5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4624
(941) 371-4843
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
O K, here is the first "Heads Up" for the Interservice (Rosie's) weekend get-together in 2011. As in the past, this year, it will take place 3 - 6 November, 2011 around the Air Force - Army football game. The format will be, show up, eat, talk, laugh, and watch a win - no business - just camaraderie and enjoyment. You will need to make your own travel arrangements and obtain football tickets. We will find appropriate locations for Thursday night's reception, Friday and Saturday evening meals, and take care of the tailgate arrangements.
Things you need to do:
Let us know your plans as soon as possible. We definitely need a head count NLT 15 September to plan the meal locations and the tailgate size. To date, I have heard from three out-of-town couples (Fries, Farquhar, and Luck) who plan to be here. As we get closer, we will send out another reminder with any updates. If you have questions, please contact me or one of the locals.
"Pete and Linda King took the time to join us for supper this week," wrote Don Wolfswinkel, on 7/22/2011. "Linda, a sculptor, was taking classes at Brook Green Gardens on Pawley's Island--about one hour from our home in Mt. Pleasant, SC. Ronnie and I took them to beautiful Shem Creek--lots of seafood and gorgeous views--just off the harbor at Charleston. Two of our grandchildren, Alex and Lucas Lazik, live near us, so we gave them a guided fishing trip for their 10th birthday. Of course, I went along. They caught and released a 30-in redfish; kept some redfish for eating and caught a multitude of small sharks in Charleston Harbor."
On June 29th, 2011, George and Carolyn Luck and Chuck and Edie Diver drove to a small town near the Canadian border for a German dinner with Bill Zersen and his daughter and son-in-law; dinner was at "Herb Neiman's Schnitzel and Steak House" in Everson, WA, where they had wonderful German food, American drinks (martinis approved) and great chatter. Bill's daughter is Bridgetta, and her husband is Doug. (Photo: George, Carolyn, Edie, Chuck, Bridgette, Bill, and Doug"other photo is the owner of the restaurant)
On July 3rd, I drove down to Bellevue to visit the 3/4 scale model of the SEA War Memorial Wall," wrote George Luck. "I touched each of our classmates" names " Val Bourque, Bob Davis, Mike Hyde, Jimmy Mills , Eddy Morton, Sam Waters and Reed Waugh. I placed a red rose at each panel containing their names." Later, George added that "This visit was a very moving experience for me. I served seven years in Washington, D,C., but I never had the courage to visit the Vietnam Memorial. I'm glad that I made this trip to the touring wall."
These last photos are the Lucks with Nels Delisanti and Vic Yoakum on the waters off Washington State on Nels' boat. "It was 21 July, first day of summer in the grey and rainy Northwest," wrote George. "The occasion took place out of Tacoma, WA on Commencement Bay. The crew included Nels Delisanti (owner and captain), Vic Yoakum and George and Carolyn Luck. Lunch was at the Tides Restaurant in Gig Harbor, WA."
And, here's another meeting of 'The Northwest Falcons,' who had a luncheon gathering at Ivar's Landing in Mukilteo, WA on April 20th. George Luck wrote: "Attending were Delisanti, Diver, Luck, O'Keefe, O'Rourke, and Yoakum. After lunch, a tour of the new Historic Flight Foundation's museum was held. All of their immaculately restored airplanes are maintained in flying condition. They include: B-25, Spitfire, P-51, Bear Cat, Tigercat, T-6, Staggerwing Beech, Waco and Travelair Monoplane."
Without fanfare, here's a photograph of some nice people taken recently in Maui: Biancurs, Van Inwegens, and the Yoakums; it's entitled "The Maui Lunch Bunch!"

And, this time with little ado but lots of lovely smiles, it's the Yoakums, Meinhardts, and Boyingtons over in Palm Springs. Photos courtesy of June Colgan
"We usually go on a winter cruise for a week or two," wrote Doug Rekenthaler. "This was 'Number 9,' as I recall, and it was most interesting for the weather. We departed Tampa into gale force winds, 18-foot seas, and those persisted. The Captain refused to make the port call at Key West and Costa Maya, Mexico; however, he did manage to hit Santo Tomas in Guatemala and a forgettable spot in Honduras. I took Vicki, Caitlin (our 13 year old, adopted from Kazakhstan), and my prot"g" Iriina Kharun (current women's all-time national NCAA Division 1 javelin champion-63 meters), and her husband Russ."
Maya Voyles was adopted by our daughter and son-in-law, Karen and Allen Voyles in September 2008. Maya was born near Chongqing (spelled Chungking in our day). The birth date on her Passport reads October 17, 2007," writes proud grandfather Gordon Robert Flygare. "The agency that Karen and Allen went through is "Great Wall" and is well supported by both the Chinese and US governments. Karen and Allen went to China to pick her up, and Maya arrived here fully equipped with a US passport and SSAN. She recently got her Oklahoma Birth Certificate, so we can start school, without going back to China. This month she starts pre-Kindergarten at Rosary School, which is her Grandmother Ann's alma mater; it is grades K thru 8, so she will be able to have some classmates who will become lifetime friends. She won't be four until October, so it may be an extra year before she gets to First Grade. It's time for Chinese Lessons." [R: What Gordy failed to mention is that this young lady is destined to join USAFA's Class of 2030, since all her "Oriental Stars" were perfectly aligned on her birth date]. Later, Gordy added this about Maya's photo with earrings: "I hope the Academy will lighten up its earring and bracelet policies before Maya is ready for the class of '30. She needs her accessories."

