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USAFA Association of Graduates



USAFA Association of Graduates

2005 Silver Falcons Reunion A Great Success!

2005 Silver Falcons Reunion Attendees Left To Right: Pete Graybash, Kirk Brown, Chuck & Carol Foster, Pat Kirkstadt, "Chris" & Lil Chrisinger, Jim Kirkstadt, and Bob & Hilda Dodge.
Left To Right:
 Pete Graybash, Kirk Brown, Chuck & Carol Foster, Pat Kirkstadt,
"Chris" & Lil Chrisinger, Jim Kirkstadt, and Bob & Hilda Dodge.

Even though small in number, the 2005 Silver Falcons Reunion was enjoyed by all.  Attendees were:
Kirk and Jill Brown-Colorado Springs, CO;  "Chris" and Lil Chrisinger-Winfield, IA;  Bob and Hilda Dodge-San Diego, CA;  Chuck and Carol Foster-Albert Lea, MN; Pete Graybash-Hershey, PA; Jim and Pat Kirkstadt-Johnstown, PA;and Ruth Whitaker-Colorado Springs, CO

The reunion started off Wednesday night as the early arriving attendees enjoyed an out door dinner at America the Beautiful Park listening to a concert presented by the Falconaires of the  USAFA Concert Band.  Thursday began with a tour of Doolittle Hall, AOG Headquarters, and briefing by Gary Howe, Vice President for Alumni Relations and Marty Marcolongo, Constituent Liaison.  Part of the group elected to go up to the Cadet Area to watch the noon meal formation before going to the Officer's Club while the rest went to the Officer's Club early.  Then if was off to the Visitor's Center for an Admissions Briefing update by the current Director of Enrollment Programs, Lt Col Greg Meyers.  The group was greeted by Col "Trapper" Carpenter, Director of Admissions.  The briefing was given there since all the offices in Harmon Hall have been relocated to the Oracle Building on the other side of I-25 until Harmon Hall has been refurbished,  which should be sometime in the Spring of 2006. Following the briefing, shopping was on store there at the Visitor's Center.  That evening, the majority of the group boarded a Ramblin Express bus and headed to Cripple Creek.  Unfortunately, nobody came back as a big winner.  Friday morning started out with the Silver Falcons working breakfast business meeting.  With seven members present, a quorum was established.  The group went over the proposed Silver Falcons Affinity Group Charter drafted by Kirk Brown using the previous Silver Falcon Association Constitution and By-Laws as a bases.  With just a few minor changes, the group voted to approve the charter which will be sent to the AOG Board of Directors for approval.  The charter establishes the offices of President and Vice President for a term of 4 years.  By unanimous vote, Kirk Brown was elected President to serve until 2009.  Then it was off to the USAFA Library for a tour of the library and Special Exhibits.  The one hour tour went for two excellent hours as our tour guide, Dr Ed Scott, Head Liberian, kept us all entertained and informed.  We could have gone on for another hour but it was lunch time.  We all headed up to the dinning room on the 6th floor of Fairchild Hall over looking the cadet area below.  After a quick lunch, it was down to the large lecture hall in Fairchild were we received briefings from the Supt, Com, Dean, and Athletic Director.  Then back to the hotel to get ready to go to the Flying W Ranch for dinner.  Food was great as usual as were the Flying W Wranglers with their western stage show.  Saturday morning started off with the AOG/Quarterback Club tailgate party followed by the Falcons defeating the San Diego Aztecs 41-29 under sunny skies.  After the game, everybody went to the post-game tailgate for soda or beer and pizza to celebrate the victory and say good-bye to everybody.  Plans are already under way for the 2006 Silver Falcons Reunion.  Tentative time frame is the first home football game after Labor Day (Parent's Weekend).  So mark your calendars now for next year.  Hope to see more of you there!
Dr Ed Scott and Silver Falcons in the Gimbel Collection

Silver Falcons enjoying the football game