October - December 2017
As Compiled by JT Smith
The COS Group held their Christmas party, hosted by Duck and Mary Waddle, on 9 December. The picture is posted in the COS Group section. You can see it via the Menu or by clicking HERE.
Dick Sexton has sent the latest update on relations between the AOG, Endowment, and other Academy fundraisers. It has been posted to Open Letters in the Class Business section. You can read it HERE.
The following is the text of a message from USAFA Superintendent. Lt Gen Silveria:
"Dear Academy Parents and Alumni,
"CBS Morning News ran a two-part piece on sexual assault at USAFA earlier this week. The first segment featured cadet victims (past and present) and their claims of being retaliated against. While I cannot comment on the specifics of their cases, I want to be clear that retaliating against any victim of sexual assault is not acceptable. I will not tolerate it anywhere in the chain of command or from their fellow cadets. The second part of the story focused on misconduct in the SAPR office, the resulting investigation, claims of retaliation against the former director, and claims of deliberately underreporting sexual assault numbers.
"Sexual Assault is a topic that is always difficult to discuss, which is why I traveled to New York to do so in person with CBS live this week. We cannot avoid this topic. Instead, we must be engaged and lead the national dialogue around preventing sexual violence and harassment on college campuses and in our military. Beyond prevention, our priorities must always be centered around victim care, including making sure that victims are never attacked for their choice to report the crime. These are the messages I shared with CBS, and they are important ones. But our most important message, the one we must share with our cadets and personnel, is that if they suffer, or have suffered a sexual assault, we want them to report it and know that we will take care of them.
"Since I arrived in August, I have emphasized that we will treat each other with dignity and respect. The reason is simple. If we all treat one another with dignity and respect these heinous crimes cannot happen.
"Moreover, in an environment with dignity and respect at the forefront, victims are supported and do not continue to suffer after they come forward the way the cadets interviewed Monday did. Clearly, they did not feel like they were treated with dignity or respect. Failure to treat others with dignity and respect remains a red line with me, and crossing it is unacceptable.
"In late September, I challenged USAFA to combat these breaches of our culture and climate with better ideas. Talking openly about this on national TV elevates the conversation and is a better idea. Using that example to start discussion in classrooms, squadron day rooms, and locker rooms is a better idea. Listening to survivors that have had the courage to come forward, and taking the time to reflect and be critical of ourselves and our processes in order to improve is a better idea. We are witnessing this across our nation as victims of sexual harassment and assault are coming forward to tell their stories. The #MeToo movement is a better idea.
"But what does this mean at USAFA? It cannot be reduced to a trendy hashtag or fad. It must be used as an opportunity for us to take action. We can talk about dignity and respect all we want, but it's what we do in the dorms, at the airfield, in the classroom, in the locker room, and around the base that matters. How we treat each other, not catchy slogans, is the bedrock of our culture. I want to challenge USAFA, but especially our cadets, to think about what they are doing to combat this. How do they react when they hear a victim's story? What do they say when people blame or question a victim? What comments do they leave on Jodel and in other anonymous social media environments? I want our cadets, faculty and staff to take some time over the break to think about how their actions are contributing positively to USAFA's culture of dignity and respect.
"We want to be open and transparent with our entire USAFA community, including our parents and alumni, who each play a vital role in supporting our cadets. If you are a parent you should know that the safety of your sons and daughters is a top priority for all leaders at USAFA, but if an incident has occurred either here or elsewhere, we are absolutely committed to their care and support. If you are a graduate you are piece of the foundation this Academy is built upon. Know that across our campus we are committed to ensuring that we are fostering a culture that reflects your proud legacy of excellence, and that allows us to produce leaders of impeccable character for our Air Force.
"Finally, the CBS story is focused on USAFA, but my message for you is even bigger. Our Air Force, not just the Academy, demands that we treat each other with dignity and respect. This time last year, I was leading the Air War over Iraq and Syria. Every day across the AOR, Airmen depended on one other and placed their lives in each other's hands. That level of trust is absolutely essential to success in combat. But how can you trust someone with your life, if you can't trust them to treat you with dignity nd respect? It really is that simple.