On 5/31/2011, Ed Haerter wrote: "Rosie, here's a couple of photos I took of the aircraft I rode along in for a couple of Memorial Day flyovers yesterday. The aircraft was at Spence AB, Georgia from 1954 until the AF went to all jet pilot training. The number on the tail is the original Air Force serial number. I'm sure some of our classmates who went through either primary or our two week pilot orientation at Spence flew this bird."
Charlie Liggett writes,"Kathy and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary with a four month around the world cruise aboard the Silver Spirit, the largest (540 passengers) and newest of the Silversea ships. The cruise was divided into eight segments, and although there were only 70 of us booked for the entire four months, there were other passengers booked on one or more segments. [R...Charlie and Kathy visited 60 ports from Los Angeles to South Hampton, England, in 119 days. Click HERE to read their detailed account of the trip with many photos.]
Later, Charlie added this final note: "We had a few "It's a small world after all" experiences that I wanted to share. We met a former B-52 radar navigator who was stationed at Kincheloe AFB, Michigan with Reed Waugh. He said that Reed used to sleep on their couch when his wife kicked him out of the house. The guest lecturer for our port calls is a geography professor who taught in Australia for many years and recalls meeting George Hines when George was teaching at a different university. The latest is a retired lady officer who is also from California. She was a high school classmate of Lew and Liz Svitenko, Class of 1962. Cheers, Charlie."
"Jane has been in Columbus for over three weeks with grandson (8 years old) while his parents are in Indonesia, and she will return on Saturday," wrote Bob Odenweller on 8/3/2011. "This evening I have to pick up our daughter Liesl, her husband and Anna (soon to be 8) at the airport. They've swapped their home in Venice (Italy) for one in Connecticut. I'm putting the final layout and design touches on a 176-page book on the first stamps of Greece (1861 to 1886), sending it to the printer tomorrow. The author is a Greek lawyer and the work has been difficult, particularly with a deadline from the printer, since the 150th anniversary of those stamps is on 1 October this year. Work on the latest issue of my 64-page magazine is being finished today as well. Next week I go to Columbus to judge a show, and will return to have about a week free before an operation on a hernia. Then, next month I have a show to judge in Omaha. Of other past activities, over Memorial Day weekend I was charged with developing all the publications for a major national show, and for shepherding the judges around. Then, after a day to catch my breath, I gave a seminar on editing and publishing at the Smithsonian for two days at the beginning of June, and attended a show where my magazine took the best in show in the literature class. The day after that I had a meeting of the Smithsonian Council of Philatelists, where a fellow from the Royal Philatelic Society London and I made a pitch to develop a wide-ranging research tool for stamps, which ultimately will be available worldwide. Work on that project is ongoing. It was an exhausting two weeks."
"We just returned from a 30 day cruise, Dubai to Hong Kong on the Azamara Cruise Line's "Quest"--a delightful, smaller ship," wrote Jerry Stack. In the photos, the first was taken on Christmas day of 2010 at Angkor Wat, Cambodia, and the second is Jerry and Hildburg eating lettuce wraps in Hoi An, Vietnam. "It was a good feeling to be friends with the local population"eating, drinking, and laughing together," wrote Jerry.
"Los Guajolotes, a loosely structured group of past and current specialists in motorcycle rider education and training--gather once each year to talk of old times, tell stories, and ride good--read, "not straight"--roads," writes J. T. Smith. "This year the gathering place was Torrey in southern Utah, near the entrance to Capitol Reef National Park. I decided to invite two classmates--Gordon Flygare and Leon Goodson--whom I knew to be active riders--to join in on the fun as guests. Sadly, Leon was unable to make it due to scheduling conflicts, but Gordon signed on eagerly. It was another excellent trip and a great ride, totaling--for me--about 4000 miles. Maybe next year, Leon will be able to join us."
[Click HERE to see the detailed account with photos]

