July - September 2013
As Compiled by JT Smith
Andi Biancur writes, in part, "The Colorado Springs contingent ... met for our monthly luncheon on 18 September (the 66th anniversary of the Air Force) at CHAMPPs the usual haunt ... . The attendees were: Jim Bujalski, John McCullough, Wayne Kendall, Jim Waddle, Gordon Savage, Ron Yates, Jim Glaza, Denis Walsh, George Pupich, Bill Hodson, Dick Schehr, & Andi Biancur (a dirty dozen).

You can read the rest of Andi's interesting report at here.
George Luck sent the following: "On Thursday, September 5th, the '60 Northwest Falcons gathered at the home of Jim and Bev O'Rourke for a superb barbeque dinner of ribs and beans. Those attending were: Nels Delisanti, George and Carolyn Luck, Jim and Bev O'Rourke, Vic Yoakum, Chuck and Edie Diver and Bill Zersen."

You can see more photos at here.
This just in from Al Johnson, "On August 25th some of the locals here in Maine got together at Wheeler's Bay to make a large dent in the lobster population: Joanie [and] Don Stevens, Gayle [and] Billy Delony, Gale [and] Al Johnson. Finished up with some great Maine blueberry pie.

The Northwest Falcon's latest get together was on 13 August. You can access George Luck's report and photos here
J. T. and & Diane Smith recently returned from a trip to Finland, Lapland, and Norway. Diane's reports on the trip are now posted to the Travelogues section. You can access them either from the Travelogues option on the menu or by clicking the following links: Finland or Norway

The DC Group's latest get together was on 9 July. Read Tony Burshnick's recap here.
Les Querry has discovered that former ATO Colonel Herman L. Gilster died on 22 May 2013. No details were reported.A Memorial Service for Colonel Gilster will be held Monday, July 15, at 10:30 at the Pavillion at the USAFA Cemetery, with a reception following. To read an obituary and, if you wish, sign the guest book click here.
> Andi Biancur sends this follow-up regarding Karl Jones: "Rosie, I am attaching an obituary I found on line for Karl. I have not had a chance to talk to Mary Ann, but will. I did talk to the Heritage Gardens Funeral Home and found that he was to be cremated and the ashes returned to the family. ... " To read the obituary and, if you wish, sign the guest book click here.