"VR, Lt Gen Silveria"
Goose Gulbransen checks in from southern California with this note about their fire situation:
"We left our house in Santa Barbara at 6 AM December 10th due to approaching wildfires. Once you leave you can not go back; it has been 9 days, and we are still locked out. I figured out that if my telephone answerer picked up, the electricity was on and the house was intact. So no problems there. Always interesting to see what you take, leave and forget. My wife took a bag full of shoes as she has a long skinny foot and has trouble finding shoes that fit. I took the contents of my non-fireproof safe but forgot my passport.
Diana reveals George Pupich memorial details [Note: this information is tentative pending the official announcement by the AOG. Please check back for subsequent confirmation of details in a few days]:
"After the service and before the reception, the family will place George's ashes in the columbarium.
"Accommodations: There are several hotels and motels on North Academy Drive as well as on Interquest off I-25 or in Monument. Please make your own arrangements as I will be tied up with loose ends and cannot make reservations for anyone.
"As mentioned in a previous post, in lieu of flowers, we ask that you make donations to one of the following:
"How am I? Still doing well. I can feel the fatigue that I had to work through for several months, but I am being good about letting myself take rest I need.
"I look forward to seeing you a month from today."
Dave Reed relays the following unwelcome news from Diana on George Pupich:
"A Great Heart Stilled--December 04, 2017 Journal entry by Rives Duncan--12/4/2017
"This morning, George passed peacefully from this life to the next where his love for all of us will dim compared with God's love which now embraces him. We are thankful that he was never in significant pain and that his itching was under control.
"How am I? Certainly sad at the loss of my husband. I am thankful, though, that he did not suffer and that his frustration over his declining health and deteriorating memory is at an end. I am also, understandably, tired. The stress of the last several months has taken its toll.
"Please keep me in your prayers as I work to manage all the details that will be coming up. Also please keep checking here for updates. I know that you all care about me and want to support me and the best way of doing so without making me check emails, texts, and voicemail is to use the CaringBridge which I will keep updated for a while. This is not an attempt to brush you off, but a need to take care of myself by managing my time and energy. I will get in touch once things have been settled and I have recovered.
"We ask that instead of flowers, please donate to one of the following charities:
"I will let everyone know when the memorial service will be. The location will be the chapel at the USAF Academy cemetery.Thank you for all your love and support."
"First, a correction: George's memorial service will be in a pavilion, not a chapel as previously stated.
"Since George's earthly remains will be cremated, we are able to delay the memorial service. We are planning to have the service after the new year which will allow people to spend time with their loved ones during the holiday season. It will also give us more time to plan the service and you more time to schedule travel. We will look at forecasts to try to avoid major storm systems and are hoping to hold the service some time in January. As things develop, we will keep you posted here on CaringBridge.org.
"As for me, I am doing well. George and I took the time and effort to plan things and get our affairs in order, so the "to do" list is not as looming as it might be. I have a lot of great support from family and friends here in the Springs. I am not "putting a brave face on things;" I am well taken care of. What I need most at this time is time and space to process. Please look here for updates and express your thoughts here rather than calling, texting, or e-mailing me. I do read the postsand deeply, deeply appreciate the outpouring of love and care and offers of support, but as much as I feel your love, it is less stressful for me right now to not have to check my messages. This is not "forever" nor is it a snubbing, but just as I needed to focus on caring for George during his final illness, I need to focus on taking care of myself for a little while. I will let you know when I am ready to return for normal.
"Yet again, thank you for your love through the years and your prayers at this time."
[The following is from Rives Duncan:
"Diana knows that people love her and George and want to offer their support and express their condolences. Those of you who have lost loved ones know the difficult balance between receiving support offered and being overwhelmed by the outpouring of care. Those of you who have been so fortunate that they have not had this experience, please respect Diana's wishes to have a chance to grieve and recover. Allowing her to bask in your expressions of love here (on Caring Bridge) at her leisure frees her from having to check messages that are more direct and seem to be more urgent.
"To offer an illustration, there have been about 1,600 visits to this site since it was started in late August. That averages to more than 16 calls, texts, or e-mails every day that Diana did not have to respond to, yet it has allowed you to keep in touch with George's status without requiring her to respond. It has also given you a chance to encourage her, and she could read those when she had the time and energy rather than feeling a need to check her media regularly.
"To all of you who have long loved George and Diana and who have offered your support either verbally or via prayer, thank you. It has meant a great deal to both of them. When, about a week ago, I told George how many people had checked in and responded, he was deeply moved."]
