October - December 2019
As Compiled by JT Smith
Still more unwelcome news from the AOG: "The Association of Graduates has recently learned of the death of Col (Ret) William A. Fredlund, ATO. Colonel Fredlund passed away on 21 Oct 2019. He was laid to rest at the United States Air Force Academy on 15 Nov 2019. Condolences may be sent to his family in care of his daughter, Julie: Ms. Julie Corral; 763 Waterford Way; Ten Mile, TN 37880-2530."
This unwelcome news from the AOG:
"The Association of Graduates has recently learned of the death of Lt Col (Ret) Charles R. Waterman Jr., CS-16 class of 1960. Colonel Waterman passed away on 06 Nov 2019 in Wenatchee, WA. A private service will be held in March at the USAF Academy Cemetery. Condolences may be sent to his family in care of his son, Russ: Mr. Russell Waterman; 2017 Soden E.; Wenatchee, WA; 98802"
This from Barbara Ann Vessels[Jolly]:
"On Dec 8 Roy will celebrate 50 years of sobriety--a level in AA few reach, because they don't find support early in their lives or die from the ravages of the disease. ... The AA folks are having to order his special coin for the 50-year level.--50 years of sobriety is over 18,000 days of HIGHER LEARNING ... shall we say.
"He took his last drink while assigned to the Colorado Guard, Buckley AFB flying F-100s. He has been in two treatment programs during these 50 years and actively shares his personal struggles with other Alcholics Anonymous members to be a shoulder and a light to those desiring to be sober. Meetings start with the greeting "Hello, I'm Roy and I'm an Alcholic ... ."
Barbara Ann is planning a reception to honor Roy's 50 years of sobriety before his weekly meeting on Sunday Dec 8 from 4:00 to 5:30pm at Southern Utah Veterans Home, Ivins, UT. She adds, "If you are in the area, please attend ... . There is not a day that ends without a story or mention of his beloved Air Force Academy brotherhood he regards so much." She invites all Roy's classmates to send a card and sentiments so she can build a scrapbook for this rare and honorable accomplishment. Send them to:
Barbara Ann Vessels
1331 N Dixie Downs Road #12
St George UT 84770
There will be a basket of these acknowledgment cards for him to see the response people who love him have given on this very special day. Barbara Ann is having a commemorative photo bookmark made, and she will send one to all respondents after the event.
Those wishing to send an email, use williamjolly9@gmail.com. If you have questions for Barbara Ann, she can be reached at can be reached at 972-804-2252.
I am at my daughter Rocella's home in McHenry, IL to attend a granddaughter's wedding; however, this is the final activity of several that began with my attending the annual DC '60 Falcon Roosting on Saturday, 26 October, at the beautiful, mountain-top home of Les Querry and Marty Hiatt--near Bluemont, VA. Pictures of the event may be viewed HERE.
On Sunday, 27 October, Les, Marty, Bob & Lutzi Fischer, and I visited with Al and Gale Johnson at their lovely home in Alexandria, VA. Al is recovering from his stroke at home. His physical-therapy regimen under Gale's watchful eye is showing some obvious-but-incremental positive results. Al is able to stand and walk (albeit unsteadily) on his own, although he uses a cane or a walker most of the time to reduce the risk of a fall. He is, of course, impatient at the pace of his recovery; so, I'm sure that everyone will be heartened to know that his normally nasty disposition remains intact.

I broke my trip from Virginia to Illinois into two sorties with an RON in the Wright-Pat vicinity. I took advantage of that stop to have a brief-but-pleasant visit with Ron and Carolyn Deep at their home in Beavercreek, OH. Ron and I recalled that we shared the same Instructor, Big Jim Dendy, for Primary at Moore AB in Texas. Ron keeps himself fit by regular visits to the gym and keeps his mind sharp by interacting on the online question-and-answer forum Quora.com.

That's all for now. Surely some of you are making trips and doing things too. Let's hear about them. Happy Halloween to all. --J.T.
Still more unwelcome news from the AOG: "The Association of Graduates has recently learned of the death of Mr. Kimbrough S. Bassett who was an ATO. Mr. Bassett passed away on 7 Oct 2019 in California. Services were held at the time of his passing. Condolences may be left online at https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/pvnews/obituary.aspx?n=kimbrough-bassett&pid=194205415"
"Beloved Air Force Academy falcon mascot dies at 23." This is the headline of an article today by Liz Henderson in Colorado Springs' The Gazette. Ms Henderson continues,

"In the end of an era, as the Air Force Academy put it, Aurora the falcon died Wednesday after serving 23 years as the school's living mascot.
"The rare white phase Gyrfalcon was the academy's oldest mascot, living to roughly twice the age of falcons in the wild, an academy news release said.
"Gyrfalcons' life expectancy in captivity is about 25 years, according to tetonraptorcenter.org. Only 3% of falcons are Gyrfalcons, and only 1% of those are white.
"Aurora was a gift to the academy from its Association of Graduates in 2000 and had an eventful life.
"She was abducted by West Point cadets last year while accompanying the team for a game against Air Force's service rival. When the Army cadets returned Aurora and another Air Force falcon, she had blood on her wings from abrasions likely caused by thrashing in the crate, the falconry team adviser told The New York Times.
"Aurora was the grand dame of the school's heralded falconry program, which has a half-dozen birds managed by a dozen cadets.
"Our hearts go out to our master and cadet falconers, who lovingly cared for and trained Aurora for more than two decades," said Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria, academy superintendent. "Emblematic of the beauty and majesty of our falcons, Aurora will be greatly missed by generations of cadets, graduates, faculty members, and so many others."