5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4624
(941) 371-4843
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
John Michael Loh received his Distinguished Graduate Award for 2009 at the Founder's Day Dinner on April 9, 2010, in a ceremony which also included DG recipient Heather Wilson ('82). This award recognizes "Academy graduates whose singular and distinctive contributions to our society and nation have set them apart from other graduates." In making this award, our Association of Graduates issued the following statement:
"His 35-year military career included a tour as Air Force Vice Chief of Staff and was followed with his assignment as the last commander of the Tactical Air Command. In this position, he successfully led the transition to Air Combat Command. Following his retirement from active duty, General Loh has continued to share his expertise through service to a variety of organizations such as the National Academy of Sciences, the National Security Board of the Sandia National Laboratory, the Air Force Academy Falcon Foundation, the Armed Forces Benefit Association and the Boy Scouts of America. He has also remained involved with the Academy as a senior reviewer of the Honor Climate Assessment Task Force, as a guest lecturer in the Aeronautics Department, and as a member of the Superintendent's Senior Advisory Board."
Mike is joined by classmates on Founder's Day 2010.
Bruce Mosier and Jim Glaza kneeling, standing are Fred Porter, former roommate Andi Biancur, Mike's brother-in-law Bill Kornitzer, Dick Sexton, Mike, Ron Yates, Jim Waddle and Denis Walsh.
Family members were also there for the ceremonies.
Left to right: Colonel (B/G Select) Michael A. Loh (son), Theresa Kornitzer (Nephew Steve's wife), General Mike Loh, Heather Loh (Granddaughter), Dianne Loh (Daughter-in-law), Michael John Loh (Grandson), Linda Kornitzer (Bill's wife), Lt. Col. Steve Kornitzer (Nephew - Bill Kornitzer's son), Colonel Bill Kornitzer (Brother-in-law, Class of "60), Carol Kornitzer (John Kornitzer's wife), John Kornitzer (Brother-in-Law).
The wives later joined with classmates
Left to right: Jeannette & Jim Glaza, Connie Yates, Fred & Mary Lou Porter, Caryl & Bruce Mosier, Andi & Carole Biancur, Dick Sexton, Mary & Duck Waddle, Linda (Mike's sister) & Bill Kornitzer, Mike & Heather (granddaughter) Loh, Ron Yates (Missing Denis Walsh).
Two members of our Class have now received this prestigious recognition and honor:
Mike and Ron Yates in 2005.
Click Here for additional photographs taken at the Founders' Day dinner.
Click Here for Mike's acceptance speech.
The Northwest Group met Wednesday, April 14, 2010, at Hector's in Kirkland, WA. The leitmotif for this gathering was celebrating excessive Zeitgeist for Chuck Diver's rapid recovery from his prostate operation in February. Photo: Jim O'Rourke, George Luck and Dennis O'Keefe in back, Chuck Diver, Nels Delisanti, and Vic Yoakum in front. Next meeting is May 22nd at the 112th Street Diner on Highway 99 in south Everett, after which they'll visit Paul Allen's airplane collection.
"Spring is here. That means winds! The tumbleweed races are in full tilt, a few kamikaze weeds attacking cars, and we had gusts to 59 mph. Winds collapsed a tent at the annual Pork & Brew in Rio Rancho," says Bill Leninger, who's used to New Mexico's 'wind-in-the-spring.' "My son Todd is visiting from Portland, after nine weeks throughout Europe visiting Art museums. We celebrated family tradition by taking this portrait." Back--Rene (adoptee), Don (Rene's husband), Todd (son), Marco (Dorene's husband) Tony (son), Yvette (Tony's wife); Next"Lynn (Bill's wife), Kajan (Bill & Lynn's daughter adoptee), Bill (son), ME, Angelo's on his lap (son of Dorene & Marco), Dorene (adoptee); Front--Chris (Yvette's son), Grace (Bill & Lynn's daughter), Sam (Rene's son). Very front--JoEllen (Bill & Lynn's daughter, adoptee).

