5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4624
(941) 371-4843
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
"My wife Linda and I went with my brother John (eight years younger) and his wife Carol to Africa on a Safari 16-30 September," says Bill Kornitzer." We had two nights in Johannesburg, two nights at Eagle Island Camp in the Okavango Delta, two nights at Suvute Elephant Camp at Chobe National Park in Botswana, two nights at Khwai River Lodge at Moremi Wildlife Reserve Botswana, and four nights in Cape Town, South Africa. It was the best trip I ever had. We didn't visit churches and museums, just spent the time looking at beautiful scenery and wonderful wild animals. We traveled with Orient Express Tours, and the food and accommodations were outstanding. It is a long flight (from Kansas City, MO), but well worth the effort." (Photos: Bill, Linda, Carol and John--and, several animal photos taken by "Bwana Bill.")

"The river trip took place 11-23 August, 2008. Some went on a three-day pre-trip and others stayed for a three-day post trip," wrote Andi Biancur. "But, we were all together for the river cruise portion. Originally envisioned as a collective celebration of '60 classmates' 70th birthday, the 13-day Danube River Cruise ultimately included 18 members of the Class of 1960 and several Colorado Springs' locals. Following a bus trip to Constanta on the shore of the Black Sea, we boarded the river boat for transit through the Black Sea Canal into the Danube River. Over the next six days we visited Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia before debarking for two days in Budapest Hungary.
"The cruise provided the chance to experience life in several countries previously known as the Soviet Bloc. Food and accommodations were nice, but the best part was sharing it with classmates. We had a lot of laughs, and got through the usual minor glitches. At an afternoon gathering we raised a glass of bubbly in recognition of our 70th Birthday--whether in 2008 or not--and took this great photo." (Photo--read names left to right and first up and then down: Greg Boyington, June Colgan, Brian Kaley, J.T. Smith, Diane Smith, Bruce Mosier, Andi Biancur, Caryl Mosier, Ann Flygare, Carole Biancur, Kay Vallerie, Ron Yates, George Pupich, Gordy Flygare, Lutzi Fischer, Carol Kaley, Diana Pupich, Connie Yates, Denny Haney, Jeannette Glaza, Paul Vallerie, Walt Futch, Kathy Liggett (hidden), Pat & Earl Van Inwegen, Barbara Peebles, Bob Fischer, John Peebles, Charlie Liggett, Barbara MacDonald, Russ MacDonald, Elaine Futch; Missing: Jim Glaza, Liz Haney, Dale & Ina Thompson.)

After the cruise, I got this message from Charlie Liggett: "Rosie, I just wanted to add an input regarding our recent trip with a great group of classmates and spouses. Our route took us along the Danube with a stop in Serbia. That location brought a recollection of a recitation that some upperclassman required me to recite regarding the derivation of the word sir. I don't recall the upperclassman's name, but, I'm sure I deserved whatever wrath he deemed appropriate. The surprising part of the story is that none of our classmates I talked to or repeated the recitation for, including George Pupich, whose ancestors hail from Serbia, were familiar with the derivation. (I hope I'm not the only one who has a memory which is still semi-intact.) As I recall, this is how it went; 'Sir, Sir is a word derived from the old days in Serbia when certain serfs too surly to serve their masters, yet too servile to blaspheme them, circumvented the situation by addressing them by the name Sir, which I now address you, Sir'."
"Jim and Judy Bujalski were spending the month of August at Judy's house in Littleton, CO, and invited me to visit," writes Gary Van Singel. "I flew out and took my friends Pete and Sharon Hoekstra from Grant, MI, since they have a son living in Littleton. I arrived in Denver 08/05/08, and Jim and Judy took me to their gated community overlooking a golf course and a beautiful mountain view. Wednesday it was up to those wonderful Colorado Mountains and Judy's cabin near Fairplay at 10,000 feet, Thursday a whitewater raft ride on the Arkansas River between Buena Vista and Salida (photo--Gary's wearing baseball cap, Jim fishing cap), picnic lunch at Arapahoe Basin (where I/we learned to ski in '56), Saturday at Lowry AFB's AFA Museum in Hanger # 2, then sailing on a reservoir. Sunday it was church in Pueblo, and Monday Jim and I met Tony Bilello at Centennial Airport's restaurant (photo--Jim with Tony and his Ercoupe). I flew home to Michigan on Tuesday to a houseful of grandkids raiding my refrigerator!"

