January - March 2016
As Compiled by JT Smith
Check out Andi Biancur's report on the 2016 Mini-ski Reunion which is posted HERE.
This from Nels Delisanti:
"NW Falcons got together on Feb 23.. we were visited by Ben Furuta.. who left all that sun to come get wet.. Next gathering Mar 11, at Tulalip 11:30.. call Nels or Chuck if you're gonna be in the area."
Ben Furuta sends the following:
"Had a chance to meet with the Seattle group at lunch on Feb 23. Here are two pics (pretty much the same [so, I just picked one--JT]) with N. Delisanti, Vic Yoakum, Denny O'Keefe, Chuck Diver and me."

Vic, Nels, Denny, Chuck, and Ben
Russ Currey update: you may view his obituary HERE.
And still more sad news:
The Association of Graduates has recently learned of the death of Lt Col (Ret) John R."Russ" Currey on 14 February 2016 in Eastaboga, AL due to complications following a battle with throat cancer.
The family will receive friends on 20 Feb 2016 from 1000 to 1100 with the funeral service starting at 1100 at the Craig Memorial United Methodist Church, 175 John Wills Avenue, Eastaboga, AL.
The family has suggested that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Craig Memorial UMC c/o the Russ Currey Memorial Fund, P.O. Box 86, Eastaboga, AL 36260.
Condolences may be sent to the family via his wife, Glenda: Mrs. Glenda Currey, 1531 Peaceful Valley Road, Eastaboga, AL 36260-7321.
Jerry de la Cruz shares the following story written by Leon Goodson about his experiences at a gathering of the Super Sabre Society at the Smithsonian's Udvar-Hazy Center back in 2014. Jerry and Betty were also in attendance.
Every grandpa wants to be a hero to his grandchildren. On August 9, 2014, my F-100 flying buddies from decades ago made that work out for me. Through their largesse, I got to be a legend in the eyes of one of my granddaughters. Heres what happened.
Smithsonian Air and Space had decided to put an F-100D on display at the Udvar-Hazy Center. The Super Sabre Society held a formal dinner after hours in the Center for members and guests to celebrate the event. Maryn and I both planned to go, but shortly before the dinner, something beyond our control took Maryn out of play and I was left dateless. Fortunately, our second eldest granddaughter, Vivian Hughbanks, had just finished her sophomore year at Hillsdale College and was in town on an internship with The Hill, interviewing newsworthy people and writing articles for publication. She consented to be my date, which was very lucky for me and guaranteed that a great deal of attention would fall on us. (She is very pretty and totally charming.)

Leon and Vivian
I had found out the particular airframe on display was tail number 56-3440. Sounded familiar. Come to find out, it was one of the 90th Squadron birds at Bien Hoa complete with the Pair-O-Dice emblem on the nose wheel cover. That was my squadron.
So, on the way out to Udvar-Hazy, I began telling Vivian how I had flown that very airplane in combat. I remembered with advantage the extraordinary things we in the Dice Squadron did back in the day. Warming up to my storytelling, I said that many of the Dice fighter pilots had, in my mind, achieved legendary status either there or elsewhere in their long careers. Some of them would very likely be at the dinner. Would she like to meet some legendary fighter pilots? Indeed she would!
Many there qualified, in my judgment. So I would just pick one, walk up and say, Vivian, I would like you to meet a legendary fighter pilot , and we were off and running with tales remembered and convincingly told, often with astonishing clarity and detail, certainly corroborating my assessment! While there were a couple of Aw, shucks kind of shuffles, no one outright denied being a legend. And, whatever else you may think about fighter pilots, they are quick to figure out whats really going on in a conversation, and double quick on the uptake with stories -- mostly to help. So it was not at all unusual for somebody to weave into the narrative, Well, take your Grandpa for instance. Hes no slouch in the legend department. One time we were on a night mission out of Bien Hoa, the weather was horrible, and the friendlies were about to be overrun. We had a load of Snakes and Nape. And we were off on another round of tales, some of which were partially true -- best I can recall.
Turns out, Vivian was genuinely interested in what that bunch of old fighter pilots had to say. That interest was reciprocated. Viv is an interesting girl, and delightful to talk to. So the old fighter pilots steered most conversations around to find out how she came to be there, where she had been and what she had done, and what did a young person like her think of various things. It is a pretty sure bet that it wasnt just her grandpa who was quite captivated by Vivian that evening. She had a grand time, and so did I.
Two days later, on August 11, 2014 -- Vivian posted on Facebook: On Saturday night, I got to accompany a legendary Air Force fighter pilot to a dinner at the Smithsonian to celebrate the plane he flew in Vietnam. He is quite a celebrity - I am a lucky girl.
Thanks, guys. I owe you one. A lot, actually!
Those of you who had conversations with Vivian that evening may be interested in what she has been up to since:
It may also interest you to know Maryn and I have five more equally interesting grandchildren that we can tell you about, and if you promise to help me be heroic in their eyes and not mess me up, Ill work hard to arrange for you to meet them.
More sad news:
The Association of Graduates has recently learned of the death of John E. Gutzweiler, Jr. John passed away on 20 January 2016 in Pennsylvania. A funeral service was held on 26 Jan 2016 at the Strunk Funeral Home in Easton, PA. . Burial will be at the convenience of the family in Northampton Memorial Shrine. To view John's obituary and sign the guest book click HERE.
His family has suggested that donations in lieu of flowers be made to the VNA Hospice of St. Luke; 240 Union Station Plaza; Bethlehem, PA 18015 or to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital; 504 St. Jude's Place; Memphis, TN 38105. Condolences may be sent to his family in care of his daughter, Julie: Ms. Julie Gutzweiler; 1158 Bushkill St; Easton, PA 18042-3261.
Les Querry reports the recent winter storm:
"We took a pretty good hit from Jonas. I had put our neighbor's ATV w/plow in our garage on Friday night to be ready for downhill plowing. But the snow was too deep for the small plow, and, after about 200 ft., the plow became stuck in the too-deep snow. And it is still there. I spent yesterday trying to dig it out and will return today to, hopefully, release it from captivity and succeed with some plowing before it rains tomorrow. We might get out to the main road by Wednesday. Thankfully, Marty's mother is in a care facility in Berryville and not here. And, since we had prepared the generator hookup beforehand, we didn't lose power."
Later update:
"After being exhausted from digging out the plow, we received a call from the care facility that Marty's mother was showing near-terminal signs and was going to the hospital. We arranged for a friend to pick us up at the highway 1/2 mile away, put on our snowshoes and began walking in 3 ft. of snow. It was rough going because the snow was soft and the snowshoes sunk about 8 inches with each step (good exercise for thigh muscles) plus it was about 25 deg F. After about 1/3 mile Marty was able to contact the hospital by phone, got an update on her mother's improved condition and decided that we did not need to be there. So, we snowshoed our way back to the house, an easier trip with those convenient tracks that we had made before. Time for a good single-malt scotch and watch the sunset. Its a robust life. Can't imagine having a leisurely life, sitting in a recliner watching a golf match."

Dave Reed provides some sage advice in an article on ways to minimize the cost of prescription medication. It has been posted to the Shared Messages section and may be accessed via the main menu under Shared Messages / Latest or directly by clicking HERE.