"Vic Yoakum and I hosted a party at my place (Laguna Woods, CA) on 31 January 2010 for USAFA graduates who lived in the area," wrote Bill Zersen. "I set up the bar and everyone brought hors d'oeuvres. Vic was on his way to Palm Desert. JD McBriety ('71) and wife provided entertainment--he sings and plays the guitar, she plays a wash-tub bass (Web: "Cornbread Washtub Band" and "Cornbread Entertainment.") We sang old AF songs and ended with THE Air Force Song. We're also working on a document for everyone to input "war stories," and interesting tidbits about the Air Force. We have a monthly pizza and beer/wine evening for all grads, and Grant Bornzin ('63) coordinates. We had 32 on the 31st, and I can't hold more than that unless the weather will be good." (Photo, kneeling, left to right: Bill Zersen ('60), Vic Yoakum ('60), Ray Najera ('67); Standing (L-R): Glenn Allton ('83), Spence Allan ('63), Bob Kellock ('61), Larry Severson ('63), Chris Mannion ('83), Bob Anderson ('62), Grant Bornzin ('63), JD McBriety ('71), Scott Jackson ('67). Arriving later were Stephanie (Vidal) Snow ('05), and Bruce Balent ('74), who didn"t make the photo-shoot).

These photos show lovely Veronica with faithful companion Phil Meinhardt, both photos taken during a March "10 visit to Castello di Amorosa (Castle of Love) near Calistoga's wine country. Phil said that San Francisco and the castle were featured on the last Bachelor TV show.

This just in over the wire services: "Phil Meinhardt and Veronica were married April 22nd (Earth Day) in the beautiful rotunda under the dome of the San Francisco City Capitol Building." The bride wore Chantilly Lace, Phil did not. "We took one witness and a camera along for the ceremony," said Phil, "and had bought rings last week. We went to Calistoga for a night of wine and mud massages." Note: They're now TOGETHER in the one photo""Til death do us part."

John McCullough writes: "For years, I've wanted to have a "hunting lodge" property in central South Dakota in an area that I've hunted and admired. Last spring (2009) I found my ideal place on the internet as a "for-sale-by-owner," so I made a fast trip up (650 miles from Colorado Springs) and bought it. It has 15 acres of excellent wildlife winter cover (shelter belts, pond, trees, native grasses) in the heart of my favorite hunting grounds. I have ten farmers' permission for pheasant hunting on 15,000 acres of farmland. The 3400 square foot house is on an original homestead site, built in 1941 from a classic Sears "kit home" design, and there are four furnished bedrooms, two unfurnished, two baths, big kitchen and breakfast area, formal living and dining rooms, garages, storage and some outbuildings"it's comfortable and recently remodeled. The location is seven miles NE of Gettysburg, and 55 miles NNE from Pierre, capital of SD. Gettysburg, population 1200, is the center of a rich agricultural area, has the requisite Midwest steak houses, bars, one grocery, hardware stores, American Legion, VFW, and there is an airport just outside town. This is the area Dick Cheney comes to hunt--the sign entering town (when not covered with a "Welcome Hunters" banner) says "Gettysburg--Where the Battle Wasn't Fought."
The Missouri River (Lake Oahe) is five miles west, and one of the best walleye lakes in the land, with lots of American Indian and Lewis and Clark lore. I am a big fan of Robert Duvall, and especially "Lonesome Dove;" so, get Yates to tell the story of watching that movie in Alaska a few years back. The name of the farm place, painted on a big rock out front, is McCullough's Lonesome Dove. It's a nice getaway. Neighbors are one mile north and one mile east. All around are pastures, ponds, fields of wheat, corn, sunflowers, and soy beans. It's very Grant Woods pastoral." Later, John added: "No, I will not be charging (admission) for guests, even a nominal fee for pheasant phantasms. It's for grandchildren, sons, friends, friends of friends, my attorney, brothers-in-law, in that order." Ron and Connie Yates, George and Diana Pupich, all joined the McCulloughs at their "Dakota Hideaway" for some pheasant hunting, and these photos show their fanciful fun and John's homestead (full story in CheckPoints Magazine, June 2010: Class News).

