September - December 2012
As Compiled by JT Smith
This from Gordon Savage: "For those of you who aren't aware, I just self-published a science fiction novel called Peacemaker. For some reason we don't yet have the paper back available on Amazon, but the Kindle version is available.
"For the rest of you, I warned you this was coming.
"I just confirmed that Peacemaker is available free today as a Kindle download. Even if youre not interested in reading it, Id appreciate it if you download it (There are apps for non-Kindle owners). It counts toward my ranking. For those of you who do read it, if you like it, I would love to get your review on Amazon. If you think of it, use Gordon@gordonsavage.com to let me know you posted a review.
"Additionally, I do have the paperbacks, and Ive scheduled a launch party for January 12 at Piccolo Pizza (3563 South Monaco Parkway Denver, CO 80237, just east of I-25 at the Hampden exit: 303-757-5166) from 1:00 pm till 3:00 pm, and youre invited. It will be a combination of a celebration and a book signing. Im providing pizza and soft drinks (Anything stronger will be up to you). If you plan on coming, Id appreciate you letting me know. I need a count to know how much to order ahead of time, plus the room only holds 70. However, dont miss it even if you haven't replied."

Charlie Liggett wrote, "Kathy and I enjoyed Thanksgiving week with our son and his family in Madison, New Jersey. They have two daughters; one a junior at Syracuse and the other a freshman at Colgate. We then spent five nights in a hotel at Times Square. We had a great time visiting the city once again and seeing two Broadway productions; Newsies and Once. Both were good, but Once was my favorite with lots of Irish music. We visited most parts of the city from the Battery to Central Park and had great dinners at the 21 Club and The James Beard House and a nice lunch at the Russian Tea Room. We have kept in touch with some of the entertainers from our last cruise and were able to get together with two of them in the city; that was an added bonus to this trip. We wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Charlie"
This from J.T. Smith: "Here's an example of what I'm forced to do to keep busy when there is a lull in the news from you guys. Surely there's something you're doing that should be here instead."