Fran sends this update on Bill Hodson:
"Bill was discharged and we are home together. He has rehab at home and for that I am thankful. He is quite week and BP is giving us some problems. Doctor has adjusted meds hoping to stable the pressure.
"He is very confused on most days, but some of the "same old Bill" is still there, from the twinkle in his eyes. He is very week, but I'm hoping when we can remedy the BP, he will get stronger. Speech is still a problem for him although he is getting speech therapy 2x per week and she is excellent.
"If you wish to visit, just give me a call on my cell at 719-373-8280 or e-mail me at f.hodson@comcast.net. Bill doesn't quite understand his e-mail yet.
Here's an update on George Pupich via Dave Reed:
"Hospice came again this last week and the nurse was surprised at how much George has declined just in the last week. He still has his "up" days and "down" days, but the ups are fewer and not as good as previously and the down days are the rule rather than the exception. In fact, it would probably be better to say that if he has a few "up" hours, we can expect a couple of days recovering. He sleeps 15-18 hours a day and has little appetite. He did not even want to eat anything on Thanksgiving. It has gotten to the point that he won't be taking phone calls any more.
"I am continuing to hang in there, taking things as they come and taking timefor myself. I appreciate the prayers and love as always."
Dave Reed sends this update from Diana about George Pupich:
"Memory has a way of playing tricks on us and I'm sure the picture I posted of George isn't helping you out. When I log in, I see George as I have long known him: hale and hearty, outdoors, and smiling. While I will always see him that way in my mind's eye, his appearance has inexorably changed as he has lost weight, muscle tone, and energy. I point this out for two reasons. First, seeing the picture can easily trick one into believing that that is how George still is. Second, those who are wanting to see him again either in person or via FaceTime should know that his looks have changed considerably since August.
"What has not changed is his indomitable, ebullient spirit. While he lacks the strength to demonstrate it as he long has, he still has and showsthe same intense love and loyalty. While his short-term memory issketchy, he retains memories from 'the good old days.'
"We have been blessed with a respite from George's itching. Various things have apparently helped us to get on top of it and instead of knocking on wood, we are continuing with the treatments in the hope that they will keep the itching away. He doesn't eat much in the way of solid foods and is enjoying mostly protein shakes and soups.
"I am hanging in there--taking care of myself largely by being faithful in taking "ME" time every day.We thank all of you for your prayers and support."
Follow-up--Racial Slur incident at USAFA Prep School:
The following is an excerpt from an Associated Press article by Dan Elliott that appeared on the USNews website yesterday:
In a written statement Tuesday, the academy said, 'We can confirm that one of the cadet candidates who was allegedly targeted by racist remarks written outside of their dorm room was actually responsible for the act. The individual admitted responsibility and this was validated by the investigation.'
To read the entire article about this interesting turn of events, click HERE.
Here's some good news from Howie Whitfield:
"Last Tuesday, October 17th, I got married to Jutta A. Gilstrap, a lady originally from Germany, in a civil ceremony here in San Diego. Jutta recently retired from being a special education school teacher at the high school level.

Congratulations to Howie and Jutta, and my apologies for the late posting. No Excuse Sir!
Andi Biancur sends the following:
"Friday, 3 November, Elaine and Jack Brush hosted a dinner for Don Stevens, his family and guests, who were visiting USAFA for the AF-Army game. Several of the local classmates showed up to re-hash some old stories and share some new tales. Unfortunately Don's presence did little to assist the team in their effort to beat West Point."

Here is an excerpt from Judy Alnwick's obituary published today in The Washington Post:
". ... A visitation will be held for family and friends on November 12, 2017 from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Demaine Funeral Home at 520 South Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314. A Memorial Mass will be conducted on November 13, 2017 at 10:30 p.m. at Good Shepherd Catholic Church, 8710 Mount Vernon Highway, Alexandria, VA 22309. Interment will take place at Arlington National Cemetery at a later date. Memorial contributions may be made to the Maryknoll Sisters (http://maryknollsisters.org) or the Air Commando Foundation (https://aircommando.org/foundation)."
To read the entire obituary, click HERE.
To leave condolences, click HERE.
Thanks to Bill Hockenberry for passing this information along.