Those of you who have been following the coverage of the upcoming season already realize that this year's Falcon team is expected to continue its winning record of the Coach Calhoun era. The consensus of most pigskin prognosticators is that Air Force will likely finish the 2011 MWC season in third place behind Boise State and TCU, in that order. Given that TCU will travel to USAFA on September 10 and that they will have a new QB playing in just his second start of his college career, there are some who predict that the Falcons could upset TCU. Air Force will play Notre Dame at South Bend on October 8, just a week after traveling to Annapolis to take on Navy on October 1. San Diego State comes to USAFA for a Thursday night game on October 13 before the Falcons travel to play Boise State on October 22. BSU at #7, TCU at #15 and ND at #18 are all ranked in the top 25 of the USA Today Coaches Pre-season Poll; so, it will be obvious after the Boise State game whether the Falcons will be possibly fighting for a Top 25 ranking this year or aiming for a winning season and a bowl victory.
"The reasons for optimism include QB Tim Jefferson, who is in his 4th season as a starter, RB Asher Clark who is also playing in his 4th season on the varsity, an experienced receiving corps, an experienced offensive line and defensive secondary to go along with a very good recruiting class that is likely to see several of its members getting significant playing time. Areas lacking experience include the FB position, the defensive line and the kicking game. The line backing group has some experience but needs to develop depth and Coach Calhoun has said that he plans to spend time this summer improving special team play.
"A big plus is that all Falcon games will be available on TV this season, including the opener against South Dakota on September 3 and the September 24 home game with Tennessee State. If any of you are within driving/flying distance and would like to enjoy some camaraderie as you watch the games with the Northwest Florida grad group, join us at Angler's Sports Bar in Fort Walton Beach. The South Dakota game will start at 1:00 pm CDT on the Mountain Network via DirecTV on 9/3. We hope to have a large turnout for the 10/1 AF/Navy game at 11:00 am CDT on CBS nationally. Send Aaron Thrush an E-mail if you would like info on motels in the area.
"Here's the 'Afterglow' letter that I am still working on," wrote Bill Zersen on 8 Jul 11. Bill attended two family reunions in July: the first, in Denmark, for his mother's family-- the Michaels--and the second, in Germany, for his father's family, obviously, the Zersens . The first was the Michael reunion in Copenhagen.
Bill continues, "I write an 'Afterglow' letter for every reunion that we've had for the past ten years or so. [Click to read the letter.] I've attached a few photos taken at the event."

Konigsberg Castle

Next Bill describes the second: "The bigger reunion [was] in 'Zersen' Germany, . . . . One of the newspapers in Germany (Hessich-Oldendorf, effectively the county seat) had a large article in it after the reunion was over. My cousin translated it and I can send it to you with pictures, etc. Some 90 people at the Zersen Reunion. [Click to read the article.]

"The town really believes that in 1602/03 the Pied Piper took some 130 children out of the town (mostly teenagers). In all probability the kids left because they were promised jobs in other towns. Very interesting story. First the rats were eliminated and then the town welshed on their payment to the Pied Piper so he came back and got the kids to leave."
"Anne and I went to Hawaii after Guatemala due to a 70th birthday and our upcoming 40th anniversary, wrote Bill Carnegie. "We stayed in Honolulu four days, took a week's cruise around the islands, and stayed in a timeshare on Maui for a week. On the way back we dallied in Burbank, CA, with our daughter for a few days. Seven couples went on the cruise, and then three went on to Maui. I played golf only to find out what it is like putting downhill, down-grain, and downwind. Motto: Never be above the hole. Another motto: Travel while you can." (In the photo, that's Bill, grand daughter Sasha, son Tom, Tom's wife Maritta, Sheril--Tom's step-daughter, and Bill's wife Anne).

Bill's son is a State Department Foreign Service Officer, and went to the embassy in Guatemala City, Guatemala four years ago as a staff member in economic affairs. A year ago he was promoted, and rather than transferring, he extended for a year in a different job managing the Narcotics Affairs Service (NAS) office and reporting directly to the ambassador. Tom manages the employees, assets, and budget for the office, but is not involved directly in operations. He does make operational decisions of some import, since he has four helicopters managed by an outside maintenance firm under contract; NAS is a separate agency from State, but the policy manager is the Ambassador.
Bill continues, "two pictures are attached this time. They are from Easter time in 2009 in Antigua, Guatemala. One is me, Anne, and Tom. The other is the Easter procession which is a big deal and happens several times in different parts of the city before Easter. The locals paint the street with all kinds of objects to draw pictures and then the procession proceeds to walk through them and mess them up. The clean up must be a lot of work too, but everyone enjoys it and it is a big family affair; extremely, religious of course."
"Classmate makes good!!," writes Earl Van Inwegen . "Great ceremony, Greg was up for the day and "starred" in our Mt Soledad Veterans Assoc. Memorial Day tribute to 'Pappy' Boyington. It was a very nice ceremony: about 750 attendees, beautiful day. A Marine pilot from the 'Black Sheep' Squadron, USMC VMA 214 in Yuma gave a great history of 'Pappy' Sr. Greg did a great job and we had a great day with him."
"Rosie, I found this a day or two ago going through some old photos. Taken at our farm in 1975 when Mac, Rita and the kids visited for a few days. Right after this was taken, Mac (Willard Richard Macfarlane)'bailed out' , because the horse wouldn't stop and was going through the barn door with or without him. Nancy and I really miss him; he was my best friend from the Class, always fun to be around, and a truly gifted and fine man." This, by Ed Haerter.