Attending our InterService weekend 3-4 October, 2008 around the AFA-Navy football game were: Brian & Carol Kaley & Sue Woodward, George & Diana Pupich, Bruce & Caryl Mosier & daughter Valerie with husband Rick Reeder & daughter Cari with husband Mike McAnarney & daughter Debbe Mosier and friend Jennifer Burke, Jim & Jenny Glaza & Linda, Andi & Carole Biancur, Ron & Connie Yates, Jon McClure, Bill Goodyear with high school classmates George Van Houten (USNA '60) and Norwood Gay(Naval Officer), Denis Walsh, Jerry & Dotty Farquhar, George Fries, Dean Bristow, Earl & Pat Van Inwegen, George & Carolyn Luck, Walt & Elaine Futch, Gordon Savage, George & Janet Collier, Les Hobgood, Bill Gillis with sons Thor and Glen, Ed & Suzanne Leonard, Dick & Sally Sexton, Tom & Carole Seebode, Jock & Hope Schwank, Wayne & Barb Kendall, Les Querry, Tony & Carol Bilello, Deanne McCullough & son Jake, Fred & Mary Lou Porter, Paul Sullivan, Dona Stumm w/ sons Randy & James(introduced at Saturday's dinner). Friday's dinner was at the Hilton Garden Inn, Saturday morning's tailgate was a catered lunch and drinks at Jim & Jenny Glaza's FalconMobile, then that disappointing loss to Navy; on Sunday morning, Jack & Elaine Brush hosted a brunch at their mountainside villa.
"On June 30th, I flew to Skagitt, WA to pick up Chuck Diver, and then to Tacoma Narrows, WA for Jim O'Rourke and Nels Delisanti, then flew to Astoria, OR to visit Ed Leonard on the shore of the Columbia River," said George Luck.(Photo: Nels, Jim, George, Chuck, Ed).

The following month, Bill Zersen said that "a few of us got together at Charlie and Edie Diver's house in Sedro-Woolley for our summer get-together. At first we thought Charlie was up to his old tricks by providing us with an air show like we had in 2002; however, once we realized that there was a "Fly-In" at the Concrete Airport, we just enjoyed all the old planes flying over. Charlie and Edie had a wonderful meal, including homemade raspberry pie." (Front: Corky Cochrane ('61), Jim O'Rourke, Nels Delisanti, Vic Yoakum, Ed Leonard, Dennis O'Keefe, Back: George Luck, Chuck Diver, Bill Zersen). Wives in attendance: SueAnn Delisanti, Carolyn Luck, Edie Diver, Suzanne Leonard, Patricia Cochrane.

On October 18, 2008, Les and Marty Querry held another party at their Falcon's Roost home atop the Blue Ridge mountains overlooking the lovely Shenandoah Valley in Northern Virginia. Ace Holman and wife Weese came from Alabama--they hold the distance record. "Since Ace has made two DC '60 events in a row, I am making him a permanent member of the group just as soon as he sends me a pin for the DC-60 banner," says Tony Burshnick. Also motoring in were Brian and Carol Kaley from Connecticut, George and Becky Fries from Southeast Virginia, Bill and Barb Hales from South Carolina, Bill and Anne Carnegie from New Jersey, and Bob and Lutzi Fischer from Pennsylvania. After a hike on the Appalachian Trail by the hearty ones and beverages with their delicious meal, everyone enjoyed a fantastic fireworks display. On Sunday, Jerry de la Cruz gave the Fischers, Higgins, Holmans and Querrys a tour of the National Gallery of Art. (Photo: L to R standing: Jerry de la Cruz, Bill Hockenberry, Bob Badger, Lutzi and Bob Fischer, Mike (A) Clarke, Cathe Hockenberry, Becke Fries, Bill Carnegie, George Fries, Weese Holman, Barbara and Bill Hales, Betty de la Cruz, Brian and Carol Kaley, Susanne and Joe Higgins, Ken Alnwick; Sitting, Back Row L to R: Tom and Mary Ellen Burke, Ace Holman, Tony Burshnick; Sitting, Front Row L to R: Judy Alnwick, Anne Carnegie, Nancy Clarke, Liliane Badger, Marty Hiatt (Querry), Les Querry.)