Andi Biancur sends the following:
"Over the weekend of Saturday, 28 October, D.K. Johnson spent the time with George Pupich. A few of us wandered over to 9655 Raygor Road to watch the AF-Navy game with D.K. and George. Following what would turn out to be less than a pleasant afternoon, Ron Yates, Wayne Kendall, Andi Biancur, George, D.K. and Jim Waddle somehow got in front of Diana's camera. By-the-way, the outcome of the ame did not completely destroy our appetites - we did leave some pizza for breakfast."

Here is Diana's latest update about George Pupich via Dave Reed:
"First of all, I really appreciate your patience as you wait in between posts. I have been staying busy with taking care of George, meeting with Hospice, adjusting medications, just daily living, etc., etc., etc. so that some days I don't know whether I'm coming or going. It may sound strange, but my afternoon routine of shoveling my horse's manure is usually more pleasant than wading through the other manure!
"George's itching continues to be our main concern. Unlike itching from poison ivy or mosquito bites, his itching comes from within his body, so topical creams are not so effective. Thanks to those who have offered suggestions (ranging from essential oils to donkey milk). We keep trying different things, but it appears that some itching will be normal from here on.
"Other than that, George remains upbeat, showing his normal positive outlook on life. I am taking time to take care of myself and overall feel pretty good although one of my friends keeps saying that my stress is showing. With friends like that, who needs the media?
"Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement."
Jerry de La Cruz sends the following unwelcome news:
"Judy Alnwick passed away on Wed., 25 Oct from a heart attack. Ken and their adult children were with Judy when she died.
"Ken and Judy were in Florida for an Air Commando Reunion and were also visiting with classmates when Judy was stricken with a heart condition. At the local hospital, it was determined that open-heart surgery would be required. The best hospital for the surgery was in Gainsville; so, Judy was sent there by helicopter. Her children were able to join Ken there. Judy's condition worsened while there, and she died after unsuccessful surgery. Jerry"
Our condolences go to Ken and the family. Further details will be provided when available.
Jack Brush sends the following update on Bill Hodson:
"I stopped by this AM. He was playing with the computer. Seems to understand everything I said; brain seems fine; looks good. Think he is going home soon.
I only got a little of what he said, but he is improving.--Jack "
Here is the latest George Pupich update from Diana via Dave Reed:
"Overall George continues to have good vitals and sleeps a lot. The most recent complication is an intense, uncontrollable itching which, as you can imagine, can be maddening.
"I want to again emphasize that people should NOT plan a visit without first checking with me. I know that you want to show your love and support to us and we would like to receive the same, but our energy, both individually and as a couple, is not always up to the task.
"Some people have indicated that they want to know more about what is going on. The time between the posts, fortunately, indicates that overall there have been no dramatic, significant changes. Despite this, George is definitely on a steady decline. He continues to lose weight and he is growing weaker. I can tell a difference in the last three weeks.Thanks for all your love and prayers."
Les Querry reports that, "Classmate Syd Gurley visited Washington, D. C. for a Helicopter Pilots gathering and had lunch with a few local classmates, Ken Alnwick, Les Querry, Tom Burke and Tony Burshnick."

Also traveling now are Leon and Maryn Goodson. They are on their way, in their new Toyota Prius, to McAlester, OK for Maryn's 60-year High School Class reunion. Along their way, they are stopping to visit with family and friends, and I was lucky enough to be on the list, and we had a very pleasant visit.
After spending some time reviewing photos of the early construction phase of the geodesic dome Diane and I built, we had dinner at alocal restaurant. Then I took them on a tour of the "highlights"of Clarksville (TN) in my newHonda Ridgeline (my first pickup truck). A quick stop at a DQ on the way home for a Blizzard provided a naughty ending to said tour.
After introducing them to Seth MacFarlane's new Star Trek parody The Orville on TV, we retired for the evening. This morning, before they departed to continue their journey, we had breakfast at the country diner to which I walk several times a week.

Dave Reed sends this update from Diana regarding George Pupich:
"We just had a good visit with Hospice today. George's vitals are still good.
"A large part of October is committed to visits from friends and from his granddaughter. George still loves the visits. They continue to be as good for his head and his heart as they always have been.
"Unfortunately, his body is not as good at supporting these as he (we) woulddlike. He tires easily and it is taking more time to recoup from visits.dFortunately, he is enjoying Facetime calls and they are not as demanding of his body as personal visits are.
"Thank you for your your continued prayers and support. Diana