Class Of 1964 USAF Academy

Hawaii 2008

By Jim Hermanson

We sent the following letter to a newspaper in Honolulu on 19 Mar 2008:


We will be heading for Hawaii on the 20th. We are spending two weeks in Hawaii partly in celebration of the joy and significance that our older daughter, Anne, and her Army doctor husband, Steve, brought into our and others lives. Anne was born on 28 September 1967 while I was in Viet Nam.

Anne and Steve were killed by a runaway truck 12+ years ago near Ashland, OR, returning to Ft. Lewis near Tacoma, WA from their first vacation in almost four years of marriage. Steve was in residence in Family Practice at Madigan Army Medical Center. We tell this part of our story because we believe that part of what makes Hawaii magical is that its people understand how precious, fragile and brief life is. And, that freedom isn’t free. We’d like somehow to express our appreciation to them for what they have meant and continue to mean to us.

The other part of this trip’s significance is to make memories with our younger daughter’s family—Ingrid, Kevin, her electrical contractor husband, Grace and Thor who will be 7 on 2 Jul, Caleb and Ryan who will be 4 on 2 May, and Zane who will be 2 on 2 June, Lord willing.

We will be in Honolulu arriving after noon on the 20th; going on to Kauai on the 21st about 3:00 p.m. We return to Honolulu on 4 Apr about noon for a connection to the mainland about 10 p.m. We can be contacted on our cell phone at 303.709.4942.

Thanks for your consideration.

Sincerely, Jim and Barb Hermanson
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