"Classmates", writes Wayne Kendall, "Just an update on Tony [Bilello]. He remains in St. Joseph's hospital with a heartbeat that 'is all over the place.' Feels OK. Tomorrow, the plan is to put in a combination pacemaker/difibrillator. If all goes well, he is hopeful that he will be allowed to go home a few days after the procedure.
"Was impatiently waiting for the Bronco's game to start."
Andi Biancur adds, "Here is Tony's snail-mail address: Mr. James Bilello, 3092 S Gray St Denver, CO. 80227-3817."
And Wayne Kendall follows up with this good news: "Just talked to Tony's wife, Carol. He successfully had the pacemaker/defibrillator put in today and is being discharged home tomorrow!"
Tony Bilello is in the hospital. Jim Bujalski writes, "Thought you might like to know that Tony was taken to St. Joseph hospital this week with heart problems. He passed out while walking near home and was taken to the ER. So far tests have shown he does NOT have any blood clots in the heart but tests to determine the cause of his black out are continuing. Prognosis is that he will end up with a pace-maker or defibrillator. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers."
Dick Sexton has released the minutes of the most recent meeting of the Class Advisory Senate. They are posted in the Class Business-->Senate Reports section of the Class Website.
J.T. Smith writes, "I just returned from a 2500-mile motorcycle trip to Austin, TX to witness the inaugural race at the new Circuit of The Americas (COTA). This event marked the return of the FIA Formula 1 World Championship to the U.S. after a 5-year absence. The COTA is a not-quite-finished, world-class road-racing venue that will host not only Formula 1, but also MotoGP (motorcycle Gran Prix); Australian V8 Supercars; and most likely one or more high-end, sports-car racing series. Who knows? Maybe even NASCAR and Indycar will bring an event there some day.
"Since Diane is still recovering from both heart and breast-cancer surgery, she spent the week with our daughter and family in Nashville, ... just in case. She's 'on the mend,' but she's having to climb out of a pretty deep hole, and progress is slow at this point.
"The trip started early on a 26-degree Wednesday morning; so, some cold-weather riding gear was in order. Rather than relying on the efficient-but-boring Interstate system, I decided on a more leisurely run down the Natchez Trace from Nashville, TN to Jackson, MS. That plan didn't quite work out as envisioned, but that's another story. In Jackson, I met my traveling companion, Chad Burns, who rode from his home in Snellville, GA. The next day was an interstate drone of about 430 miles to Hurst, TX, a suburb of Fort Worth. There we stayed with long-time friend and frequent riding companion, Fred Barney.
"From there we rode to Austin with a stop at our motel in Belton, TX, to drop off excess gear and change into proper clothing for going to the track. The motel was an hour north of Austin; that was as close as we could get without paying the exhorbitant rates jacked up especially for the international 'high-roller' set that attends these events (we're talking $500 per night for a Motel 6). Parking at or near the track was also prohibitive; so, we opted for the shuttle-bus service.
"The shuttle-bus operation was impressive. They had what must have been every bus in the southern half of Texas running continuous trips from three points around Austin to and from the track from 0700 each day until everyone was out of the track in the evening. Also it seemed that every law-enforcement officer in that part of Texas was managing the traffic pattern. I don't think I've ever seen so many flashing blue and red lights
"After 3 days of going to and from the track (practice, qualifying, and race day), we traveled to Cibolo, TX to visit long-time Air Force and riding friends, Bob Cowan and Pia Caruso. Monday at first light Chad departed for home, looking at two 500-mile-plus days to get home in time for work on Wednesday. I took a more leisurely route, returning on Monday to Fred's in Hurst and then riding 2 comfortable days home with an RON in Little Rock.
"The cars were amazing (2.4-liter V8s reving to 19,000 rpm is a sound not to be forgotten); the track is spectacular; the weather was perfect; and with the exception of three protracted traffic jams on I-35 due to multiple accidents, it was a great ride."
Les Querry writes, "Occasionally, an event occurs because of our website that becomes a charming little nugget that warms the heart.
"I received an email, sent to the webmaster, from a lady who had worn a POW bracelet (as a teenager) during the Vietnam war. She was trying to locate the prisoner whose name was on her bracelet, that of Ed Leonard. 'I would like the opportunity to tell him how greatful I am and how proud I was to wear his name on my wrist...that was the least I could do.'
"I immediately forwarded the email to Ed who quickly responded to the lady. She seemed to be overjoyed that he was still alive and had responded to her so quickly. I suggested that she visit the 'War Stories' section of our website to read Ed's tale and see what Ed was doing while she was wearing the bracelet.
"The website has served. Les"
Les Querry and J.T. Smith write, "we need your help. To ensure that your Class website remains Nulli Secundus, we need to know what you want it to be. To that end, we have devised a survey that we hope will tell us how you use the site, what you like, what you don't like, and how it can better meet your needs. So, when you have a few minutes to spare, please complete the survey. . . ." [This survey is no longer active; link removed}
This, from Bob Badger: "Gents, Veterans' Day - November 11 - By my intention, Day One of The Sum Of Its Parts. It is now in paperback (all 462 pages of it) on amazon.com at www.amazon.com/dp/1479392030, or www.amazon.com/books, type in The Sum Of Its Parts, or at www.createspace.com/4008281. Still available as an eBook at www.amazon.com/dp/B008H76LMO
"NOTE: A crass commercial suggestion: A great Christmas gift or stocking stuffer. (How often do you get the chance to say, "My friend wrote this book?) Bob "
"Kathy and I spent three days in November at the 31st Annual Ahwahnee Vintners' Holidays at Yosemite," wrote Charlie Liggett.. "We had a great time with friends and enjoyed tasting the various wines from some of the best vineyards of California. Yosemite is beautiful this time of year with the colorful leaves accenting the stark granite mountains. Cheers, Charlie."
This from our Class President:

"I want to personally thank each of you for the recognition you have given me with the presentation of the 50-Year Class Award. I can think of nothing more meaningful and humbling than to receive recognition from those I consider brothers and family. I will treasure it always.
"It all began some 27+ years ago when you elected me to serve as your Class President at our 25th Reunion. Jim Glaza left some large shoes for me to fill, and I recall feeling honored to be given that duty. It took some time to see through your snickering and realize that I had become the permanent 'Stuckee.' I got to do the work and you got to do the bitchin.
"Over the years, we, as a Class, have come a long way and accomplished quite a bit. Jack Brush and Jim Waddle have been the voices of reason; Jock has performed flawlessly as the faithful, and frugal, keeper of the coin; Rosie continues to be the long-suffering recorder of our feats and originator of this annual weekend bash; Dick Sexton has provided excellent leadership to make the Class Advisory Senate an important influential body. Ace Holman personally initiated our very successful website, which, more recently, under the direction of Les Querry and JT Smith, has become one of the best of all graduated classes. Jim Glaza has faithfully served as the class host and provided the GlazaGate at every home football game.
"Anytime something needed doing, a classmate stepped up. George Luck gave us a memorable 50th Reunion Book and stepped up to organize the Northwest Class Group. Both Tony Burshnick and Wayne Kendall have taken on the monthly class luncheons in D.C. and C-Springs, respectively. Tony Bilello and Jim Bujalski gave us a great 2nd Lt Bars presentation for the Class of 2010. Who could deny Al Johnson's questionable efforts as President/CEO of the Ski & Lawn Mower Repair School?
"Also, as you know, we have produced two Distinguished Graduates: Ron Yates & Mike Loh; and, one Academy Distinguished Service Award winner: Jock Schwank. If all that doesnt define unselfish effort in the name of brotherhood, then I dont know what does.
"I must mention my constant advisor and sage counselor, Carole. And, if there was ever any question that she does not constantly have the best interests of the class in mind you can forget that thought right now.
"I view this award as evidence that we, the members of the Class of 1960, have collectively set the standard for other classes to follow in doing the right thing when it comes to leadership across the full spectrum of our lives.
"Every time I look at this award, I feel great pride in being counted a member of the Class of 1960, the best class ever to graduate from the U.S. Air Force Academy. "
"After 3 years of lobbying and complaining to the AOG and SCDOT, we finally are on par with WooPoo and Navy," wrote Bill Hales. "They have had specialized plates for some time, and with all the USAFA grads in this state (SC), I thought we should get equal treatment. It wasn't easy to get their attention, but one grad is a state senator; so, with his help and that of the AOG, we made it!

"As expected, another great DC '60 luncheon," wrote Tony Burshnick. To see the details and photos of this event click here.
"Rosie, the ceremony for Bill Goodyear took place in the Academy Cemetery at 1030 hours on 28 September, 2012. (As you know Bill was cremated, and a portion of his remains were committed at the Academy Cemetery today), wrote Andi Biancur. "Several of Bill's family and non-classmate friends were in attendance. He was accorded full military honors. His family group consisted of his widow Linda, and her daughter's family; Linda's brother, Bill's daughters Lorelei and Angelee. Also in attendance were all of Bill's grandchildren. Classmates in attendance were: Denis Walsh, Dick Sexton, Jim Glaza, Jim Waddle, Bruce Mosier, Wayne Kendall, Pete Roe, Jim Bujalski, Bill Hodson, & Andi Biancur. Most attendees remained around after the ceremony to speak with Linda and Bill's relatives and friends. The family remained at the Academy to attend the Homecoming Memorial Service conducted later in the day for all grads who had passed away over the last year. Bill's obit has already appeared in Checkpoints."

"The ceremony for Gary [Sheets] was very nice," wrote Andi Biancur. "It took place in the Cadet Protestant Chapel. Gary's extended family all attended. (His family group consisted of Sylvia, his four children & spouses, 19 grandchildren, 2 great grand children, and five surviving sisters--four attended. They were accompanied by his local pastor, Rev. Jarrett Stephens. Classmates in attendance were: Denis Walsh, Dick Sexton, Jim Glaza, Jim & Mary Waddle, Bruce & Caryl Mosier, Wayne Kendall, Fred Porter, Bill Hodson, Andi & Carole Biancur, Dave & Camille Sweigart, and Dean Vikan (Dean's daughter is married to Gary's son) [I think that is the way it is - but may be reversed]. As you can tell the photo was taken at graveside in the cemetery. Sylvia hosted a reception following the service at the Eisenhower Golf Course which allowed us to further ensure our support to the family. Dave Sweigart has agree to write the Checkpoints obit, and I will assist if need be. I plan to connect Dave directly to Tom Kroboth. Any questions or clarification, give me a call. We will attempt to provide about the same info for Goodyear on Friday.--Andi

