Class of 1970
(Updated 8-17-10)
Q: How did you calculate the registration fee of $250?
A: Historically, the AOG charged an admin fee of $40 for members and $70 for non-members. We negotiated a single $50 per person fee regardless of AOG membership status. The Class admin fee is $70 to cover mailings, registration gifts, printing of materials, partial subsidies for KIA family members' attendance, and unanticipated reunion-related expenses. The remainder of the fee pays for the two major dinners, Friday's breakfast buffet, the Friday class luncheon, and a grab-and-go breakfast snack before Saturday's football game. Any excess money from the fees goes into the Class fund for future expenditures as in the past.
Q: Is there a class discount for rental cars?
A: Not specifically for the class, but options are available through the AOG, USAA, and others.
Q: Can I buy merchandise at the reunion?
A: No. We will not have a merchandise store. We will have display samples at registration. You can go to the merchandise link to order prior to and immediately after the reunion and have the merchandise sent directly to your home address.
Q: Will the Friday banquet seating be by squadron?
A: No. There will be a seating chart available early to sign up for individual tables-first come, first served.
Q: How do we schedule the individual dinners for Saturday night?
A: We can supply information and/or offer suggestions about various restaurants. We may have the hospitality room available for small gatherings. Contact Dave Gaw( with your thoughts.
Q: In what section are the football tickets?
A: New this year, the seating is on the East side close to the Cadet Wing.
Q: Can I trade my season tickets for ones in the reunion section?
A: No. You can use yours to get in the gate then join the class if space is available.
Q: Is there a limit on the number of football tickets I can buy?
A: No.
Q: Will the Josten ring rep be at the Reunion?
A: No, but you can contact them at 1-800-852-9353. they will refurbish your ring and replace a synthetic stone for free. There is a charge for replacing real stones. Turn-around time is about four weeks.
Q: Are there menu options for the two primary meals at the hotel?
A: Yes. A vegetarian option is available. Contact Jennifer Ganzler to sign up(
Q: What is the dress for the Friday banquet?
A: Business casual (coat/tie not required).
Q: Can I attend the golf tournament as a spectator?
A: Yes. We will attempt to set up a cheering section with golf carts(sobriety requested). Cost will be out-of-pocket.
Q: What are the Academy access procedures for late arrivals on Thursday or Friday?
A: Access to the Academy and Doolittle Hall (AOG building) only requires an ID at the gate. To eat at Mitchell Hall or tour the Cadet area requires your registration name tag. Contact Jennifer Ganzler ( prior to arrival if you want to pick up your registration packet at Doolittle Hall rather than the hotel.
Q: What is the status of the Pavilion? Is it really that significant?
A: Several key people outside of our class have stated that this is the most significant gift ever given to the Academy. Construction of the building is well underway. The large bronze wall map of SEA is also on track. The nine benches honoring our nine KIA classmates have been ordered. The Pavilion link on the class web site ( has a video fly-by of the Pavilion. We will be posting pictures detailing the construction progress. We still need donations of approximately $170K (as of 7-1-10) to be able to pay off the building construction and bronze map costs by the end of September. Additionally, we need approximately $150K to fund the maintenance endowment and some displays by the end of the year. Please dig deep and increase your donation amount—we need your help! Pledge forms are linked on our class web site(
Q: What are the options for the alternate activities, besides the Glen Eyrie tea and the Garden of the Gods walk?
A. Not knowing how dated everyone's experience is with Colorado Springs, we have chosen to have a minimum of scheduled activities during the open times. We are coordinating for a day spa treatment for the ladies at a facility several blocks from the Marriott. We suggest you review the Colorado Springs Visitor's Guide at to see a host of opportunities to get you reconnected to the area. Several suggestions: hike Castlewood Canyon (just south of Franktown), Royal Gorge Train, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Seven Falls/Helen Hunt Falls, Cripple Creek casinos, and Mueller State Park(Jack doesn't get a commission). The Colorado Springs In Their Honor Airshow is also October 2-3( Check out the attendee list and get together with some guys for these activities.
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