Web Guy Notes - July 03rd Part II


2010 Home

Appointee Orientation  at USAFA(Completed)

Basic Cadet Training

Fourthclass  Year




AOG Membership



1415 MDT
This is where a few of Squadron D parents get a great deal.  First, here are some still shots of one of the Squadron D flights. 
Note: I told them to smile so you could see there are times they get to be themselves. 



I can't resist.  I'm standing there in the lectinar and ask the Basics to try make sure their nametags show.  A bunch of them grab their nametags, all except this Basic.  He points at his US Air Force nametag.
The entire lectinar busts out laughing and they start dogging him.  He busts out laughing too and they have a great chuckle.  Although this doesn't sound like much, these are the personal times that help build the camaraderie that develops between the Basics.

1510 MDT
Continuing the good deal for the same people.  The moderator asked some of the Basics to stand up, say who they were, where they were from, and something interesting about them.  The quality is poor since it is in a dark room and I'm using a still camera with a limited video capability, but I'm guessing these parents won't care.
Clip 1
Clip 2
Clip 3

Clip 4
Clip 5

Clip 6

Clip 7

Clip 8

Clip 9
Clip 10

1530 MDT
These are some Cobras on the Terrazzo doing drill this morning.



1540 MDT

Basics in formation being trained and inspected on the Terrazzo level under Fairchild Hall.


1550 MDT

I'm fading here and my carpal tunnel is killing me.   Here is another set.


1610 MDT
Squadron F was in the Cadet Store.  They go in there to buy ironing boards, shoe polish, etc.



1620 MDT
I just activated tomorrow's schedule.  Happy 4th of July!  It looks like language testing most of the day.  Don't worry families, the Basics get to go out and look at the fireworks tomorrow evening.

I'll be off the air for a few hours.  I'll pick up later with a couple more photos from inside and outside the Cadet Store with Squadron F.

1930 MDT
Here are the rest of the shots from inside and outside the Cadet Store.


Good Night.



If you have questions about the 2010 Webpages, please contact AOG Alumni Relations by
e-mailing Marty.Marcolongo@aogusafa.org, or Don.McCarthy@aogusafa.org.