Frank Mayberry
Vietnam Experience
In 1965 I was assigned to the 608th Tactical Control Squadron in the Philippines as the Squadron Maintenance Officer. The role of the unit was to prepare for deployment of Tactical Air Control and Communications personnel, facilities, and equipment to Southeast Asia. After a few months I was reassigned to Headquarters 5th Tactical Control Group as the Radar Plans Officer. Here I was responsible for preparing plans for deployment of Tactical Radars and supporting equipment to Southeast Asia. In this role, I made several trips to South Vietnam and Thailand to facilitate deployments, and I received a Commendation Medal for my work there. I was scheduled for reassignment back to CONUS in 1967; instead I volunteered for assignment to South Vietnam. I was assigned to the 615th Tactical Control Squadron as the Site Maintenance Officer for Paris Control. A few weeks later I was reassigned as a Squadron Maintenance Officer, responsible for the maintenance activities at seven Tactical Air Control Sites in South Vietnam. As Squadron Maintenance Officer, I was required to travel to the remote sites to assist in their maintenance activities. I was often at a site when it came under attack by Viet Cong ground forces. I also came under direct fire, but escaped unharmed. I was cited by both the US Air Force and The Republic of Vietnam Air Force for coolness under fire during the Tet offensive at Tan Son Nhut, receiving a Bronze Star and the Vietnamese Honor Medal, 1st Class.

Control and Reporting Post Radar: Ban Me Thuot