January - March 2019
As Compiled by JT Smith
Dick Sexton sends the following report on the results of the AOG Election:

Dick Sexton forwards the following messaage from Doug "Mush" Brower ('72), President, Class Advisory Senate, regarding the AOG election:
"Hi Dick,
"Below is my standard blurb that I've sent to every Senator. I sure hope we get a quorum and can put this thing to rest. Hope all is well with you and yours. Take care. Cheers...Mush
"We are in the midst of a very important election period for the AOG. There are 23 candidates vying for 6 Director positions and the Board is requesting a change to the bylaws to allow us to hire a Single CEO to run both the AOG and USAFA Endowment and streamline those operations. The polls are open for a little less than 2 more weeks and we are struggling to get the 25% quorum for the bylaw change. At this time, 21.9% of eligible voters in '60 and only 17.3% of every class have cast their votes . I've attached a spreadsheet with the names and contact info for those in your class who have yet to cast a vote. [The attachment to lists 107 USAFA '60 AOG members who have not yet voted.] The Board is requesting you use this information to ask them one more time to participate in their Association's democratic process. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of your AOG.
"PS I've pasted in some links from the AOG site for those who need to request a ballot. Please feel free to use it. Thanks! If you do not have your election login information, please click on this link https://www.directvote.net/aog/sendID.aspx, enter your email address that is on file with the AOG, and your election login information will be emailed to you. If that does not work, contact the AOG at elections@aogusafa.org or call 719-472-0300 for help."
Dick comments that ... "I did vote in favor of the proposal even though I have some reservations as to whether or not it will work. But both boards want to give it a try & believe it will work, so I figured let them try and we will see."
The AOG has released a biographical article about ATO Kimbrough Bassett that you might find interesting. Check it out HERE.
The fact that Fred Porter is still working is highlighted in a story posted recently on the KKTV website. The story describes Fred's work as an Aero Prof at USAFA and includes a few quotes and even a war story. Check it out HERE.
Howie Whitfield has learned that Robert Baker passed away on 21 December 2018.
This request was forwarded by the AOG:
"Good Morning, CS-05 is creating a new Squadron Trophy Case. The squadron would like input from the graduate community. The attached MFR explains the project. Please post this information on your class websites or ask your CS-05 representatives to forward the letter to squadron classmates. Graduates interested in sending memorabilia back to CS-05 should contact the squadron POCs directly. Caleb Stuffle c19caleb.stuffle@usafa.edu or Connor Brazinski c19connor.brazinski@usafa.edu."
To view the MFR click HERE.
Unwelcome news form the AOG: "The Association of Graduates has recently learned of the death of Lt Col (Ret) Russell A. Hixon, former ATO. Colonel Hixon passed away on 22 Dec 2018 in Yuba City, CA. Services will be held on 5 Jan 2019 at the First Lutheran Church; 850 Cooper Ave; Yuba City, CA 95991. Burial will be private in Sacramento Valley National Cemetery. His family has suggested that memorial donations be made in lieu of flowers to the First lutheran Church's Organ Maintenance Fund at the address above; (530) 673-8894; www.flcyc.org or to the Veteran's Stand Down Fund; Alta, CA Chapter, MOAA; PO Box 1972; Marysville, CA 95901. Condolences may be sent to his family in care of his wife, Linda: Mrs. Linda Hixon; 750 Lincoln Rd, Unit 62; Yuba City, CA 95991-6654"