20 December 2002
5 December 2001
I am not saying this to rub it in to those who could not attend, but we had an awesome luncheon on Wednesday. The highlight was a very sincere and inspiring talk by Bill Goodyear. There was much discussion about the Cadet Honor Code prompted by the Carns ('59) report. We were a different breed of cadets, no doubt about that! Good comments by Les Querry. Al Johnson also some important info from the Army/Air Force Mutual Aid organization that pertains to widows and widows to be of those who served in Nam and may have been exposed to Agent Orange. He has been especially helpful to JD's wife, Lorna. Then everyone got to update their data bank with each other. Rosie, for the first time Al did not try to sell any mutual funds!!!!!
I have to add that I think we found a new place to hold our quarterly luncheon. The Fort Meyer Officer Club had a super meal and the use of a private room that was perfect for our needs.
We were especially please that GJC Fries came up from Williamsburg and Bill Carnegie drove down from North Jersey. Thanks for the extra effort, guys.
At the luncheon we also voted for Jerry de la Cruz to be responsible for the Checkpoints article on JD. Of course Jerry did not get a vote since he was absent. However, this morning I got an e-mail from Lorna and then talked to her after which we decided to get Jerry off the hook. I am attaching Lorna's e-mail for the info of all.
I've been trying to call you back and get a busy signal, which makes me think you're on line.
Curtis Cook, Class of 1959, is writing something for Checkpoints. Curtis had already started writing something for the Political Science Department at the Academy where he and John taught together for many years. John was very close to Curtis; in fact, John set our wedding date when Curtis would be in Washington and could be best man. I sent Curtis a copy of John's long Air Force autobiography to fill in any details that were needed. Curtis continues to live in Colorado Springs and teaches political science at Colorado College, so the mechanics should be reasonably convenient for him.
Thanks for being so helpful and supportive. I will see you on January 11, if not before. Following the chapel and burial, there will be a reception for Class of '60, close friends, and family at Fort Meyer. I have been advised to send specific invitations for that event, which I will do when I finalize things with the catering people at the officers' club. Even a month ahead, some of the reception rooms are booked.
Thanks again, Lorna"
Well, gents that is all I have. I wish you all the happiest holiday season and may 2002 be another great year for all of you.
9 July 2001
I think that all who attended would have to agree this was one of the best luncheons. Perhaps it was the nostalgia of the day and then maybe it was the setting. Mike Loh pointed out that from our table we could see the top of his high school, (Gonzaga), that prepared him for the Academy, the base, Bolling AFB, where he took his tests, and National Airport where he boarded the flight to Denver and the AFA. We regaled each other with memories from that day, had a few drinks, a great lunch; but mostly we enjoyed each others company, the best the AFA has produced. NULLI SECUNDUS
To many of the attendees the 9th of July 1956, was a blur. Earl Caudell and Al Bache were the most remembered ATOs, quite a few of us remembered the bag drop, Mike Loh, when told to run his chin in by Al Bache, started to run in place with his chin tucked in. Bill Goodyear had breakfast in the local area with Steve Bishop (Mr. Cadet) and dropped a hot bottle of maple syrup that broke and decorated his civies for the grand entrance. Bob Odenweller claims he had a date with Kim Novak (yes, the movie actress) on the Sunday before reporting in. Actually he spent some time with her at the Brown Palace lounge that Sunday night. Leon Goodson claims Bob made that story up. Leon also had a great story about the clocks on the chimney of the original Mitchell Hall and their affect on George Elsea. We need to get George's version. Incidentally George and Evie are now vacationing in Scotland until October. Bill Carnegie remembered having Caudell threaten him with shaving lessons. Joe Pedjoe, Jerry O'Malley and Doss L. Smith also made the remembrance list. Well, I think you can see that the war stories flowed freely and a good time was had by all.
I would like to thank all of you that could make it to the luncheon. Bill Carnegie and Bob Odenweller did us a real honor by driving the four and a half hours from New Jersey and Mike Loh got up from Williamsburg. Mike is still making an impression on Air Force activities as you can see by the latest AF Times story on the B-1. Ken Alnwick is working hard on assisting the former AF Secretary, John McLucas with his memoirs. Norm Haller finished a very full year at the prep school in Front Royal and hopes to cut back a bit in 2002. the rest of the DC gang are just hanging tough.
Bill Ouellette went back in the hospital on Sunday and is still battling the big C. George Fries had to cancel at the last minute due to a necessary medical check at Portsmouth Naval Hospital. Keep us posted, George. It all goes to show we need to take advantage of the times to get together. The next event will probably be a late August get together at Norm and Liz Hallers place in Front Royal, VA. More to follow in the next few weeks. After that, save the evening of the 5th of October for the Sabre Society Dinner at the Army Navy Country Club. Those of you who are not Sabre Society members and would like to investigate the reason why you should join please consider coming to the dinner. It will set you back a few bucks but it is well worth it. Let me know and I will make the reservations. The next day is the AF/Navy game at Redskins Stadium. Ralph Lalime will bring his motor home so that will be the get together place. More to follow before that date. Everyone is on their own to get tickets to the game.
Here is hoping you all enjoy good health and the summer. Oh, incidentally, I sent out a 45th anniversary message to all the folks who have a current e-mail address with the AOG. If you did not get the message than your E-mail address is not current with the AOG mail system. Of the almost 200 grads of the Class of '60 only 76 have an e-mail address on file. I would encourage all of you to keep that current. It is probably the only way to get info--right now. The Class web site is months behind.