"I have been very fortunate to find a wonderful lady who will put up with my idiosyncrasies," wrote Steve Holt. "She is a pilot, lifeguard, skier, camper, kayaker, election officer, tax accountant, while her "real-life" job was medical research and computer programming. We married November (2009) with a flyover by an SNJ (T-6). We belong to the Commemorative Air Force and work lots of air shows, as well as Air Venture in Oshkosh and Sun-and-Fun in Florida (Commemorative Air Force is the now "politically correct" name of the Confederate Air Force in Midland, TX. Our primary goal is to find, restore and fly WWII aircraft to honor and preserve the memory of those brave flyers, and you can find CAF at www.commemorativeairforce.org). We belong to the National Capitol Squadron of CAF in Culpepper, VA, and our site is nationalcapitolsquadron.org. We are headed to a squadron meeting tonight (March 1st, 2010) where the guest speaker will be one the Tuskegee pilots.
"I hope to fly our L-5 some day, and we are also restoring an Avenger for our collection. My wife's name was Patricia Kraus. She used to date Navy guys, but was smart enough not to marry one. This photo was taken from a hike we took at Great Falls VA."
"May 2010 will be a doozy," wrote Bob Odenweller. "I leave for London on the 4th for a two-day display at the Royal Philatelic Society. This will be the first time the other Royal Philatelic Societies have all gathered under one roof. On May 7th, I'll move to the Islington Hilton, where the decennial international competition will be held, and I'll represent the U.S. as a judge, until the 16th. Most stamp collectors consider this show to be the granddaddy of all international shows. Jane will join me on the 11th, and then go on to Venice to see daughter Liesl and family. I will then complete work on the exhibition catalogue for the annual national show"Nojex--and be host for the jury. Somewhere along here, I will finish work on the next issue of my magazine, The Collectors Club Philatelist, before leaving for Washington to participate in two days of meetings at the Smithsonian's National Postal Museum, where I am on the Council of Philatelists." In the first photo, which is a composite of the entire family in Venice on Christmas Day taken at daughter Liesl's house, that's Dr. Kevin Johnston (Joy's husband), Dr. Joy McCorriston (stepdaughter), Liesl, her husband Frank O'Halloran, Bob and Jane, and the two children in front are Keoki (Joy's son) and Anna (Liesl's daughter). In the second photo, that's Jane's mother at her 100th birthday party, flanked by daughter Liesl and stepdaughter Joy.

"Four members of '60 have married a small group of remarkable girls that graduated from St Mary's Academy in 1958," wrote Tony Bilello. "St Mary's is a Catholic High School in Denver. Wayne Kendall married Barbara Bazata, Ron Deep married Carol Kornemann, and Carol TeBockhorst married Tony Bilello. Jim Bujalski and Judy Rodrique/ Sims had dated during our academy years, but went separate ways. Both married and raised great families; when their spouses passed away, they found each other and married in 2004. The 35 girls of St Mary's '58 class decided on a reunion in Scottsdale, AZ for 25-28 March, 2010, when they would be celebrating turning 70. Wayne/Barb and Ron/Carol flew in, Tony/Carol drove from Denver, and Jim/Judy camped at a Phoenix resort nearby. We started at the Westin-Kierland Hotel in Scottsdale; during the next few days, we toured Taleisin, the summer camp of Frank Lloyd Wright, a couple of cactus gardens, a bit of golf, a snort here and there, and lunch at one of the local homes." Tony Bilello

