The Southern Nevada Chapter of the Military
Officers Association of America is having an APPOINTEE SEND-OFF
DINNER. This is a Joint chapter Send-Off dinner with the
Academy Appointees and Service Academy Parents Club scheduled for
15 June at the Palace Station Hotel. Social hour is 6 PM, with dinner
at 7. Come and meet the appointees and their parents. Dinner choices:
Salmon, Chicken, or London Broil and the cost is $35. Appointees are
free. We would like our members to be Table Hosts for the candidates,
so they can meet and interface with a veteran. Please call in your
reservation and dinner choice no later than Monday, 12 June to Tommy
Thompson (702-914-1844). The MOAA Article with more details
is below.
For the past 13 years we have invited the Service Academy Appointees
to a dinner meeting to congratulate them and give them a MOAA and
community Send-off. This year we are planning to have
another joint Send Off Dinner with the members of the
Las Vegas Service Academy Parents Club.
Our June meeting is a Joint chapter Send-Off dinner for
the Academy Appointees and Service Acad-emy Parents Club scheduled
for 15 June at the Palace Station Hotel, second floor ballroom. Social
hour is 6 PM, with dinner at 7, and speaker at 8 PM. We expect up
to 20 candidates and their parents to attend. The speaker will be
Captain Stephen Mellinger, USAF and Air Force Academy Class of 2012.
Come and meet the appointees and their parents. Dinner choices: Salmon,
Chicken or London Broil and the cost is $35. Appointees are free.
We would like our members to be Table Hosts for the candidates, so
they can meet and interface with a veteran. We intend to invite West
Point, Air Force and Naval Academy Grads to meet the candidates for
their schools. Please call in your reservations and dinner choice
no later than Monday, 12 June to LTC Tommy Thompson at 702-914-1844.
A Cadet Forum consisting of current cadets and graduates will be at
8:30. We had over 130 attending the dinner last year. Come and meet
the candidates and their parents and give the candidates a warm send-off.
The purpose of the dinner is to:
Invite the Appointees to a dinner to celebrate their selection to
one of the service academies
Demonstrate to the young candidates that they are part of a larger
tradition of trained officers for the leadership of the US Military
Give Parents Club members and Appointee parents an opportunity to
meet veterans who have been educated at the service academies, and/or
have served in the US military forces.
Demonstrate to the parents that candidates will receive a great education
at the service
academies, and join a long line of career officers who have dedicated
their careers to the
service & defense of the country.
The purpose of the Parents Club is to provide an organization to support
their cadets at the service academies during their 4 years of study.
The Southern Nevada Chapter will continue to support the effort to
send these young candidates to the academies with the strongest MOAA,
parental and community support possible. We would like our members
to be Table Hosts for the Candidates and their families.