"Rosie, Wanted everyone to know how proud Weese and I are of our grandson, Robby Shelton," wrote Ace Holman. "At this time, he is number one in the nation on several golf rankings, for juniors. He is a 17-year-old senior in high school, and this summer he won the PGA Junior Championship, the Players Junior Championship at TPC Sawgrass, and the Future Masters Tournament. Next week he will play in the Junior Ryder Cup at Olympia Fields and Medinah Country Club. Attached is a picture of Robby with President Bush at the Sage Valley Invitational where Robby tied for second. Ace"

"Some news to pass on," wrote Bill Kornitzer ... "My grandson, Nicholas Kornitzer was commissioned a 2nd Lt in May from ROTC at Univ.of Conn. and is presently At Del Rio Texas [Laughlin] going through pilot training. His Dad ,Steven, is a Colonel on the Pacaf staff.
"My wife Linda and I had a super trip this past year to Vietnam and Cambodia. Hanoi was fabulous and the people were real friendly. The new generation wants to raise their families and buy a home and live the good life. We toured Ankor Wat and that was fascinating. We took a Viking cruise boat down the Mekong for seven days and finished up in Saigon. It is still a very interesting place. [Click here to see photos taken during this trip]
"Linda and I are leaving for Rome in mid October for a couple of weeks to tour the Umbria area and visit Rome and Venice. I saw those places while in the service and never saw a thing. I hope all is well with you and your family. Have a great Fall. P.S. The Royals are worse than ever. Korny.
Have you seen Rosie's September Web Column yet? If not, you can do so by clicking here.
This from Phil Meinhardt: "Noticed this morning that the Food Stamp Program cost is up to $76 billion. Two segments in the U.S. are getting fat--the food and beverage processing industry and the poor people. The poor people are sucking up the sugary drinks and high calorie processed foods. Yesterday the local 'Trader Joe' manager told me that food inflation and the generally poor economy has caused a sharp uptick in shoplifting. Trader Joe does not have surveillance cameras and have never had to deal with this issue before. Here is what I think: ... ." [Click here to read Phil's latest thoughts on the economy.]
We have received the unwelcome news that our Classmate Gary Sheets passed away yesterday of an apparent heart attack. His funeral service will be at the USAFA Cemetery on 24 September, 2012. (will update as information is received).
"Dear Rosie, here is almost as short as possible description of our trip in June, 2012", wrote Mary Waddle.
"If you call having a tour group of extremely likable people and an extremely intelligent and entertaining tour guide; seeing the breath-taking beauty of many shades of green expanses and breathtaking cliffs beside ocean views; eating good food; staying in great hotels; hearing fun music; partying with Australians capable of drinking 5 pints of Guinness without obvious results; gazing at amazing deserted stone castles in green meadows and hills; perusing museums that teach you things you didnt know; possibly meeting people who are friendly and enjoyable; shopping for a beautiful thoroughbred at the Irish National Stud Farm; and, of course, viewing Yeats grave and seeing where starving Irishmen left for America to escape the potato famine, then you should visit Ireland.
"If you would like to have your travel bus drive into the belly of a giant ferry with many other cars and trucks for a 2-hour crossing of the Irish Sea; see inland lakes (lochs) that are hundreds of feet deep and full of wonderful fish; have old and newly preserved castles scattered far apart in the trees and hills of Heather; see where good Scotch is distilled; visit castles of the Great Britain Royals; marvel at medieval art and antiques; visit Loch Lomond, Loch Ness and British and Scottish battlegrounds; cross the sea to spend the night in a quaint old hotel on the Isle of Skye; sneak out beside the 18th hole of St. Andrews Royal and Ancient golf course to have your picture taken for proof; and cross the Firth of Fourth to Edinburgh, then, you should also visit Scotland."
Needless to say, Jim and Mary Waddle enjoyed their Irish/Scottish trip.
To see the complete travelogue with pictures, click here.