January - March 2017
As Compiled by JT Smith
Bob Badger forwarded this great news from Norm Haller:
"Good news. B&L! Benign results from biopsy ... don't have to go back to Dr. for a year! Cannot thank you both enough for the many prayers; they sure worked this time ... not sure who you contacted on this, but circulate news as you think best ... also, looking forward to seeing you on next trip south. Bye for now, Norm"
Here's a Spring Headline for you: "New female AFA commandant moving here soon, with her wife." This was the opening sentence in an article published yesterday in The Colorado Springs Independent. Read the article http://www.csindy.com/TheWire/archives/2017/03/20/new-female-afa-commandant-moving-here-soon-with-her-wife. For more information, read the article published today in the AirForceTimesHERE.
Bob Badger sends the following: "Earlier this month Norm [Haller] informed me that he had a biopsy performed on his thyroid gland after a nodule was discovered. At the biopsy the doctor said that the nodule looked benign, but sent it off for analysis and said that, if it appeared to need further examination, they would perform a second more complete biopsy. Norm just went back to the doctor for a report on the first biopsy. He sent me the report below. Time to get him into your prayers, guys.
[Norm's message] "Yesterday p.m. got final word about need for biopsy next week on thyroid. Thought I was clear based on recent ultra-sound, but Dr said nodule appears to have grown ... not much, but enough to have her decide another biopsy would be best route (prior biopsy was indeterminate). So, leaving for hospital on Tuesday. Not sure what might happen after that. l'll let you know status later next week or soon thereafter when Dr gives me results and next steps. Prayers appreciated very much! Best, Norm"
Here's a follow-up from Bill Hales: "Norm, I am very sorry to learn of your thyroid situation. I had mine removed 3 weeks ago due to a goiter growing next to my wind pipe that could have caused instant death at any moment. I'm fine now and am taking a pill daily but am not missing the thyroid. Hopefully that will be your outcome as well."
Thanks to Bob Fischer (via Les Querry) for pointing out a letter in the April/May 2017 issue of Air Force Magazine written by Mike Loh. Mike's letter is in response to an article in the February 2017 issue entitled Legacy of the Lightweight Fighter Competition. Mike decries the absence of any mention of Col John Boyd's contributions to the initial development of the LWF concept and design requirements. Download and read Mike's letter http://www.airforcemag.com/MagazineArchive/Magazine%20Documents/2017/April%202017/0417_Letters.pdf.
I recently received a nice letter from Classmate Ron Giblin who left us in back in February 1957. His interesting story outlines his life activities since leaving USAFA. It has been posted to the Shared Messages section.
The AOG has revamped its website. It now includes scanned versions of USAFA Yearbooks. Access them https://www.usafa.org/Heritage/Yearbooks.
Bill Zersen has released an updated attendees list for the NW Falcons mini-reunion in Reno. It has been posted to 'Private NOTAMS' in the USAFA '60 Members-Only Section. [see below]
Your website now has a restricted-access, "Classmates Only" section. It contains Directories giving the latest contact information for both Classmates and Next-of-Kin (available for viewing and/or download) plus a Private NOTAMS section for Class communications/information not intended for public viewing. Click HERE to access the Login Page. First-time users will be directed to request a password. Access will be granted only to Classmates, Next-of-Kin,.or other authorized users. Once you have your password, subsequent visits to the Login Page will permit you to access the protected information.
Jack Brush sends the following: "It's Official at last!"

Way to go, Jack. Congratulations.
NOTAMS: Ken Alnwick submits the following tidbits of news that didn't quite fit into his most recent Checkpoints article:
The "Northwest Falcons" of the Class of 1960 are planning a mini-reunion in Reno June 6-7, 2017. They have just requested a block of rooms at the Peppermill Casino. The planned activities are:
Cocktails on 6 June and a dinner on 7 June--no other activities are planned. Anyone that would like to join the "West Coast Gang" of the Class of 1960 please contact Bill Zersen at: E: wzersen@comline.com or T: 949-945-8630.
George Elsea has written the story of his and Evey's 19-year experience with their house in Scotland and their recent decision to sell it. It is posted in the "Shared Messages" section which can be reached either from the main menu or by clicking HERE
Happy New Year!
May 2017 be way better than 2016.