy. Attached is a copy of his obituary. I'd love to continue being on the email list to hear more news about the great class of 1960 in the future! Both Paul and I loved our trip to the 50th reunion and have held the memories with such warm regard. Many best regards, Sheila Sones " [Note: Paul and Sheila attended the 35th reunion vice the 50th]
Click HERE to read Paul's obituary.
This from Andi Biancur: " I received the sad message below yesterday and thought it best to pass it on . I am sure we all grieve with John in loosing Mimi - she was a wonderful person. Andi"
[referenced message from John Kuenzel]
" Andy, After a short but critical illness, my wife [Mimi] passed away on 30 May in the Arlington hospital. She was with our 3 children and several grandchildren. Her service is scheduled for Thursday, June 4 at Moores funeral home on N Davis St. in arlington 76011. Time 2pm. She was CWC/DU grad. and Delta Gamma member.Please pass to class and their spouses. Thanks, John Kuenzel"
This from Denis Walsh: ".... Enclosed are two pictures of the Steve Bishop graveside ceremony yesterday, and another of our group at the family gathering afterwards. The first two are at the cemetery, and the third is from the family gathering in Monument, CO at the Ramada Inn.
"It was a fine ceremony, and the weather was excellent. By my count we had eleven or twelve members of the class of 1960 in attendance. As you can see from the photo, only seven made it to the Ramada. These were Wayne Kendall, Denis Walsh, Dave Reed, George Pupich, Jim Bujalski, Bruce Mosier and Jack Brush. Elaine Brush was also there but is not in the picture.
"From the graveside service, I also recall Pete Roe, Gordon Savage, Dick Sexton and Bill Hodson. I feel I am leaving someone out, and hope Wayne can help out. The gathering after the graveside service was very well done, and was well attended. Steves sister, his widow and his children all delivered fine anecdotes, as did Dave Reed, who recalled swim team experiences.
"I have tried very hard to attend every USAFA Burial Service of our classmates since I retired in Colorado, in 1991. Having been to most of them, I want to assure our classmates that all of our departed 60 members have had a fine send off, a welcome back to USAFA, and a final salute from our local classmates. Denis "
For those who would like to read Steve's obituary in The Boulder Daily Camera, click HERE
This from Jerry de la Cruz: "I am saddened to report that Sue Higgins passed away this morning. She was battling cancer and recently suffered a stroke. There will be a funeral Mass celebrated this Friday, May 15, in Greenville. Sue will be buried at the Academy at some future date. "
This sad news from Andi Biancur:
"William Stephen 'Steve' Bishop, 322K, Class of 1960, passed away on the morning of 25 April 2015 at the AltaVita Memory Care Center in Longmont, Colorado. At the present, we are unaware of the exact cause of death. The only information I currently have is there will be a viewing sometime tomorrow at Crists Mortuary in Boulder, after which he will be cremated.
"Steves wife, Roberta, currently resides at 4945 Sundance Square, Boulder, CO. 80301. If you have questions or wish any further information, call me and I will pass on what I know. (I will contact Roberta, to ascertain what I can.)"
"Ed Leonards Final Interment," writes Andi Biancur. "On Friday, 24 April, 2015, many of the Colorado Springs classmates joined Eds family at the Academy Cemetery to honor him. His widow, Suzanne, and a host of family members came to the Academy as part of the dedication ceremony for the Graduate POW sculpture which was added to the Vietnam-SEA Pavilion on the Heritage Trail. Along with several of the attending graduated POWs, Andi & Carole Biancur, Jim & Mary Waddle, Dick & Sally Sexton, Ron & Connie Yates, Jim & Jeannette Glaza, Caryl & Bruce Mosier, Dick & Sharon Schehr, Deanne McCullough, Jock Schwank, Wayne Kendall, Denis Walsh, Dave Reed, Jim Bujalski, Pete Roe, George Pupich, and Gordon Savage made up the local contingent.. Also, George Luck, accompanied by Ken Fields [CDR, USN (Ret). Ken was A-7 'Streetcar 304,' the SAR subject when Ed went down in Laos. Ken was rescued after 3 days around Chepone.] joined us from their homes in the Northwest. Following a very memorable ceremony with full military honors, and an impressive A-10 missing man fly-by, Eds ashes were laid to rest beside those of our previously fallen classmates. "
Andi Biancur reports on the April gathering of the Colorado Springs contingent in the Local '60 Groups section.