January - March 2015
As Compiled by JT Smith
Andi Biancur writes: "I have received a letter of resignation from Rosie Cler as the Class Secretary and Class Scribe. It is most critical that we fill that position ASAP. As you are well aware, Rosie has performed a monumental service to the class over the past not only keeping us updated but developing, with Les and JT, the best communications network of any graduating class. Without a doubt, his shoes will be difficult to impossible to fill.
"I know there are several of you who are talented writers and can find the time to step up to the task he has so capably filled. I am asking that one of you volunteer to take on that task for the class.
"Rosie, with Les and JTs help, has streamlined the duties of the secretary and scribe. Secretary duties have been greatly decreased by their electronic actions in roster-keeping and developments on the web site. By distributing the scribe work involved with producing the CHECKPOINTS Class Column among other class groups, Rosie has minimized the workload to, managing three of the four annual inputs and writing the four or only one per year.
"With all that in mind, I am sure that one of you will be able to find the time to step up and assume the task as a duty to the class. Please contact Rosie should you need further motivation to make this decision.
"Jock will be sending out a Mass Blast early this week with the above announcement in hope that a classmate will step up to taking on the task of class secretary/scribe
This from Rosie Cler via Andi Biancur: "Dotty Westby Farquhar, wife of Jerry Lance Farquhar, died on Tuesday, March 17, 2015, following a long illness. Jerry married Dotty in 1995; Dotty was a former B727 Captain with Miami Air International, while Jerry flew Delta Air Lines for 33 years. The Farquhars lived north of Lake Okeechobee, FL, maintained a condo in Lighthouse Point, FL, and spent considerable time in the Exuma Islands on their 44' Cherubini ketch rig--the 'Paladin.' Jerry and Dotty owned a Piper Aztec, and a 1946 Piper Cub."
Andi adds, "I did speak with Jerry today. He indicated that Dotty would be cremated, and there was no consideration of any ceremony at the Academy. He did talk freely of Dotty's skills as a young swimmer and horse rider as well as her superior skills as a pilot. At one time in her earlier life, she was a student and teacher at a school of design in Rhode Island. He characterized her as a very courageous woman who appreciated history and never seemed to become frustrated."
John McCullough sends, "Jim and Jenny Glaza, Deanne and I visited with Steve [Bishop] [last month] in Longmont, CO. We took the signed card from the recent class lunch, a bunch of cookies and a hyacinth plant for his room. We spent about two hours in very jovial conversation including lunch there at Alta Vita. Steve is in excellent health and condition and very appreciative of the class interest in his well being. Other than some minor exhibits of memory loss, he seems to be the same good natured fellow he has always been. He was very interested in any news regarding classmates. He says he is comfortable and happy to be where he is. Jock, you may want to pass this on to the class. We also took pictures which will be forwarded to appropriate class scribe(s). John"
Mike Loh has written a forceful and insightful article urging a change in strategy in the effort to deal with ISIS. It has been posted to the Shared Messages section. Check it out.
Tom Schlechte checked in with the following: "Hope the new year is being kind to you and yours ... . I've had a set back--I haven't been communicating with anyone for 5 months--spending all my time in "cognitive rehab"--as a result of short term memory loss--at grueling 4-hour sessions 3 times a week. I've finished the ordeal tho, and it did do some good ... . I still have the problem but also have a few "tools" to combat it and help with the memory (altho not cure it). Fortunately, medium and long term memory are little affected ... . Am adjusting well, altho they recently said no more driving which is a royal pain since I live 4 miles out of town and getting around is not easy unless Kathe takes me ... .
"We're still traveling (I just don't tell the docs where I'm going, and I take a risk I suppose.) ... . We spent 3 weeks in Norway last August. We took a Hurtigruten trip up the coast from Bergen to north of the arctic circle--it's a real trip--the Hurtigruten ships stop at a dozen ports, and the whole voyages are up the coast within site of land. Really a very different experience. One of the "fun" parts of the trip ... was the getting to Bergen from NY and the return both of which I made sure we could get on Norwegian Airs new 787 Dreamliners (what a trip at 40 thousand feet) It was only about 7 hours from LGA to Oslo (I have no idea of the airspeeds, but it certainly was a step up from what I'm used to.
"Would be interested [in] what is going on with everyone else (I've been out of touch for so long and with the change of email address any old emails would never have made it."
This follow-up to the R.G. Head announcement below comes from Dick Doyle who attended the reception in R.G.'s honor on 15 January: "Both Howie [Whitfield] and I were there, and it was an outstanding event with about 60 to 80 people in attendance. I was one of 6 people that was asked to speak about RG. I mentioned how outstanding he was at the Academy, being one of the top cadets and it was good knowing and being around him those early years. I did not have a chance to get any pictures, but many people were taking pictures, and I am sure that they sent pictures to RG ... . Sincerely, Dick ."
Tony Burshnick's report on the latest gathering of the DC Group has been posted to the Local '60 Groups section. You can access it via the menu or directly by clicking HERE.
Rosie Cler has learned that R.G. Head was named the 2014 Citizen of the Year by the Coronado Private Bank in Coronado, CA, and he will be honored at a reception on 15 Jan 2015. R.G. was cited for his philanthropic activities in this community and most specifically for his donation of his meticulously crafted, 1/4-scale replicas of vintage aircraft to a local museum and a local library.

This announcement was accompanied by a very nice biographical article in the November/December 2014 issue of Coronado Lifestyle magazine. We have excerpted and reprinted the article HERE with the kind permission of the magazine publisher, Kris Grant.
Congratulations, R.G.