Web Guy Notes - July 25th


2010 Home

Appointee Orientation  at USAFA(Completed)

Basic Cadet Training

Fourthclass  Year




AOG Membership



0845 MDT

Sorry had a booboo I will try and get back up this afternoon. I have some good and bad

news. The good news is I still have all the pictures, the bad news is I lost the whole page

so I am going to have to reconstruct it. Sorry if I don't get it exactly like yesterdays.


0730 MDT

Good Morning, I am off to Jacks Valley to snap some pictures.



1230 MDT

Here are some pictures of The Flying Tigers on the obstacle course. it looked like to much hard work. I really think I lost 10 pounds just watching.



1430 MDT

Got Mail! I caught this Cadre carrying mail to his squadron. I gave him some of my British charm and he allowed me to take a picture so mum and dad can see the Basics get mail in Jacks Valley. Remember Mum and Dad, if you don't get any mail back it is only because your poor child is knackered. (tired) Just keep that mail coming in. Thank you Mr. Mail Guy.




1545 MDT

It's Lunch time, well not really but it was when I took these pictures.  I must tell you that the food was great. we had ham roll with lettuce, tomatoes and cheese, also there was chips,fruit  and other little snack items. I had the pleasure of sitting with some Basics, we had a very nice chat  but it was cut short so I could get all these pictures. these are the Basics that I sat with. 



1600 MDT

Here are the rest of the Basic's at lunch.  Enjoy



1630 MDT

I had been asked a couple of questions regarding the old folks, and civilians. The AOG was holding their Graduate leadership Conference, as part of their schedule they took some of the Graduates to see what BCT was like these days.

Another question was about why some the Basic's are in reflective vests. They are call Road Guards, they are there to make sure each group doesn't get run over from people like me!  normally you will find each group will have four road guards two up front and two behind.


I hope I haven't missed anything. have a good evening.





If you have questions about the 2010 Webpages, please contact AOG Alumni Relations by
e-mailing Marty.Marcolongo@aogusafa.org, or Don.McCarthy@aogusafa.org.
