July - September 2017
As Compiled by JT Smith
Ben Furuta sends the following:
"I sent this response regarding the presentation given by Lt. Gen Silveria today addreessing the racist graffitti at the Academy [Prep School] earlier today. I also contacted public relations office at the Academy indicating I have sent this to our class web page.
"It basically repeats some of what I told you earlier this year, and I hope it has some impact. Clearly this is a topic close to my heart.
"Hope it can make a statement for our class."
Click HERE to read Ben's Open Letter.
Dave Reed sends this update from Diana regarding George Pupich:
"Things have more or less stabilized with George. His abdominal discomfort has been decreasing and the doctor who did the surgery said that what he is experiencing is normal.
"We have met with Hospice and, during the last visit, George's vitals were good and Hospice plans to check in every couple of weeks.
"George still doesn't have much appetite (again normal given his surgery) but has been able to eat on occasion. Obviously, this means that he is losing weight as well as having less energy.
"As for me (Diana), I am definitely feeling the effects of the ongoing stress of George's illness as well as entertaining guests during previously scheduled visits. While we both enjoy seeing you, the visits are draining on both of us. If you want to plan a trip, please check with me first so that we can plan for a time that is not already full and a time when we are, hopefully, rested.
"George is accepting phone calls and Facetime visits. The best way to handle these is for you to call or text me (Diana) so we can ensure that George is awake and feeling well enough for the call.
"What we expect from here on is a slow, steady decline in strength and energy, so we don't expect to have any dramatic updates, but I will try to keep posting updates since we know how many people want to stay abreast of how we are doing.
"Thanks once again for the outpouring of love."
I'm in the middle of passing a kidney stone, and by this time next week should be on the way to Switzerland for 10 days. This means I'll be able to keep u with Diana's posts, but will not be able to come see Bill. Thus if any of you do visit Bill & Fran please let the rest of us know how they are doing. DJR
Ken Alnwick sends this unwelcome news:
Last evening Andi called me to inform me that B/G Cassiday had died in Hawaii--on Sept 21, I believe. Greg may some info as well. Hopefully, the AOG will get something out promptly. If they do not, we can do something unique to our class as soon as more info comes in. Obviously, his death will be the lead item in our Class News, but by the time that the next issue of CP is published his passing will be fairly old news. Indeed, if the AOG is on the ball there will be a feature article about"
Here is the text from the AOG Facebook page:
The class of '59's deputy commandant, retired Brig. Gen. Benjamin B. Cassiday[, Jr.], recently passed away at the age of 95 in his home in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Academy grad & 12th USAFA Superintendent, retired Lt. Gen. Brad Hosmer, said "Bent Wing Ben" was the iconic fighter pilot during their four years at the Academy and said "he was the source of more leadership and character stories among our class than any other figure."
Hear General Cassiday tell his story here: http://video.flyingheritage.com/v/brigadier-general-benjamin-cassiday-jr.htm [66 minutes]
General Hosmer said, "From WWII combat in the P-47 (and squadron command) he was early in the F-86 and became commander of perhaps the first swept-wing fighter group (F-86A) at Bentwaters. He led the only F-86 ocean crossing on record. Out of regard for him, when he departed one of those early assignments his officers gave him sterling silver Air Force pilot wings as they were and are now, except the wings were swept a-la-F-86."
Dave Reed sends this update regarding Bill Hodson:
"Ron and I went to visit Bill after the Wednesday get-together. Good News - he is much improved. He is getting better movement of his right arm and leg and his understanding of questions much improved also but speech still difficult to understand but making good progress. Fran says he really seems to enjoy company. If you visit try to encourage him to speak even though you might not understand what he responds - good therapy for him to try to encourage new speech neurologic connections."
Jock Schwank has lost his beloved Hope. She passed away on Saturday, 16 September; she was 77. A memorial service will be held Saturday, September 23, 2017 at 2:00 pm at JourneyBe Church in Polson, MT.
You can read a brief obituary and send condolences HERE.
Dave Reed sends this update regarding Bill Hodson:
"I went to visit Bill H. yesterday and in summary found some slight improvement in speech - looks like recovery will be a bit on the slow side. It appears that relatively simple thoughts get in and are registered (slowly) but answers are continuing to be virtually impossible to understand. It would appear to me that the defects in speech are both with incoming comprehension and the ability to put together an answer both from the neurologic-connections standpoint but also reflecting speech-muscle weakness. The end result is that I suggest the best thing we as classmates can do is visit and express helpful thoughts, assuming that somewhere in Bill's thought process the support is registering although Bill can not clearly express this - yet.
"He is in a wheelchair and Fran has been getting Bill outside for a couple of rounds around the outside of the facility. His left side (arm as well as leg) appear to be at least basically functional. He can stand and walk with support. He does tire easily. He does seem to like being read to from either of the two books that Fran has for him but don't be surprised if he falls asleep as you read. Maybe not a bad idea.
