January - March 2020
As Compiled by JT Smith
An Interim Reunion Message from Andi Biancur:
"Here it is the end of March and it appears the future of 2020 is somewhat up-in-the-air. For that reason it is appropriate that I update you on our planned 60th Class Reunion scheduled for the end of September.
"As you are already aware, we have been working on the event for several months and feel confident that we are well ahead in its planning. This current semi-crises will, undoubtedly, interrupt that process temporarily, but not to the extent of creating any unworkable situations. We, along with the AOG, have produced a tentative agenda approved by senior Academy staff and are now basically tying up loose ends and finalizing such things as transportation needs and catering menus."The official registration forms are currently expected to go out electronically in mid May with close-out by mid September. They will be followed shortly by any necessary snail mail copies.
"Until then, please have patience, the hotel room block will be opened upon registration release, if not sooner; so, do not call the Drury Inn as no room booking will be accepted until we authorize the release.
"If you have any questions, please give me a call: (719) 488-4317."
Unwelcome news from the AOG: "The Association of Graduates has recently learned of the death of Mr. Frank S. Wilkerson, ATO. Mr. Wilkerson passed away last year on 27 Apr 2019 in Cameron Park, CA. Condolences may be left for his family online at www.greenvalleymortuary.com or they may be sent to his family in care of his son James, USAFA '83: Mr. James J. Wilkerson; 12291 Kosich Ct; Saratoga, CA 95070-3509."
This from Les Querry: "After the DC '60 luncheon on Tuesday 14 January, Bill Hockenberry, Ken Alnwick, and I made a visit to Al Johnson who is in the recovery mode following a stroke last Summer. Al appeared to be making progress in his recovery even after he had some pin repairs following a recent fall. According to Gale, he is a good patient and mostly cooperative. We'll check in again after our next luncheon in March. Jerry de la Cruz and Ken Alnwick have been frequent visitors."

Al, Bill Hockenberry, and Gale
"The Association of Graduates has recently learned of the death of Maj (Ret) James W. Clark, Jr., CS-14 class of 1960. Major Clark passed away on 13 Jan 2020 in Ft. Worth, TX. Information concerning services is currently unavailable.
Happy New Year! We start the year off with a story about Ted Zeller ('59 and '60) that appeared on 27 December 2019 in the Mebane Enterprise. The article, in Ted's hometown [Mebane, NC] paper, is focused on Ted's donation to the Academy of a football signed by the members of the undefeated '58 Falcons team.
However, it also contains a lot of information about Ted since his departure from USAFA. It is an interesting read; so check it out HERE.