The 20th year of MiniSki"XX--came off without a hitch the last of February 2010. Al Johnson, President and CEO of the Al Johnson Ski & Lawn Mower Repair School declared the week a "total success." It was well attended, good weather, good food, and lots of laughs. Those 36 attending included Andi & Carole Biancur; Greg Boyington with June Colgan, daughter Tiffany, son-in-law Jeffrey, and grandson Reef; Howie & Judy Bronson with grandson Killian; Les Hobgood with son Mike and daughter Rani; George & Diana Pupich; Jim & Jeannette Glaza, Ralph Lalime with sons Jay and Chris; Jerry de laCruz; Ron & Connie Yates; Earl & Pat Van Inwegen with son Kurt and daughter Kristen; George & Becky Fries; Al Johnson; Vic Yoakum; Dean Bristow; Roy & Barb Jolly; and Gene & Jane Vosika ('59).
The size of this year's group rivaled our largest, and everyone got their fill of the slopes, with a nightly happy hour in the Van Inwegen's room. Each evening we ventured out for a variety of foods from local restaurants, while the second and third generation youngsters brought a lot to the party and set performance standards we oldsters can only attempt to match. We were comfortable skiing in two basic: (1) the "follow me" group that attempted to take the best each ski area had to offer, and (2) the "kinder/gentler group" that skied smoothly together, and laughed so hard they nearly fell off the lift. Leading the second group was Les Hobgood (Snow Bwana Wannabee), and constant friend Asbach Uralt.

Click Here for more Mini-Ski 2010 photos.
"We had a great luncheon to celebrate the anniversary of President Eisenhower's signing the law that created the USAFA. Falling close to Easter," wrote Tony Burshnick, "we had a few celebrating the holiday away from Virginia. Ralph and Darlene Lalime are at their favorite resort on Sanibel Island, FL (celebrated son Chris" marriage to Robyn in January). Bob and Lutzi Fischer were at Marco Island, FL and then spent time with Rosie and Karen Cler. Mike Loh recovers from an abdominal hernia. Bob Odenweller is busy getting his stamp and book awards. Al Johnson decided to vacation in Maine. George Fries was in California, and Bill Goodyear and Bill Hales decided to stay down South. Joe Higgins's mother-in-law was "under the weather", so he and Sue stayed home. Leon Goodson's Mom died, so he and Maryn were en route to Oklahoma, after celebrating the birth of twin grandchildren, Isaac and Pippa. Ben Furuta joined us, as he was in town celebrating the birth of his grandson. Ben talked of his life in LA after leaving the Air Force in the sixties; Ben's wife's from Japan, so she had a double delight in seeing the new grandson, plus enjoying the Cherry Blossom Festival. Mike A. Clarke made it to lunch with Norm Haller's help. Mike is about 80% of normal, and may return to work by June; his vision is still impaired, and the VA is helping him obtain devices and vision classes; Mike's wife, Nancy, will judge next year's Tournament of Roses. Bill Carnegie is recovering from his non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Ken Alnwick encourages those with an illness traced to Viet Nam to petition the VA for tax relief; also, Ken is working on a project that requires people to make predictions on what will happen in the world by 2025. Bill and Kitty Taylor are heading to Dallas for a final move into retirement--he will still work for Rand in Dallas. Badgers are fine, and Bob needs an agent for his book. Les Querry filled us in on Joe Yeager's story, and Les had also talked to Ace Holman; Ace had a relapse, but is OK. Bill Hockenberry says life is good! Jerry de la Cruz gave a rundown on events at Al Johnson's Ski School. Norm Haller is involved with the National Academy and Randolph-Macon. Tom Burke, announced the birth of his twelfth grandchild, and may catch Norm one day. Tom is President/CEO of AVMAK, and may have to take the company into bankruptcy. Our next meeting is 9 July."

Finally, this regarding our 50th Reunion: Go to www.usafa.org to view the Events Schedule and make reservations for your room at Embassy Suites; or, contact the AOG at 719-472-0300 for a copy of the schedule--Jennifer Ganzler ext. 138, or Tiffani Lusson ext. 136. You may reserve your room by calling the Embassy Suites at 719-599-9100.