9 July 2014
Well another great luncheon. However it was probably the smallest group since only nine of us made it.
Leon Goodson will be spending most of the summer at home with the grandkids. His one grand daughter will be working as an intern for the DC HILL Magazine. Bill Hockenberry is busy as ever with the unions and corporate gents and employees. les Querry is busy taking care of Marty's mom. He will be hosting the next get together on the 25th of October. Jerry de la Cruz is busy with his teen age grandkids. Betty had a shoulder operation a few weeks ago. She was still able to win the "PICKLE BALL" TOURNAMENT last week. Jack Schira lives in Pasadena, MD. His wife still works but is getting ready for retirement. He just bought a 20 foot boat and he and the grandkids are enjoying time on the river. Bill Carnegie has his son and daughter home for the month. Mike Clarke is enjoying his house with the daughter and her family. He reckons he has listened to 900 books. His eye sight precludes reading. He still has a bad knee and shoulder. Tom Burke is sill working and spent a nice Fourth of July weekend on he Jersey shore with the family. Yes he has 13 grandkids. He and Mary also celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary a few weeks ago.
As for the absentees. Odenweller was in Belgium. GJC Fries was in SC visiting his daughter His cataract surgery went well and he now has hearing aids. Doug Rek was at USAFA where his 17 year old is going to the Academy Prep School. Mike Loh was in Texas visiting with Cadet Loh who was on a summer training trip. Alnwick was in Florida, Lalime was in MASS, AL Johnson is at his summer home in Maine. Haller and Badger were tied up with family. Bob Fischer has back problems and cannot travel all the way down to DC. Hales, Higgins and Taylor are also down South,
So in all a very nice luncheon full of war stories.
Look forward to seeig you at Les Querry's in the fall.
1 April 2014
Well, what can I say another great luncheon!!!!!
First off the guys who could not make it. Doug Rek was down in Hilton Head to escape the VA cold. Mike Loh was at the Founders Day luncheon at USAFA. He also got to visit with his son MGEN M. Loh and C3C Mike Loh. Odenweller was trying to make it but Jane just had cataract surgery so he was taking care of her. Ralph Lalime was down in Sanibel, Fl. Bill Hales decided to stay south. Norm Haller was just getting back from Georgia. Bill Carnegie was recovering from cataract surgery.
Ken Alnwick just finished up a tough week of lacross instructing in the cold and rain. His daughter Melanie is still a broadcaster on Channel five on sunday morning. The Goodsons are in good health. Leon gave us a good rundown on Bob Oaks who is recovering from a coma. Al Johnson took the Magnificent Performance AWARD at the yearly ski trip. That was a long story. Bob Badger is pretty well recovered from his illness. Rosie wants him to write the column for the next class addition to CHECKPOINTS so send Bob all your stories. Les Querry had a rough winter in the mountains. He is also working hard helping to care for his elderly mother-in-law. Bob Fischer & Lutzi will soon make a trip to London and Normandy. He will get to Omaha Beach too. Bob encouraged us to take care of the elderly!!! Bill Hockenberry is busy with his companies and is pretty well finished with his house upgrades. GJC Fries had cataracts removed from both eyes and is waiting to get new glasses. His back is healing just fine. Jerry de la Cruz had a good ski trip and was glad to see all the kids and grandkids that show up. Next year will be the 25th anniversary of the Johnson Ski School. Tom Burke gave a good rundown on the improvements to the golf course. If you want to play it just call Tom.
Like I said a good luncheon war story telling session. We agreed on the 9th of July for the next luncheon.. That will be the 58th anniversary of our entry into USAFA at Lowry AFB. I will send out a reminder in June. If I missed anything get a note off to Bob Badger.
Enjoy the springtime!!!!!
14 January 2014
What a great luncheon!!!! It was good to see all of you and to share a few war stories. First though let me let you know what those that could not attend were doing. Bob Odenweller's wife just had eye surgery so he was looking after her. Doug Rekenthaler knew it was too cold here in VA so he went to Hilton Head. Bill Taylor had to stand fast in Texas for the same reason. Bob Fischer is having some maintenance done at his PA home so he had to stay up there to monitor the workmen. Mike Clarke had a few medical appointments to take care of. Hope they all went well Mike. Jack Schira and Bill Carnegie were suppose to attend but they just did not show up. Maybe they got lost in all the rain and fog we had.
Ken Alnwick gave us a good rundown on Ace Holman's life and his many ventures in the AF. Ken stays busy helping the young folks master the game of lacrosse. He also maintains his retired status by doing some beautiful glass cutting and making it into collector's items. Bob Badger told us about a period a few weeks ago when he had difficulty seeing and walking. Docs think it might have been a stroke but a follow on MRI did not show it. He is still under the care of his doctor. That episode convinced him and Liliane that maybe it is time to sell the Browntown country home and to move closer to some of the family. I guess he will soon join the Al Johnson home sellers organization. Jerry and Betty de la Cruz are doing fine. Jerry recovered great from his back surgery. He also told us that Sue Higgins has been diagnosed with lung cancer. Leon Goodson is recovering from a wonderful Christmas trip to the west coast and his family in Seattle. He bought some property on Sinclair Island on Puget Sound where he can land an airplane. I guess he is getting tired of riding the motorcycle. Ralph and Darlene Lalime spent the holidays in New England with his son, Jay and family. Ralph did some skiing to get ready for the trip out West in February. He and Jay also built a skating pond for the kids. What talent in this class!!!!! The kids are his three grand daughters and a grandson. Ralph also has a son and DIL in Okinawa that just had a new son. Al Johnson was rather quiet. I guess he was thinking too much about all the work he has to do to get ready to open this years Al Johnson Ski School out there in Utah. He will be moving back up to Maine sometime in March. Oh, if you need an Executive Physical Al says too go to Johns Hopkins. Les Querry wanted to thank all of you that attended this years Falcon Roost and then left all those nice gifts for him and Marty You should have his pictures of yesterdays lunch by now. That was another great picture Les. GJC Fries is enjoying his new living quarters in Newport News.He still does some volunteer work for MOA and substitute teaches in the local school. He will probably have cataract surgery in February. Bill Hockenberry is just about 90% finished with the refurb on his house. He still stays busy with his consulting business. Norm Haller still works with the National Science Foundation and his local college. He leads the group in grandkids with 15. Two of which are at the US Naval Academy. By the way his Mom is 102 years old. Sounds like Norm will be around for a long time. Mike Loh and Barb are doing just fine. In November Mike had a knee replaced and is doing very well. He also regaled us with the fact that between his boys and Barb's family they have 142 years of military experience. Barb is Bill Kornitzers sister. Tom and Mary Burke are doing fine. Tom holds second place in the grandchild race with 13. Tom and Mary are soon going to NY to see THE CHEW SHOW. It will be on national TV so check your newspaper for date and time. You might see them there in the audience. Finally I get no better. The back hurts and I am really unstable even with two canes. Walker will be next and then a wheel chair if I last that long. Karen stays well and very busy taking care of me.
Well, like I said a great luncheon and some great stories. Our next get together for lunch will be 1 April which is the Academy Founders Day. We decided it should also be the day we bring our wives. So have the ladies put the date in their calendars I will get back to you in March to get a sign up list.