"His care schedule and his need for rest + meals lead to a rather difficult time recommending when to visit. Fran has said that he lunches @ 1200 and has a nap about 1400 for an hour or so then dinner @ 1700. In the AM matters are a bit more "flexible" so Fran says to come visit in the AM if you wish - you may well find him in his room. I suspect just checking in as you can with Bill occasionally - just a few minutes now and then would do him a world of good even though you may not see it registering.
"Another thought: Fran is experiencing paperwork hassles with the VAH and other long-term care concerns. She is trying to be with Bill virtually full-time to help ensure his care is as it should be.
"So just an idea: if there are any of the classmate wives who might be able to offer Fran some support doing so might make a tremendous difference.
"I'll try to keep local classmates up-to-date as I can. If anyone visits perhaps you could do a mass-emailing to local classmates as an update also.
"Any suggestions I am sure will be greatly appreciated. "
Addedum: Here's additional information from Fran in a message to Dave Reed: "Hello Dave, Thank you for your visits. Bill really enjoys seeing familiar faces. Here's what's up as i write this from last night's visit:
"Talked with doctor and Bill is really trying to talk. Although much of what he says is difficult to understand, I am getting more words, which is encouraging. Doc really recommends as much conversation as possible. His brain is trying to remap and it's critical that Bill say and do as much as possible within these first months.
"He is continuing to walk and yesterday even asked me to walk with him. He cannot yet walk without a staff member and a gait belt; however, I was greatly encouraged by his ability to self-correct.
"That's all for now. Whatever you want to pass on would be appreciated. Keep prayers coming.
Les Querry relays this unwelcome news from the AOG:
"The Association of Graduates has recently learned of the death of Maj (Ret) John R. Englehart who was an ATO, USMA 1953. Maj Englehart passed away on 12 Sept 2017 in San Antonio, TX after suffering a fall and battling dementia.
"A funeral service will be held on 19 Sept 2017 at 1600 hours at Porter Loring Funeral Home, North; 2102 North Loop 1604 E; San Antonio, TX 78232; (210) 495-8221; www.porterloring.com. A graveside service will be held on 25 Sept 2017 at 1300 hours at the USAFA Cemetery. In the event of inclement weather the graveside service will be moved to the Memorial Pavilion.
"His family has suggested that memorial donations be made in lieu of flowers to the USAFA Endowment; Air Force Acaemy Fund; 3116 Academy Dr, Suite 200; USAF Academy Co 80840; (719) 472-0300, Ext. 200; www.usafa.org/give.
"Condolences may be sent to his family in care of his wife, Ellen:Mrs. Ellen Emglehart; 239 W Skyview Ct; San Antonio, TX 78228-2425"
Diana sends this update regarding George Pupich: via Wayne Kendall:
"GEORGE had gastro Jujenal Bypass yesterday. Surgeon pleased. G will be in hospital (Penrose Main) til at least Tue. Folks can keep up w/progress by going to Caring Bridge George Pupich.
Dave Reed sends this retransmission of the latest entry on the Caring Bridge website [see 30 Aug below] regarding George Pupich:
"It is amazing that in some ways reality seems to be coming on like a runaway freight train while hospital processes move at a glacial pace. Somewhere in the middle is the cancer which has spread and is continuing to spread.
"George is still in the hospital, and we have both come to the realization that there is nothing that can cure or really improve George's physical condition.
"The stomach blockage from the tumor is both causing pain and preventing George from getting nutrition. Hopefully tomorrow we will be meeting with a doctor who will help us assess what can be done that will allow George to receive nutrition and prevent pain from the blockage.
"We also plan to meet with Hospice soon (God willing) to decide how we can provide the best quality of life for George for the rest of the time he has.
"I want to thank everyone who has offered support and help. I also know that there are many of you who would give it even though you haven't said so. We are feeling well-supported for our needs at this time and will not be bashful about asking for more if it is needed. Your generosity and love are a huge to our hearts which is where it is needed most.
"Right now, I (Diana) am exhausted with the frustration of the unknown, the back-and-forth of the hospital coordinating what George needs, etc. etc. etc. Big prayer request is for rest and peace for my spirit."
Dave Reed sends this follow-up message regarding his and other Classmates' visit with Bill Hodson:
"HI TROOPS: Update on Bill with Frans blessing absolutely no unauthorized personal stuff.
