April - June 2019
As Compiled by JT Smith
John McCullough sends the following: "Guiding friends for walleye in S.D.:
Jim and Jenny [Glaza] have been the best of friends ever since Deanne and I moved to Monument, CO. We have had a second home ( small farm place ) in South Dakota for the last 10 years where I do walleye fishing in Spring and Pheasant/deer in the fall. This year is the 8th year in a row that Jim and Jenny have driven up for a week of great fun, food and fishing in my boat on Lake Oahe. Jenny always brings more especially prepared meals than we can eat. We entertain some of our local farmers friends and wives. The booze and wine flow freely, the beds are comfy, the weather cooperative in June, the memory making is the very best, nature and wildlife abound. Occasionally we get serious about catching, cleaning and eating the terrific walleyes and usually there are plenty of frozen fillets to take back to Colorado. The Glaza week is always a Spring highlight at 'Lonesome Dove' Best regards, John and Deanne McCullough"
The AOG reports the following:
"The Association of Graduates has recently learned through an online search of the following ATO passings:
"Mr. James C. Lavery passed away on 24 Apr 1982 in Arma, KS. He is buried in Garden of Memories Cemetery in Pittsburgh, KS. No further information is available. No picture is available.

Tony Burshnick sends the following: "Hi guys, Just a short note to let you know our buddy Al Johnson is in the Mt. Vernon Hospital after suffering a stroke this past week. I talked to him and he sounds OK but will have to stay in the hospital for a bit longer. His phone number is 703 664-8542. His son Mike came down from Maine and is with him as is wife Gale."
Bill Hockenberry adds, ". . . Just spoke to him at the hospital and the stroke affected the right side of his body. He does not know the prognosis as of yet but expects to be hospitalized for another two weeks at least."
I recently returned from a trip to Colorado Springs where I attended a reunion of the C-123s-in-S.E.-Asia gang. Other Classmates at the event were Jim Bujalski and Judy Rodrigue, Dave and Camille Sweigart, and Bruce Edwards. While we were in town, the COS group held a really nice gathering. A total of 24 Classmates and Ladies enjoyed a great meal and a really enjoyable visit at the Marigold Cafe and Bakery. Thanks to Jim and Jenny Glaza for coordinating the event. It was great seeing all who could attend.

Middle Row: Sally Sexton, Mary Lou Porter, Camille Sweigart, Carol Bilello, Mary Waddle, Judy Rodrigue, Barbara Kendall
Front Row: Carol Savage, Elaine Brush, Jenny Glaza, Connie Yates
The trip continued to be memorable. After the C-123 reunion, I spent part of Friday visiting with Dusty and Ann Trail ('59) who just happened to be in town. Dusty invited me to join them for breakfast at their hotel, and as I walked into the hotel I saw, to my surprise, Greg Boyington sitting in the breakfast area. After a nice visit with Dusty, Ann and Greg, I proceeded to the Glaza castle on the mount for a marvelous dinner, expertly prepared by Jenny. The dinner, which was also attended by Jim's son Ed and other friends, concluded after several rounds of war stories (and a few glasses of wine) had produced lots of laughs.
After a night's rest and a wonderful breakfast, another Jenny masterpiece, I loaded the truck and headed south, destination: the home of Gordon and Ann Flygare in Norman, OK. It was a nice day for traveling, but I grew drowsy in the late afternoon and decided to get off the road under controlled circumstances rather than waking to a surprising and likely dangerous situation. The trip to Norman continued uneventfully the next day.
I had a nice visit with Gordon and Ann. Gordo has some mobility issues arising from an old neck injury that has produced a bit of stroke-like impairment on his left side. Consequently, he has to, as he puts it, "think about walking" to get from one place to another. Nonetheless, he continues to enjoy taking a variety of life-long-learning courses being offered at OU and interacting routinely with family and friends on Facebook. Ann prepared an "experimental" lasagna-like dish for dinner, and the experiment was a glowing success. Given my self-prepared and eat-out diet at home, this trip has been a stark reminder of what I have been missing. -- J.T.
Commandant Relieved of Duty! The [Colorado Springs] Gazette story included the following, "Effective immediately, Brig. Gen. Kristin Goodwin is no longer performing her duties as the commandant of cadets pending the results of an ongoing investigation," the academy said in an email to The Gazette. "We cannot provide additional information on the investigation at this time." Read the full article HERE.
Lt Gen Jay Silveria ('85), presented his State of the U.S. Air Force Academy briefing in Polaris Hall on 12 April. His briefing was recorded and may be viewed in its entirety HERE.