October - December 2013
As Compiled by JT Smith
The December issue of Checkpoints has been distributed. A copy of Rosie's column has been posted to the Archives section of Class News. You can access it via the website menu or directly by clicking here.
The '60 Northwest Falcons gathered on 11 December at the Tulalip Resort, north of Everett, WA. Read George Luck's report with pictures here.
The COS group's November meeting took place at the Colorado Mountain Brewery. Check out Andi Biancur's report with pictures here.
The November activity for the '60 Northwest Falcons involved some interesting cross training. George Luck's report with pictures can be seen here.
The AOG provided the following: "The Association of Graduates has recently learned of the death of Dr. Jon R. Day, CS-05 class of 1960. Dr. Day passed away on 18 Nov 2013 in Sorrento, FL after a long battle with cancer.
A funeral service will be held on 25 Nov 2013 at 1100 hrs. at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 780 N Sun Dr; Lake Mary, FL 32746. He was cremated.
Condolences may be sent to his family in care of his wife, Brenda: Mrs. Brenda E. Day; 29922 State Rd. 46; Sorrento, FL 32776-9598"
Ken Alnwick amends his previous message with: "Les, I need to make a correction: At McGuire we were checking out in the C-135B with the TF-33 engine--like the one in these pictures. The SEA picture is my first day in Bien Hoa Vietnam, 20 June 1963. I believe that Andi was already there. Cheers, Ken"
This from Ken Alnwick in an email to Les Querry: "Hi Les, Last Monday, as you know, I had the Starbucks gang and a few other Zoomies and their wives over to my house to celebrate Veterans' Day. Attached are two photos from the day plus one other. [Two shots are] of the men and women of '60. The other shows ... a picture of Ace, Wayne Kendall and me in the early 60's. It was taken in front of our personal BOQ, Happy Hill Farm, not far from McGuire AFB, where we were checking out in the MATS C-130s. The photo set the stage for us to remember Ace Holman and share stories about his life and exploits. The monkey he had delivered to Gail McComas during our 1st Class year featured prominently in many of them. Cheers, Ken"
With follow-up information Ed Haerter writes, "Norm [Alexander] died Nov 11th (Veteran's Day) in his sleep at home in Saginaw, Texas after a long battle with fronto temporal dementia complicated by problems associated with heart, lung and celiac diseases. Funeral will be in Weatherford, Texas on Nov 15th with burial in Annetta, Texas. Best Regards, Ed."
More sad news: this time from Ed Haerter who writes, "Sad to let you know that my roommate our 2nd class year, Norm Alexander, passed away this morning. His first wife, Carole has asked me to write the obit for Checkpoints. I will do it, however, if his present wife objects or submits something herself, I certainly will defer to that. Best Regards, Ed. . . ." No details as yet; they will follow when available.
And as a follow up to the announcement below, information about the funeral service for Ace Holman is available here. If you wish to do so, you may also sign a Guest Book available at that location.
Jerry de la Cruz writes, "With sorrow I pass on to you that Ace [Holman] died this morning with Weesee at his side. Jerry."
This from Andi Biancur: "Guys, I had a long talk with Jon McClure this morning. He mentioned that Ace Holman spent a week in the hospital and was sent home into Hospice. He is suffering from Parkinson's Disease and is now bed-rIdden and unable to speak or do much for himself. They are giving him 6 months (to me, it sounds like less time than that). Jon will be traveling to Mobile, AL. for Thanksgiving and will update us on his return. Ace can recognize voices and his wife Weesee can read e-mails to him. If anyone wishes to contact him, his e-mail is cholman1234@yahoo.com. Andi".
George Lester has provided a listing of discounts available to those of our vintage. You can access it later under 'Shared Messages' via the menu or click here to access now..
Les Querry has posted his report on the DC '60 Group's 2013 Roosting, hosted by Les and Marty at their impressive mountain-top home. You can access it later via the menu or click here to access now.
Check out Kathy and Charlie Liggett's report on their recent trip to France in the Travelogues section via the menu, or access it now by clicking here.
This from Ken Alnwick via Les Querry: "Les,Thanks again for a great day. As you requested, attached is the photo of our mini-Red Neck Rivera reunion. I was in Fort Walton Beach to attend an Air Commando Conference and Reunion and attend to some condo business. Each year over 100 active duty personnel attend our annual banquet and special awards are awarded to a select few deserving AFSOF airmen and officers. This year, as a result of the shutdown, all active duty personnel were ordered not to attend! Attending our class gathering were: Aaron Thrush; Bill and Kath Gillis; Pete King; Faye and Frank Gorham; and, of course, Ken and Judy Alnwick. Cheers, Ken"
This from Andi Biancur: "I don't know if you all saw the AOG announcement of this newly established, "Alumni Achievement Award" in the last Checkpoints (attached). I would like to think that there are several members of the class who would qualify for this award. Put on your thinking caps, and let's see if we can come up with the name(s) of some deserving class members. If you do not wish to take on the task of producing a nomination package, just get me the names and I will attempt the feat. Thanks, Andi"

See George Luck's report on the October gathering of the '60 Northwest Falcons here.