This is a collection of real war stories
by and/or about members of
The Class of 1960.
Send your stories or comments HERE
Here are Individual Classmate Stories
Special Addendum
Photographer Cade Martin interviewed and took portraits of many F-105 Pilots who took part in Operation Rolling Thunder. He then created an outstanding presentation, called Over War, featuring those portraits [including those of Dale Thompson and Dean Vikan as well as Roger Counts ('59) and David Groark ('59)] and comments by selected individuals who took part in that costly part of the war in Southeast Asia. Thanks to ATO Bob Hess who forwarded a message originated by Dick Carr ('59) and passed along by Jim Brown ('59) alerting everyone as to the existance of Over War on Cade Martin's website. After viewing the presentation, it became obvious that it helped to document an important part of our story, particularly of those mentioned above and of Sam Waters--who died on a Rolling Thunder mission when his "Thud" was hit by hostile fire--and Ron Patchett, who's personal recollections are featured on the menu above [Ed Haerter's story above details the end of Rolling Thunder as experienced from his F-100]. Therefore, we sought and received permission from Cade Martin to incorporate a copy of his excellent work here to ensure its place in the Class history. When granting this permission, Mr. Martin stated that, "It was quite the honor to photograph the pilots as well as to hear their stories." Our gratitude goes to him for his gnerousity and support.
Click Over War to view the presentation.