July - September 2014
As Compiled by JT Smith
This from from Jock Schwank: "Good day classmates. The local Colorado Springs group wants to know if you are coming to town for the USAFA -- Navy game weekend, 3 -- 5 October. If you'll be here that weekend, please let Andi Biancur know . Thanks, guys and have a great week. jock"
This from from Andi Biancur: "Guys, Les Hobgood sent this to me yesterday. I think that, since most of us know Mike, it would be interesting to see what he is currently thinking ... . . " [MikeLoe speaks out in a letter published in DefenseNews, Sep 15 on the role of airpower in the fight against ISIS / ISIL / IS (pick your favorite) Click HERE to read Mike's letter.]
GeorgeLuck's reports on the June, July, and August gatherings of the NW Falcons (with some great pictures) are posted in the NW Falcons Page in the Groups Section.
George Fries update: anyone who would like to read an obituary for GJC and/or sign the Guest Book, click HERE.
This from Tony Burshnick: "Hi Fellas, Well I am sorry that I have to be the bearer of sad news. Our fellow classmate and very good friend, George J. Fries, passed away last night the 7th of August. Isn't it ironic that yesterday was Purple Heart Day!!!!!
"As you know GJC was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. After installation of tubes in his body for chemo treatment he came home but developed pneumonia. That did him in. May he rest in peace!!!!
"Becky said George did not want a big funeral ceremony, so she will have him cremated and buried at the Air Force Academy. I will keep you posted on a date. You may want to send Becky a card so here is her address:
1006 Old Denbigh Blvd. Apt 109 Newport News, VA 23602
"Let me know if you have any questions, TONY*** NULLI SECUNDUS"
This belated posting comes from Bill Hales: "Tony & Rosie, Since we couldn't make it to the DC lunch, Joe and I met here in Greenville as a gesture of solidarity. Below is our text and pic to record our event. Cheers, Bill
"Joe Higgins and Bill Hales met for a commemorative lunch at the Downtown Greenville Airport to celebrate our entry into the Class of '60 at Lowry 2 on 7/9/1956. We have established the Greenville, SC Flight as part of the DC Class '60 Group. We welcome all classmates who wish to join us that can't make the pilgrimage to DC or who are in the area while traveling. We remembered roomies, early events and how much fun we had during that first summer in the Rockies! "

Ken Alnwick sent the following: "Here are some photos from our most recent Class of '60 Red Neck Riviera Mini-reunion at Ali's Bistro in Fort Walton Beach. Attending were Ken and Judy Alnwick, Frank and Faye Gorham, Mike and Emma Clarke, Aaron Thrush, Pete King and , for the first time, Jon McClure. We do this about once a year in conjunction with my annual family gathering on the beach on Okaloosa Island. Please pass along as appropriate."
Just got this from Charlie Folkart: "It's been a few decades, but it is good to have a chance to say "Hi." I trust all is well with you.
"Nels Delisanti told me you were looking to update the class records, and I thought I'd contact you directly along with Nels forwarding my email. I had planned to see all you guys at the fiftieth reunion in 2010, but I was under a form of house arrest for five months here in Ecuador for being involved in a fatal car crash on July 5th. It took a while, but on my 75th birthday the judge finally delivered the verdict: not guilty.
". ... I'd be happy to hear from anyone who cares to write. Best regards to all, Charlie Folkart, 1960"
We are in the long-overdue process of updating our Class roster. The first phase has been to send update-request emails to those who have an email address listed in the database. To date, just over 100 have responded, and my thanks go to all of them. That still leaves 70 or so who have yet to respond. This could be that they are away from home or they don't check their email frequently or they have changed their email address and have not updated their contact information. Another possibility is that their email system is set to block messages from addresses that are not in their address list and place them in a "Junk" or "Spam" folder. So, I ask that everyone with an email address who has not received a USAFA '60 Database Update Request message to check your Spam/Junk mail folders to see if it is there.
As a final step, there are undoubtedly those who either have changed their email address recently or never had one listed in the database. So, I ask everyone who has an email address but has not received the update-request message to send me an email asking for an update request.
And finally, messages to several addresses listed in the database have bounced back as being undeliverable, namely: Steve Bishop, Garth Cooke, Charlie Folkart, Frank Gorham, Terry Green, Dick Hillman, Roy Jolly, Jim Kerr, Dave Ullery, and Bob Weinaug. So, I ask that if anyone has a good email address for these guys, I'd appreciate having it.
Once Phase I is as complete as possible, then starts Phase II, phone calls. Finally will come Phase III, the good ol' US Postal Service. This is going to be a "fun" project, and I appreciate all of the help I can get.