0930 MDT
Good Morning another warm day in Colorado
Springs. The count down has started, according to my records
March Out is on Tuesday August 2nd at 7pm. Saying that
if my math is correct the Basics have a total of 57 1/2
hours to go.
1000 MDT
I think the Basics are really
not going to like me, I always manage to catch them when
they are eating. here are some Cobras having lunch
1030 MDT
I found some more HellCats
before lunch yesterday.
Oops I made a mistake
this morning. March out is on Tuesday 1st August (not the
2nd) I am sorry. Thank you for the heads up on
my error.
1640 MDT
I just updated the link so it will work from
the WebGuy page.
Also, I show the Warrior Run (Marchout of Jacks Valley) as
Aug 5th Saturday. I asked WebGal to confirm it on
Monday since she posted different info.
Also, hear I'm confusing folks. I am still on
vacation. I won't be back in Colorado until August
8th. However, I'm too Type A not to post while I'm on
vacation. That's why you see some WebGuy posts every
once in a while. At this moment, I am sitting in
1930 MDT
Sorry I haven't been around I had to go
Grocery shopping. My children were screaming at me
saying there was nothing to eat. WebGuy informed me about
the webpage problem, he is a wonderful person working while
on vacation. Maybe as a welcome back present I will present
him a dictionary with VACATION highlighted. Thank you
2130 MDT
The schedule for
tomorrow is up.
I have had loads of emails regarding the webpage being down.
I really do apologize, I made a mistake this morning. WebGuy
was our superhero and saved the day. I am going to take my
leave for this evening. Have a good night.