6 April 2001
20 December 2000
Well, many thanks to the twelve stalwarts from the USAFA Class of '60 who gathered at Gampy's gourmet restaurant in Rosslyn, VA to wine, dine and talk about our classmates. Especially those who did not show up.!!! Bill Hales your ears should have been burning since we discussed your absence and whereabouts in great detail. We all wish you have a great holiday and good things result from the trip. We were fortunate in that Charlie Liggett was able to come all the way from California to be with us. The hero though was Bill Carnegie who left his home in North Jersey this morning and braved all the trecherous and icy highways to be first in line. GJC Fries was scared away by the storm and Les Querry could not get out of his driveway in the VA mountains. Norm Haller is too dedicated to his new job at Randolph Macon Academy to sneak off for lunch. Bob Badger is contemplating a move back to his home state of Indiana so he was in South Bend looking for his dream house. Most of the other locals had their Christmas plans set before we announced the luncheon.
Mike Clarke and Tom Burke lead the walking wounded list. Mike departed company with his cancerous prostate gland about a month ago and is really coming along well. He manages a few hours of work just about every day. He tells a great story about his present condition. Tom Burke must be getting old because his problem was an arthritic toe joint. The docs at Andrews Hospital sliced open the joint and cleaned out the excess bone and tissue so Tom is finally getting excited about the next golf season. Figures he will pick up at least two strokes with the new toe. He got rid of the crutches but wears the theraputic shoe. JD McCartney is fighting a cancerous prostate and for now the big C seems to be in remission. Despite rumors to the contrary that I spread in my last note, Bill Goodyear is not retiring. In fact he gave up the house in Annapolis and bought a new place in Arlington. He has to keep working just to make the payments. Two of our group have daughters that are TV personalities. Ken Alnwick's daughter is a reporter for the local Fox channel evening news. (Watch out Katie Couric) Bill Carnegie's daughter has worked in TV for sometime and will help with a new production of "Teachers Pet" a Saturday morning show that may be described as an adult cartoon series. Charlie Liggett is still with Lockheed but is contemplating retirement this summer. He may become a permanent member of DC '60. Jerry de la Cruz keeps getting better and better and better with his paintings. He has many of his works displayed here in the DC area. JD's better half, Lorna, is also starting to make her mark with her paintings. Ken, Leon and Bob Weinaug are also thinking about retirement this summer. We shall see.
JD had his new digital camera and took many pictures that he will put on the net for the DC '60 so be on the lookout. Rosie, he will also send you a set that you may be able to use for the next Checkpoints. We also took some standard pictures just in case. Let me know when you receive the ones from JD and whether you need any more.
Bottom line: it was another great get together. We only got one commercial from Al Johnson about the merits of the AFBA Five Star Funds. We must have had a great time because for the first time the standard fee was not enough to cover the bill. We did drink alot of wine!!!!
Here is wishing all of you the Merriest of Christmas Greetings! Enjoy the times with your families and may 2001-be a great year for all of you.
9 August 2000
8 June 2000
Sparing no expense the DC'60 gathered at GAMPY'S gourmet restaurant to celebrate the 40th anniversary of our graduation from USAFA. I will not bore you with details of the exquisite cuisine and vintage wines only to say there are few places in town that can duplicate this repast for a price that has not changed in seven years. Our guest speaker was Al Johnson who went into great detail about our financial futures and the AFBA Five Star family of funds. I managed to hold the groups attention for a few moments as I explained how medicine is practiced at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. I can say no more since the explanation was X rated. Two out of towners and now members of the DC '60 were very outspoken for the few minutes we allowed them. Bill Hales was in from Rochester, NY where he is retired from Kodak and now does pro bono work for the Alzeimers Foundation. Mr. Fries GJC came up from Williamsburg, VA where he helps Busch Gardens and Waterworld keep up with the flora. Later this summer stay off I-70 or any other east-west road because Leon Goodson is making the return trip on his Harley from Seattle to DC. Les Querry, our almost alumni, recently got married to a very lovely young lady from here in VA. Pictures to follow. He is still designing his mountain dream home in the Shenendoah. Bill Goodyear works here in Northern VA but has bought a home in Annapolis in anticipation of a fall retirement and spending many leisure hours sailing on the bay. Norm Haller pulled up stakes after many years and has moved to Front Royal, VA where he will be teaching at the Randolph Macon Academy. RM has an AF flavor with retired AF folks as teachers, Gen. Mack Hobgood, USAF Ret, as the Superintendant/President and the students wearing an AF styled uniform. Norm may even coach the baseball team in his spare time. Bob Badger is still with the Justice Dept. and will probably hang it up this fall. Bob Weinaug is with SS with no immediate plans to move. Mike Clarke says he will stay at the National Academy of Science where he keeps track of the AF Science and Technology Board in addition to many other tough demanding tasks. He only gets to spend three days a week on the links. I cannot believe they pay him while Mike Loh and I work for them pro bono. Clarke is a lot smarter than I gave him credit for. Tom Burkes membership in GAMPY's Gourmet Club let us make reservations. After the lunch Tom put on his Commemorative Golf Chairman hat and treated Hales, Clarke and RG to a round of golf at his Country Club. I don't know for sure what Tom's line of work is but I think he makes lots of money.
I took pictures of this festive occasion and if the Giant Market doesn't lose them I will send copies to you in Monday's USPS . You will note I am sitting down. After the surgery I was four inches shorter and did not want to have to stand by Tom Burke. I am sorry you lost money in the vodka market. My recommendation is to buy now since I will be off the medicines very soon. Also check on AFBA 5 Star. Al will be very happy and richer.
Take care Rosie and let me know if I can send you any other information.
Yours in Global Airlift