Sometimes, you're either "spot-on," or, just plain "dead wrong." "I enjoy your expanded web column," wrote Bill Taylor. "I'd like to make one minor correction to a recent column (Mar '08 Web Column), however, because my son, Jim, is not retired. He's full-time with the Arizona ANG and currently Operations Support Squadron Commander in Tucson. He was selected as outstanding officer for 2007, and the alert detachment he commanded received an outstanding on its ORI. Kitty and I are really proud of him."
"It's hard to believe that 52 years ago, July 9, 1956, we all met for the first time at Lowry AFB," wrote Tony Burshnick. "We met to recount some of our memories, and had another great luncheon. Despite being slowed down by Parkinson's, Charlie Holman flew up from Alabama. Charlie mentioned the five guys that helped get him through USAFA: Don Thurman, Mike Love, Ken Alnwick, Al Johnson, and "Yours Truly." The luncheon had fourteen in attendance. Doug Rekenthaler has his medical problems, Bob Odenweller is recovering from a root canal, and work got the best of Haller, Clarke, Loh and Taylor. Bill Carnegie is moving to VA and having a house built at Lake Frederick, taking temporary residence west of DC. Joe and Sue Higgins came from SW Virginia, so Karen, Betty de la Cruz, Gale Johnson, and Liliane Badger joined Sue for lunch. Ken Alnwick gave a nice pitch on the Air Force Historical Foundation, which is working hard to preserve the AF heritage. GJC Fries is just back from Hawaii, while Leon Goodson is working about 70% of the time, and he and Maryn lent their singing talents to his church choir and recently travelled to Europe to perform concerts in Latvia, Estonia, Sweden and Saint Petersburg. Joe Higgins is becoming a life style change expert, moving every couple of years to different type houses; by the way, Joe's dad is 101! Ralph Lalime will soon be welcoming his second granddaughter, and Ralph and Darlene will head to CA for the blessed event this fall. Al Johnson told of a rickshaw race he won against the Navy back in the RVN days; his house in Maine is (finally!) finished. Bob Badger has finished his first book, and now needs to get it published. Tom Burke's wife Mary underwent quadruple heart bypass surgery, and the operation was a success. Bob Fischer's daughter is expecting grandchild number seven in October. Jerry and Betty de la Cruz have been to Green Bay and will soon head to Texas for a visit. Our (Tony's & Karen's) daughter, Kris, presented us with grand daughter Lily in early June--that's number two for her; son Joe, an ART, transferred to Dobbins AFB, GA, serves with the 22nd AF Reserve, and just checked out in the C-17 and will fly out of Charleston AFB." (Photo: Back--Badger, Johnson, Higgins, Lalime, Hockenberry, Fischer; Middle Row-- Fries, Burke, Goodson, de la Cruz, Querry; Front Row�Alnwick, Burshnick, Holman).

Dean Bristow wrote regarding wife Sandy's death: "Sandy passed away 15 June, exactly one year after an operation to remove a small malignant tumor from the upper portion of her stomach; that, after she had withstood six months of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Because of complications from diabetes/chemotherapy, her liver failed. We brought her home for the last time in early April, three weeks after I had open-heart surgery for coronary artery problems. Our four children and their families took care of both of us. Sandy directed the program for her own funeral, shared memories with me, our children, her relatives and friends, and compiled a cook book. Her particular joy during those last days was to hear our grandchildren playing in the yard, just outside her window. Sandy passed peacefully and without pain early on a Sunday morning as our son (and youngest) Michael, sat by her side."