"Tony B[ilello]. and D. Sexton and I arrived about 1400 to find Fred P[orter]. in attendance. Sounds like we four were the first ones to visit. Bill appears to be able to intake what is said, but due to both the underlying nerve damage as well as some muscular paralysis he tried to speak but his speech is very slow with only a word or two and is simply not understandable. He does nod in response, so it appears at least what one says is understood but likely not to a full extent. His legs appear to be weak (not sure how much or even IF) and he was sitting in an armchair. His right arm seems to be at least partially paralysed left appears to be OK. He SEEMS (according to Fran) to have lost 1/2 of his visual field in both eyes = cannot see you from either eye if you are to his left. He has swallowing difficulties but is able to use his left arm to feed himself with a spoon with Frans help soft food only so far due to the swallowing difficulties.
"The chief of OT/rehab came in while we were there. Facility seems extremely professional and I am sure he is getting the best treatment possible. Impressive!
"Fran gave us a bit more thoughts about visiting. She is 100% sure that Bill would appreciate classmates visiting and that doing so is a great mental boost for him. In the AM Bill is typically involved in interacting with his OT team. She recommends that unless no other time is available for you to visit, it would be best to plan to come sometime between 1300 and 1600 and he does get a bit emotionally nearer the late PM. No need for advance notice.
"Fran did express the thought than she is spending much of her waking time with Bill, so if some of us do visit that might free her up a bit to do more of the multitude of tasks she is facing. It might help her to send her an email letting her know when you might be there so she could meet and greet you, then go around the corner to get some stuff done.
"Bill is in room 203 just go in the front door, then up the elevator on the immediate left. On exiting on the second floor turn left and youll find a long nursing desk. I suggest it would be polite to stop at the desk and ask Bills shift RN for clearance to go see Bill in case he is not there or is in the middle of some OT. You may wind up going to his room, or he may be in a larger room near the desk.
"By the way Fran would appreciate emails intended for Bill be sent to her email f.hodson@comcast.net rather than to Bills email to keep administrative tasks lighter for her.
"Fran also told us that it would help Bill to have someone read to him for a short period. She has a book there in case you would like to help in this way. Obviously he cannot read and she says he is an avid reader. By the way in case Bill is able to manage computer keys with his left hand OT is going to see if possibly Bill might be able to communicate effectively this way.
"So that gives the big picture. Ill plan to go back on either the coming Monday or Tuesday so if any Denver Denizens might wish to go also please let me know. Ill plan to be there about 1400 so as to be able to get through the Denver gridlock before heading back to Boulder.
"UNRELATED QUESTION: I gather George P[upich]. is having some serious medical problems. If one of us is close to the family and is given some info about George and whether he would like visits and is told it is OK to send this out to the rest of us for support and prayers and possible visiting...
Andi Biancur has forwarded this follow-up message from Fran regarding Bill Hodson:
"Andi, Pls know that Bill suffered a massive stroke on August 24. He has no speech or swallow and everything on his right periphery is affected, sight and arm, week leg.
"First, prayers are needed. Pray hard and boldly.
"Next, he was in ICU for 3 days and then moved to an acute neuro floor. I moved him yesterday to Center at Centennial. There was no more, medically, that could be done at the Hospital. He needs "intense" therapy (speech, swallow, PT, OT).
"I know that he loves all his classmates. Can you pls forward this to them. I'm also asking for visitors (short), bearing in mind that he cannot speak clearly. Just being there would lift his spirits. He gets extremely agitated around 4-5 p.m. so I would suggest early would be better.
"I'm also working with the VA to see about future benefits. Could I ask you or someone to help me navigate that maze?
"Pls forward this to Bill's classmates of '60. Anything that can be done to lift his spirits would be appreciated.
Here's a followup regarding George Pupich:
A "CaringBridge" website has been set up to serve as a central communications point, both inbound and outbound. Diana will keep the site current with the latest news about George and how he is doing. It is also the place where everyone can post messages to George and/or Diana rather than sending individual emails.
Here is the link to the site: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/georgepupich/journal.
And we have more unwelcome news from Fran regarding Bill Hodson:
"Im so sorry to just do a reply all for this msg. Want classmates to know that [Bill] had a massive stroke this past week. I'm just home today (Saturday) for a short while and then I'm back at the hospital. He is in Neuro ICU at Penrose Main. NO VISITORS. JUST PRAYERS, PLZ. Bill has a long road ahead of him to journey, but we know that our God is a gracious one and Bill has been a faithful servant."
Diana sends this unwelcome news regarding George Pupich:
"G has been diagnosed with Lymphatic cancer and most likely Pancreatic cancer. We meet w/oncologist 8/30. This meeting is to see if cancer has metastasized. We are looking @ QUALITY vs quantity of remaining time. Seriously doubt we will do chemical treatment - both feel he will live longer w/o chemicals than with. G is comfortable; stoic and we are tying up loose ends. Feel free to call.
"Sorry for sending bad news, but, no choice.
Mike Loh has published an excellent OpEd in Defense News about problems with the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS). Click HERE to read it.