Association of Graduates

          Class History

   Gone But Not Forgotten






USAFA Association of Graduates



USAFA Association of Graduates

Class of 1987 Gone But Not Forgotten

Fallen Classmates
Michael N. Ayotte 1Lt
Michael C. Branche Capt
Gary K. Challiss C4C
Steven L. DeLisle C1C
Blaine S. Holman 1Lt
LeRoy W. Homer, Jr* Maj, USAFR
Jimmy L. Jenkins Capt
Stephan K. Kajah Maj, USAFR
Joseph G. Kimball Mr.
Conrad D. Kipp C3C
James L. Klas Mr.
Sean P. Murphy 2Lt
Keith G. Nylander Capt
Patrick B. Olson* Capt
James M. Poppo, Jr 1Lt
Philip S. Puig 1Lt
Randy D. Roby Capt
Dwight R. Sanders Capt
Mark A. Schweigert 2Lt
Gregory S. Survil Mr.
Timothy S. SweterlitschCapt (ret.)
Marty Tatum Capt (ret.)
Troy T. Waddell Capt
* Indicates Name on USAFA War Memorial