"Attached is a picture of Dave and Camille Sweigart taken on our deck," wrote Chuck Diver. "They spent a couple of nights with us--22 and 23 July, leaving on the 24th to visit their daughter down by Seattle, just south of us. We had a really good time, showing them enough of the sights, but not too many. Want 'em to come back.

And, here are Dave and Camille at a local Dutch tulip garden during their visit. Tulips are gone (in April), but the gardens are still nice. We also went to the local towns surrounding Sedro-Woolley-Mt. Vernon, Burlington, and Anacortes. We saved La Conner for their next trip. Had a good time eating ice cream cones that were too large, Greek/Italian food that was to good."

There was a Gathering of the Northwest Falcons on Tuesday, August 9th at Ivar's Salmon House on Lake Union in Seattle," wrote George Luck. "We were especially honored with the attendance of out-of-towners Dean Bristow and Deke and Sally Johnson. Those in attendance were: George and Carolyn Luck, Bill Zersen, Dennis and Linda O'Keefe, Dean Bristow, Nels Delisanti, Chuck and Edie Diver, and Deke and Sally Johnson."

And then, just after getting George's story and photos (above), I get Chuck Diver's report: "Attached is a photo taken in Seattle on 09 August 2011 at Ivars Salmon House, Lake Union. The photo shows the official Detachment 13 shield. We were especially honored to have classmates Deke Johnson and wife Sally, and Dean Bristow in attendance. Due to Deke's attendance, we shed the facade of being "Northwest Falcons' and assumed our true role as "Detachment 13 of VFW Post 63." Let it be noted that VFW Post 63 has Detachments all over the world, with many thanks to Deke for that fact. Also in attendance were Nels Delisanti, Bill Zersen, George and Carolyn Luck, Dennis and Linda O'Keefe and Chuck and Edie Diver".

SERENDIPITOUS ENCOUNTER AT BASEBALL STADIUM SHATTERS MYTH FROM YOUTHFUL YORE: Sometimes, as we turn towards (and/or 'smack into') our Golden Years, those myths and adventures which we carried from our youths are brutally dispelled, whence they undergo closer scrutiny. Such was the case with this long-held credendum (bugbear?), regarding a tale which I tell with considerably more than just a little sorrow: I was at a Spring Training baseball game in mid-February 2011 in Bradenton, FL, watching the Pittsburgh Pirates play the Minnesota Twins at McKechnie Field (three blocks from Buck Congdon's sister's home). I sat down, greeted the Nordic-looking couple (Johannsen? Swedenbourg?) seated next to me (I'm a really friendly sorta guy), both of whom wore Twins shirts; they told me that they were from Moorhead, MinneSOtah. "I have a friend who played football for the Moorhead Mudcats," said I, thinking just how small this world really was (after all). The lady expressed surprise, even shock, stating (with certainty) that, "Moorhead State was nicknamed the "Dragons,' and the Moorhead High School team had been named 'spuds' for as long as I can remember! There are no Moorhead Mudcats up where we live!" (I think she may have stomped her foot at this point). Feelings ruffled, I raced (darted?) home and promptly e-mailed "Thrill-Seeker' Daniel Keith Johnson, telling him that the only team in Moorhead known by the locals is the 'spuds.' His response: "Rose--it is the Moorhead Spuds, but tenacious "Tall-Tale-Teller' George (Serb) Pupich coined the name "Mudcats.' They used to grow a lot of potatoes around Moorhead, hence the name 'spuds.' It was tough having a team name like the Spuds, as the other teams used to yell: "Mash those Spuds'." Trying to mollify my feelings [R: I had never been mollified before, and it felt kind of good], he promptly changed the subject: "We are having our 50th Wedding Anniversary in April, and I think the Pupichs and Al Johnsons are going to attend. Cheers, Deke." [R: No word on whether Al and George and wives showed up for the anniversary party--that just might be another story!]

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