April - June 2018
As Compiled by JT Smith
R.G. Head sends this report on the recent west-coast mini-reunion:
"West Coast grads gathered in Coronado the weekend of 8-10 June. Festivities were hosted by RG Head, Howie Whitfield and Dick Doyle with Carole Hoover Head providing the glamour. Attendees included: Greg & Junie Boyington, Dick & Donna Doyle, Gary & Susan Gulbransen, R.G. & Carole, Deke Johnson & Sue Stone Woodward, Miles Kaspar, Phil & Nancy Meinhardt, Howie & Jutta Whitfield, Yates, Vic & Suzanne Yoakum, Bill Zersen, and Charlie & Kathy Liggett who were celebrating their 58th Wedding Anniversary.
"Events began Friday evening with a champagne reception at the Head's bayside patio just yards from their two boats. Strawberries were dunked in champagne to everyone's surprise. Dinner followed at the nearby Coronado Cays Yacht Club on San Diego Bay where RG was a Staff Commodore. Dinner and the band music were delightful.
"Saturday was an exciting day, beginning with a guided tour of the San Diego Air & Space Museum, which featured RG's large model Albatros D.II and Hawker Hurricane that he had donated. Lunch at the sumptuous Prado Restaurant in Balboa Park featured a variety of food and White Sangria! Later in the afternoon, three couples got another tour, this time of San Diego Bay on RG's sailboat, "Carole's Fandango". Dinner was again on the Bay on the patio of the beautiful Il Fornio restaurant where Grad-stories were exchanged.
"Levity continued Sunday morning over a farewell Brunch at the Cays Yacht Club, and two adventurous couples competed in a Bocce Ball game. (Ron's team won.) All agreed it was a delightful weekend, filled with reunion stories, good fellowship, and bonding comradeship. Overall everyone had a great time."
"The Association of Graduates has recently learned of the death of Col (Ret) Russell E. Thoburn who was an ATO during 1955-1957. Colonel Thoburn passed away on 17 May 2018 in Castle Rock, CO.
'Visitation will be held on 6 Jun 2018 from 1930-2100 hours at Horan & McConaty Funeral Home; 5303 County Line Rd; Centennial, CO 80122; (303) 221-0030; www.horancares.com. Burial and graveside service will be held on 8 Jun 2018 at 1130 hours at the USAFA Cemetery. In the event of inclement weather the graveside service will be moved to the Memorial Pavilion.
"In lieu of flowers, his family has suggested that memorial donations be made to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation 1805 S Bellaire St, Suite 285; Denver, CO 80222; (303) 639-9163; www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org.
"Condolences may be sent to his family in care of his daughter, Sandie: Mrs. Sandie Shepherd; 854 Dales Pony Dr; Castle Rock, CO 80104-7811."
And yet another:
"The Association of Graduates has recently learned through an online search of the death of Lt Col (Ret) Loyal D. Hastings who was an ATO from 1954-1957. Colonel Hastings passed away several years ago on 29 Apr 2009. Services were held at the time of his passing and he is buried in Evergreen Cemetery in Springville, UT. His family had suggested that memorial donations be made in lieu of flowers to the LDS Perpetual Education Fund; www.ldsphilanthropies.org. No further information is available."
"The Association of Graduates has recently learned through an online search of the death of Mr. Earl "Mick" Michler who was an ATO form [sic] 1954-1957. Mr. Michler passed away several years ago on 2 Jun 2011 in Nacodoches, TX. Services were held at the time of his passing and he was buried in Yellowpine Cemetery in Sabine County, TX. No further information is known."
and, sadly, another:
"No picture is available. The Association of Graduates has recently learned through an online search of the death of Col (Ret) Morris T. Warner, ATO 1954-1957. Colonel Warner passed away several years ago on 11 Oct 2010 in Staunton, VA. Services were held at the time of his passing. Burial was in Thornerose Cemetery, Staunton, VA. His family had suggested that memorial donations be made to the Stonewall Jackson Council of the Boy Scouts of America; PO Box 813, Waynesboro, VA 22980. No further information is available."
Here is an update from the AOG regarding Frank Mayberry:
"The Association of Graduates has recently learned of the death of Lt Col (Ret) Frank D. Mayberry, CS-03 class of 1960. Colonel Mayberry passed away on 22 Apr 2018 in Mesquite, NV. A funeral service will be held on 4 May 2018 at 1100 hours at the USAFA Cemetery Memorial Pavilion. Friends and family will begin gathering at 1030 hours for a brief viewing prior to the ceremony. Interment will immediately follow the service in the USAFA Cemetery. Condolences may be left online at www.virginvalleymortuary.com or may be sent to his family in care of his wife, Eve: Mrs. Eve C. Mayberry; 1180 Pebble Beach Dr; Mesquite, NV 89027-6759."
Les Querry has learned that ATO Col (Ret) E. R. Biersack died on 21 March after a battle with Parkinsons:
You can read more and send condolences at http://www.greenhillsfuneralhome.net/notices/RetColER-Biersack.
Here is a quote from Frank Mayberry's obituary:
"Frank was born on January 7, 1936 and passed away on Sunday, April 22, 2018. Frank was a resident of Mesquite, Nevada at the time of passing. Frank graduated from the Academy on June 8, 1960, with a Bachelor of Science degree and a navigator rating. Frank David Mayberry January 7, 1936 ~ April 22, 2018 (age 82) Lieutenant Colonel Frank David Mayberry, US Air Force Retired, passed away at age 82."
You can read more and send condolences at http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/frank-mayberry-obituary?pid=188837873"
Andi Biancur sends this unwelcome news: "Gentlemen, I just received notification from the AOG that we have lost two classmates. Jaspar Hardison passed away on 14 Feb, and FrankMayberry passed away within the last two days. I have no further details. As soon as I hear more, I will get the word out to you."
Les Querry contributes the following: "This is all that I could find for Jack Hardison: https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/tucson-az/jasper-hardison-jr-7764279"